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Adolphus Nirmal Raj

Nirmal Nimmu

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • ANSA
  • HEV


I want to know all the things in this course for future applications and apply the knowledge I have learnt here towards my workplace.

48 Projects

Week 3


AIM:      To extract the mid surface of the given model and to perform mesh flow using FINITE ELEMENT method.   REQUIREMENTS:     ANSA software     Given model     PROCEDURE:    * At first download the model form the given link    * Check for the geometry…


22 Jun 2020 10:27 AM IST

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    Week 4


    AIM:     To extract the mid surface of the bottle cap and generate the proper mesh flow in the mid surface using ANSA software.   SOFTWARE REQUIRED:     ANSA software   PROCEDURE:      * Open ANSA software and download the given model. ( the model here is bottle…


    23 Jul 2020 10:43 AM IST

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      Tool Test 1


      I took 5 days to complete this tool test


      30 Jul 2020 04:12 AM IST

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        Week 5


        AIM:    To apply the volume mesh for the given element by using TETRA ELEMENTS MESHING process using ANSA software.   PROCEDURE:     * Import the document by downloading the model.     * Apply TOPO for geometric cleanup     * Click CHECKS manager and FIX all the errors.     * Go to MESH Mode and Give LENGTH and GIVE 1…


        07 Aug 2020 04:28 PM IST

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          Tool Test-2


          I took 2 days to complete this challenge


          08 Aug 2020 12:32 PM IST

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            Week 6


            AIM:    To do the connection techniques in the given rear door model, using NASTRAN in ANSA software. PROCEDURE:   Setting the PID:    1) Download the given Model    2) Open ANSA software and click NEW>>NASTRAN>>and import the given model, the model is to be imported…


            18 Aug 2020 07:04 PM IST

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              Week 8


              AIM:     To develop the morphing process in the given sheet metal using ANSA software.   MORPHING DESCRIPTION:     i) A morphing is the process, which is used to change its another shape of the similar material and without bringing it into irregular shape.     ii) It is used in Various automobile industries and car manufacturers.…


              02 Sep 2020 02:20 PM IST

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                Project 1


                AIM:          To extract the Mid surface of the given Dashboard and perform the meshing operation, using ANSA Software. PROCEDURE:  1) Geometric cleanup:           *First of all, the model should be downloaded and then imported to ANSA software.      …


                26 Sep 2020 08:22 AM IST

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                  Project 2


                  AIM:        To extract the mid surface and do the regular mesh and to achieve the volume mesh in the given suspenion part, and to do the connections required by using the ANSA software. PROCEDURE:     * The model is to be downloaded and the model is already have done a topology cleanup. …


                  13 Oct 2020 05:45 PM IST

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                    Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                    AIM:      To solve the SECOND ORDER ODE, by classifying into smaller parts and deriving the equations using MATLAB software.   PROCEDURE:      * First of all, we should understand the given data in what equation is shown in the requirement.      * From the given equation…


                    06 Nov 2020 07:44 AM IST

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                      Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm


                      AIM:       To achieve the stalagmite function and to find the global maxima of the given function, using MATLAB SOFTWARE.   Objectives:      *Elaborating the GENETIC ALGORITHM concept, and explain the syntax for GENETIC ALGORITHM in MATLAB software.      *Plotting graphs…


                      15 Nov 2020 04:21 PM IST

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                        Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                        AIM: To determine the thermodynamical properties such as SPECIFIC HEAT,ENTROPY, and ENTHALPY and to calculate molecular weight of atoms through NASA thermodynamics data file.   DESCRIPTION: Specific Heat: The amount of heat required to rise temperature of 1 kg of a body  through unit degree C. Entropy: The measure…


                        22 Nov 2020 05:06 AM IST

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                          Week -2


                          Aim:     * To make a simulink model of doorbell using solenoid block     * To sense the temperature of heater and turn it off using thermistor and other corresponding elements.     i) Model For Doorbell: Components and Usage: i) Pulse Generator: Used to give Input pulse signals.…


                          08 Dec 2020 07:38 AM IST

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                            Week - 4


                            AIM:      To apply the control logic of washing machine using state flow for the given sequence requirements.      To make a simulink chart for the Gear-shifting under the given conditions.    PROCEDURE: Given Data: i) The sequence of control logic of Washing Machine is as:…


                            19 Dec 2020 06:52 PM IST

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                              Aim: To carry out the system-level simulation of an ATV, using SIMULINK software and make a study. Description: An all-terrain vehicle (ATV) is defined as a motorized off-highway vehicle designed to travel on four low-pressure or non-pneumatic tires, having a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars…


                              24 Dec 2020 11:04 AM IST

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                                Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool


                                Aim: To simulate the given data and conditions of an EV, using Advisor Tool.   Why do we use ADVISOR? * The Advisor, which is also known as ADvanced Vehicle SimulatOR, which belongs to National Renewable Energy Laboratory. * It is the set of Data files, which is scripted in the text files as Matlab and Simulink. *…


                                26 Dec 2020 11:05 AM IST

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                                  Week-4 Challenge WOT Condition Part-2


