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Nishanth Shenoy K P

Mechanical Engineer with specialization in Materials Science.

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • FEA
  • ANSA


BE in Mechanical Engineering from BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. MSc in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Kiel, Germany

43 Projects

1D elements and Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) in Hypermesh


OBJECTIVES: To create 1D elements (Rod, Beam and Bar) at appropriate locations, define degrees of freedom on the given CAD model and to join the two components using spring element.   PROCEDURE: The CAD model of the two components is given below.                  …


27 Oct 2020 06:18 PM IST

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    Meshing of hood using HYPERMESH


    OBJECTIVE: To extract midsurface from the CAD model of a hood and to perform geometric clean-up. The midsurface is then to be meshed to the necessary quality criteria. PROCEDURE: In order to completely mesh the hood, the following steps have to be completed: 1. Import the geometry into Hypermesh 2. Extract the midsurface…


    14 Sep 2020 11:39 AM IST

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      2D meshing of the backdoor of a car using HYPERMESH


      OBJECTIVE: To extract midsurface of backdoor of a car and perform geometric cleanup. To mesh the midsurface of the backdoor and to cleanup the elements according to the given quality parameters.   PROCEDURE: In order to complete the meshing of the backdoor according to the required quality parameters, the following…


      22 Sep 2020 12:16 PM IST

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        Applying connectors onto a Frame Assembly using HYPERMESH


        OBJECTIVE: To apply connectors between various parts of the given frame assembly model.   PROCEDURE: In order to apply connectors between the various parts of the model, the following steps have to be followed: 1. Import geometry into Hypermesh. 2. Extract midsurface from the components and cleanup geometry 3.…


        24 Sep 2020 08:20 AM IST

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          3D Tetra meshing of various components using HYPERMESH


          OBJECTIVES: To perform 3D meshing of given models and to check for given quality parameters such as element size and tet collapse values.   PROCEDURE: To ensure good quality of 3D mesh of the given models, the following steps have to be taken: 1. Import geometry into Hypermesh 3. Perform 3D meshing on the components…


          25 Sep 2020 11:30 AM IST

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            HYPERMESH Project 1 - 2D meshing of interior plastic component of a car door and to assign thickness values


            OBJECTIVE: To extract midsurface of the plastic component and mesh it according to the required quality parameters and assign thickness values.   PROCEDURE: In order to successfully mesh the plastic component, the following steps have to be followed: 1. Import geometry into Hypermesh. 2. Perform geometric…


            06 Oct 2020 03:56 PM IST

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              HYPERMESH Project 2 - 2D meshing of sheet metal panel used for storing spare car tyre


              OBJECTIVE: To extract midsurface of the sheet metal component and to perform 2D meshing on the midsurface according to the given quality criteria.   PROCEDURE: In order to successfully mesh the given component, the following steps have to be followed:   1. Import geometry into Hypermesh 2. Extract mid-surface…


              12 Oct 2020 06:40 PM IST

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                2D meshing of various sheet metal components using HYPERMESH


                OBJECTIVE: To clean the geometry of the given models and to remove any unnecessary free edge. To extract midsurface and perform geometric cleanup. To create 2D mesh on the midsurface and cleanup elements according to required quality criteria. To assign proper thickness to the mesh.   PROCEDURE:   …


                20 Oct 2020 01:22 PM IST

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                  Comparison of simulation using different material formulations in RADIOSS


                  OBJECTIVE: To simulate the given case for 7 different simulation conditions. To compare and contrast the various simulation cases.    PROCEDURE: In order to complete the given simulation, the following steps have to be taken: 1. Import the .rad file and give the appropriate material properties and failure…


                  27 Oct 2020 06:18 PM IST

                  • RADIOSS
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                  Comparison of simulation using different contact types and notches in RADIOSS


                  OBJECTIVE: To perform analysis of crush tube crashing on rigid wall using different parameters. To compare and contrast the variation in results occurring due to change in parameters. To perform mesh on given bumper model.   PROCEDURE:  To complete the meshing of the bumper model, the following steps have…


                  30 Oct 2020 07:17 PM IST

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                  RADIOSS PROJECT 1: Frontal crash analysis of NEON dodge model using HYPERMESH and RADIOSS


                  OBJECTIVE: To simulate a frontal car crash onto a rigid wall using Hypermesh and RADIOSS. To compare the forces being applied onto various sections of the car due to the crash. To detect the accelerations and intrusions occurring at various parts of the car.   PROCEDURE:  To complete the simulation of a…


                  06 Nov 2020 06:59 PM IST

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                  RADIOSS PROJECT 2: Side-crash analysis of NEON dodge model using HYPERMESH and RADIOSS


                  OBJECTIVE: To perform a side-crash test on a Neon Dodge model with reduced BIW components against a rigid pole. To compare the resultant forces acting upon cross-sections of critical components as well as intrusions and velocities of critical points in the car.   PROCEDURE: To complete the analysis of a…


                  09 Nov 2020 08:03 PM IST

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                    RADIOSS PROJECT 3: Roof-crush analysis of NEON dodge model using HYPERMESH and RADIOSS


                    OBJECTIVE: To simulate a roof crush of an impactor on a reduced BIW model of Neon Dodge car. To plot a force vs displacement graph and discuss the results obtained.   PROCEDURE:  To simulate a roof crush, the following steps have to be followed:   1. Import the impactor and reduced-BIW car model onto…


                    12 Nov 2020 05:14 PM IST

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                    A mathematical approach to Explicit and Implicit Analysis in FEA


                    AIM: To perform mathematical implicit and explicit analysis on the given cubic force-displacement equation for a tensile operation and discuss the difference in results obtained.   Problem description: The present problem is related to a tensile expansion of a simple bar as shown below:      …


                    20 Nov 2020 10:16 AM IST

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                    Drop test of a phone using LS-DYNA


                    AIM: To simulate the drop test of a phone onto the floor using LS-Prepost and LS-DYNA.   PROCEDURE: To simulate a drop test of a phone the following steps were followed:   1. Import the meshed keyword file into LS-Prepost:   The drop test model was imported into LS-PrePost and is shown below:  …


                    23 Nov 2020 12:59 PM IST

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                    Crash test of a crash tube on a rigid wall using LS-DYNA


                    Aim: To simulate the crash of a crash box onto a rigid wall using LS-PrePost and LS-DYNA. To generate output blocks for global and cross-sections for shell thickness of 1.2 mm and 1.5 mm and to compare the obtained results.   PROCEDURE:   1. Import the keyword file into LS-PrePost:   The keyword file…


                    25 Nov 2020 11:14 AM IST

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                    Modelling Spotwelds in LS-DYNA


                    Aim: To simulate a crash test of the given component by welding the two parts using beam elements and solid elements by using LS-DYNA and LS-PrePost. To compare the results obtained by using the two different spotweld types.   Procedure:   Initially, the model is imported into LS-PrePost and is shown below:…


                    26 Nov 2020 05:53 PM IST

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                    LS DYNA Project 1: Simulation of the impact of a pedestrian's head on the hood of a car using LS-DYNA


                    AIM: To simulate the crash of a pedestrian's head on the hood of a car and to discuss the Stress-Strain results obtained using LS-PrePost and LS-DYNA.   PROCEDURE:   Initially, before simulating a headform of a child onto the hood, simple impact tests are done as a prelude. A simple sphere is modelled in LS-PrePost…


                    30 Nov 2020 07:21 PM IST

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                    Material modeling from raw data in LS-DYNA


                    AIM: To model a material in LS-DYNA using data obtained from experiments. To use the material model to simulate a tensile test of a simple dogbone specimen and compare the results to the experimental results.   PROCEDURE:    The experimental data which constitutes true stress and true strain of a material…


                    08 Dec 2020 06:06 PM IST

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                    Joint creation and Demonstration using LS-DYNA


                    AIM: To simulate various joints, namely spherical, cylindrical, translational and revolute joints for rigid and deformable bodies using LS-PrePost.   PROCEDURE:   1. Spherical joint:   To simulate a spherical joint, initially an outer and inner spherical shell elements were created by going to Elements…


                    12 Dec 2020 12:21 PM IST

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                      LS-DYNA PROJECT 2 - Bird Strike on Plane Engine


                      AIM: To simulate a bird strike on the blades of an aeroplane engine using LS-DYNA.   PROCEDURE:   The model which consists of the engine blades, casing, hub and a simplified model of a bird are shown below:     The casing, blades and bird are made of shell elements and the hub is made of solid…


                      15 Dec 2020 12:58 PM IST

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                      Creating widget for reversing normals in Hypermesh using tcl/tk


                      AIM: To create a widget containing buttons for toggling normals display and for reversing the normals in Hypermesh using tcl/tk.   PROCEDURE:  The code prepared in tcl/tk for creating the required widget is given below:   *setnormalsdisplaytype 1 *setsurfacenormalsdisplaytype 1 *createmark elems 1 "displayed"…


                      28 Dec 2020 03:48 PM IST

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                        Creating a GUI for Hypermesh to delete all displayed entities and reordering remaining entities using TCL/TK


                        AIM: To create a graphical user interface (GUI) in tcl/tk for deleting displayed entities, empty entities, reordering and renumbering entities alphabetically and to create a master button to execute all the aforementioned commands in Hypermesh.   PROCEDURE:   The code created for the present assignment is…


                        31 Dec 2020 12:59 PM IST

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                          Creating a widget to show/hide free and T-edges in Hypermesh using TCL/TK


                          AIM: To create a code in TCL/TK to display free and T-edges for displayed elements and make all the components transparent.    PROCEDURE:   Part A: Display free and T edges and automatically create nodes on free nodes for tolerance value of 0.01   The following code was built for the purpose of…


                          31 Dec 2020 04:30 PM IST

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                            Creating macro for auto reflecting elements in Hypermesh using TCL/TK


                            AIM: To create a macro in TCL/TK to autoreflect elements from given FE part in Hypermesh.   PROCEDURE:   The macro for auto reflecting elements must do the following:   1. Ask for name of new component in which reflected elements will be stored 2. Ask the user for original and target geometries 3. Create…


                            04 Jan 2021 01:42 PM IST

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                              Creating macros for creating midlines and spotwelds in Hypermesh using TCL/TK


                              AIM: To create macros for Hypermesh using TCL/TK to create midlines between two line lists and spot welds between two node lists.   PROCEDURE:   PART A: Midlines:   To create midlines, the following code was prepared:   *clearmarkall 1; *clearmarkall 2 *createlistbypathpanel lines 1 "Select source…


                              04 Jan 2021 05:19 PM IST

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                                Creating macro for performing quality criteria checks for 2-D and 3-D elements in Hypermesh using TCL/TK


                                AIM: To create a macro for Hypermesh using TCL/TK to create a GUI for element quality check of 2D and 3D elements.   PROCEDURE:   The macro created should have the following features:   1. Button for each criteria 2. Entry box to accept quality criteria value 3. Button presses should highlight failed…


                                05 Jan 2021 04:06 PM IST

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                                  TCL/TK PROJECT 1: Creating a master GUI for Hypermesh


                                  AIM: To create a master GUI which includes all the macros created in previous assignments such as quality checks, creating welds, auto reflecting, etc using TCL/TK.   PROCEDURE: The code for creating the master GUI is given below: *clearmarkall 1; *clearmarkall 2 *setnormalsdisplaytype 1 *setsurfacenormalsdisplaytype…


                                  08 Jan 2021 12:35 PM IST

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                                    TCL/TK PROJECT 2: Macro for creating report in excel sheet format for Hypermesh


                                    AIM: To create a macro for Hypermesh using TCL/TK which automatically creates an excel report which includes information about the user, profile used, components, materials, properties and elements. To also highlight failed and duplicate elements and empty components, unused properties and unused materials.  …


                                    12 Jan 2021 04:44 PM IST

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                                      Stress Concentration on a Plate with hole using ANSYS Workbench


                                      AIM: To create a plate with one hole and another plate with three holes. To compare the tensile behaviour of the two plates using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   The geometry is created by creating a rectangle of size 120mm x 300mm and creating a hole at the center with a diameter 60mm. This geometry is…


                                      13 Jan 2021 06:37 PM IST

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                                        Structural analysis of Spur gear using different materials in ANSYS Workbench


                                        Aim: To simulate two Spur gears using three different materials namely Cast Iron, Cast Steel and Cast Bronze using ANSYS and discuss the different results obtained from the three cases.   PROCEDURE:   The .step file containing the geometry of the two gears was imported into ANSYS and is shown below:  …


                                        14 Jan 2021 02:08 PM IST

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                                          Grid dependency test of Bevel gears using ANSYS Workbench


                                          AIM: To perform structural analysis on bevel gears for different mesh sizes and compare the results using ANSYS Workbench.   GRID DEPENDENCY TEST: It is the process in which structural analysis is conducted using varying sizes of meshes until a suitable level of accuracy i.e required convergence is achieved.…


                                          18 Jan 2021 01:35 PM IST

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                                          Verification of Weld Joints using ANSYS Workbench


                                          AIM: To verify weld joints using structural analysis in ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   The given geometry with weld joints was imported into ANSYS and is shown below:     The geometry consists of two plates, two ribs and 20 welds. The materials used for this assignment are Aluminium, Bronze, Copper…


                                          20 Jan 2021 10:38 AM IST

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                                            Structural analysis of Wire Bending using different materials in ANSYS Workbench


                                            AIM: To perform structural analysis of wire bending of copper, aluminium and magnesium alloy wires using ANSYS workbench.   PROCEDURE:    Initially, the wire bending machine geometry is imported into ANSYS. It consists of wire, wheel and lever as shown below:     Materials Aluminium, Copper…


                                            20 Jan 2021 08:32 PM IST

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                                              Simulation of Bending of iPhone using ANSYS Workbench


                                              AIM: To perform a bend test on an iPhone model using ANSYS Workbench.   History:   One of the biggest PR disasters was the bending of the iPhone 6 Plus which was demonstrated by the Youtube channel "Unbox Therapy". The video went viral and resulted in mobile phone companies having to rethink the way in which…


                                              25 Jan 2021 04:14 PM IST

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                                              Structural analysis of Rolling operation using ANSYS Workbench


                                              AIM: To perform structural analysis on rolling operation of copper using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE: The model was initially imported into ANSYS as shown below:       The length of the workpiece was increased by 60 mm and the width decreased by 8 mm on both sides. The final geometry is shown…


                                              25 Jan 2021 04:14 PM IST

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                                                Structural analysis of Piston-Cam mechanism using ANSYS Workbench


                                                AIM: To perform transient structural analysis on a piston and cam mechanism using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:    Initially, the piston and cam mechanism model was imported to ANSYS workbench and is shown below:     The geometry consists of a barrel, barrel cam and cam follower. The contacts…


                                                26 Jan 2021 12:54 PM IST

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                                                  Transient Structual Analysis of a Universal Joint with spring using ANSYS Workbench


                                                  AIM: To conduct a transient structural analysis of a universal joint with a spring using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   The universal joint with spring attached was imported into ANSYS and the geometry of the assembly is shown below:     The unattached end of the spring is fixed using fixed joint…


                                                  27 Jan 2021 05:01 PM IST

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                                                    Structural Analysis of Railwheel and Track using ANSYS Workbench


                                                    AIM: To perform structural analysis on a railwheel and track setup using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   Initially the model consisting of the railwheel and track setup was imported into ANSYS and the geometry is shown below:     A mesh of size 50 mm with face sizing of 35 mm element length at…


                                                    30 Jan 2021 10:37 AM IST

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                                                      Explicit Structural Tension and Torsion test using ANSYS Workbench


                                                      AIM: To perform tension and torsion test of a simple test specimen using explicit dynamics of ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   The following geometry is imported into ANSYS :     The two edges of the specimen are given 3mm size mesh as shown below:     One end of the specimen is given…


                                                      30 Jan 2021 10:36 AM IST

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                                                        Dynamic Explicit analysis of Machining with Planer tool using ANSYS Workbench


                                                        AIM: To perform explicit dynamic analysis of a machining operation using planer in ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   Initially, the machining tool along with workpiece was imported into ANSYS and the geometry is shown below:     The tool was given a rigid behavior with material structural steel assigned.…


                                                        04 Feb 2021 08:55 AM IST

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                                                          Dynamic explicit analysis of Bullet penetrating a Bucket using ANSYS Workbench


                                                          AIM: To conduct an explicit dynamic analysis of a bullet penetrating a bucket using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   Initially, the model consisting of bullet and bucket was imported into Hypermesh and the geometry is shown below:     The two geometries were meshed for 25 mm element size as shown…


                                                          04 Feb 2021 08:55 AM IST

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                                                            Dynamic explicit analysis of Car Crash simulation using ANSYS Workbench


                                                            AIM: To perform dynamic explicit analysis of a car crash simulation using ANSYS Workbench.   PROCEDURE:   The reduced car model along with a rigid wall was imported into ANSYS and the geometry is shown below:     A symmetric condition normal to x-axis was given to the two bodies as shown below:…


                                                            04 Feb 2021 11:41 AM IST

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                                                              Showing 1 of 43 projects

                                                              9 Course Certificates


                                                              HyperMesh for FEA Plastic and Sheet Metal Applications

                                                              Certificate UID: 3oejhcyqs0ak9u8r
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                                                              Crashworthiness Analysis using HyperMesh and Radioss

                                                              Certificate UID: 8yhvlafr04b9gs3j
                                                              View Certificate

                                                              Crashworthiness Analysis using HyperMesh and Radioss

                                                              Certificate UID: vikt32ecns1ayhl8
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                                                              HyperMesh for FEA Plastic and Sheet Metal Applications

                                                              Certificate UID: 15gf93c8sm6ix7o2
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                                                              LS-DYNA for Structural Mechanics/FEA

                                                              Certificate UID: zuxcytkv4s53jrfm
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                                                              LS-DYNA for Structural Mechanics/FEA

                                                              Certificate UID: ib0c3zrp4eaomutv
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                                                              Automation using TCL/TK for HyperMesh

                                                              Certificate UID: 8elhjox7wd31mp4r
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                                                              Automation using TCL/TK for HyperMesh

                                                              Certificate UID: 5afsx8ycdbrp91uz
                                                              View Certificate

                                                              Introduction to Structural Analysis using ANSYS Workbench

                                                              Certificate UID: n2eytq3jluf91z6g
                                                              View Certificate
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                                                              2 Workshop Certificates


                                                              Aircraft Loads and its Importance in Aerospace Industry

                                                              Certificate UID: 64d8h9wi0o
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                                                              Introduction to Advanced Materials for Aviation Gas Engine Turbines

                                                              Certificate UID: 06kil1n295
                                                              View Certificate
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