                                  Aim: * To explain the difference between Mapped and Dynamic model of the engine, Motor, Generator and to change the type of Model. * To calculate the efficiency and mileage in MILES PER GALLON and list the factors influencing the flow. * To Run the Wide open Throttle and also change the grade and wind velocity in the ENVIRONMENT…


                                  29 Dec 2020 12:02 PM IST

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                                    Week-6 Challenge: EV Drivetrain


                                    Aim: * To determine the types of power converter circuits are employed in electric and hybrid electric vehicle. * To determine the angular Velocity and speed torque of the motor with respect to the given requirements. * From the given Blog, Explain in brief about author’s perspective.    Solution:…


                                    31 Dec 2020 12:52 PM IST

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                                      Week-7 Challenge: DC Motor Control


                                      Aim: * To Run a matlab model demo of "Speed control of a DC motor using BJT bridge, and to Modify the model such that armature current doesn’t shoot up when motor changes direction from forward to reverse.  * To model the ‘The Four-Quadrant Chopper DC Drive (DC7) block’, and to Compare it with…


                                      06 Jan 2021 07:13 AM IST

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                                        Week-11 Challenge: Braking


                                        Aim: *  To calculate the energy required for braking, for a given driven cycle. *  To elaborate Why electric motor can’t develop braking torque at high speed similar to starting, and also How electric and mechanical brakes are coordinated * Make a MATLAB program which plots contour of given motor speed,…


                                        13 Jan 2021 07:31 AM IST

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                                          Week 5 Battery characteristics using drive cycle


                                          Aim: To Simulate generic battery model charge discharge using UDDS data.   Procedure: * UDDS Drive cycle:   Simulink Model:   i) Signal builder: * The Signal builder displays,creates,edits the interchangable scenarios. * The Signal builder supports the MAT files that contains one or more data projects.…


                                          10 Feb 2021 08:13 AM IST

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                                            Week 6 Fuel cell powered vehicle model


                                            Aim: To Make a MATLAB model of fuel cell powered electric vehicle and comment on results. Description:   * A fuel cell vehicle (FCV) or fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) is an Electric Vehicle that uses a fuel cell, sometimes in combination with a small battery or supercapactor, to power its…


                                            15 Feb 2021 08:08 AM IST

                                            • MATLAB
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                                            Week 7 State of charge estimation


                                            Aim: To explain What is coulomb counting, and to elaborate How BMS implements coulomb counting for SOC estimation Procedure: What is Coulumb counting: * The coulumb counting method measures the discharging current of a battery and integrates the discharging current of a battery and integrates the discharging current over…


                                            16 Feb 2021 07:09 PM IST

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                                              Week 8 Multi cell Battery Pack


                                              Aim: To study the effects of the weak cells present in the battery pack and to find the solution for the low capacity issue caused in the battery pack because of the weak cell.   Battery Pack: * A battery pack is a set of any number of identical and individual battery cells. They maybe configured in both series and…


                                              27 Feb 2021 07:38 AM IST

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                                                Week 10 Thermal Management


                                                Aim: Prepare a report summarizing thermal management techniques for electric car battery pack. Description: * The performance of the electric Vehicle depends upon the battery pack. * It is important to maintain the battery in order to obtain the optimum performance and the range. * If the thermal management of the battery…


                                                10 Mar 2021 12:25 PM IST

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                                                  Project 1 Mechanical design of battery pack


                                                  Aim: To Prepare a detailed battery pack drawing along with its enclosure, with the given parameters. Given: - Battery pack capacity: 18 KWh - Cell: ANR26650M1-B Introduction: * An electric battery is a device that makes the use of either single or assembly of electrochemical cells that are meant to be stored in as…


                                                  11 Mar 2021 08:31 AM IST

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                                                    Final Project: Electric Rickshaw modelling


                                                    Aim: Create a detailed MATLAB model of an electric rickshaw (three wheel passenger vehicle) as per details below:   - Rear wheels driven by PM brushed type motor  - Assume efficiency points of motor controller and motor  - Make an excel sheet of all input and assumed data    Objective: * In…


                                                    13 Apr 2021 07:42 AM IST

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                                                    Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover


                                                    Aim: To Create the tooling axis for the given Fan cover model meeting the requirements of the draft angle and perform the Draft analysis on the model.   Model:   Procedure: * Download  the FAN COVER IGES part. * The model will be downloaded. * The Model will be in separate components, so use JOIN command…


                                                    21 Sep 2021 11:31 AM IST

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                                                      Week 8 - Challenge 2 - Base Bracket Design


                                                      Aim: * To Create the Base Bracket Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. * The tooling axis for the given Class-A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model.  Procedure: * Download the Given Model * Then The model are in separate…


                                                      30 Sep 2021 07:00 AM IST

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                                                        Week 8 - Challenge 3 - Switch Bezel Design


                                                        Aim:  To Create the Switch Bezel Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. To begin with, the tooling axis for the given Class-A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model and to Take the Thickness of the component to be 2.5 mm…


                                                        30 Sep 2021 07:01 AM IST

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                                                          Week 8 - Challenge 4 - Coin Holder Design


                                                          Aim: To Create the Coin Holder Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. To begin with, the tooling axis for the given Class-A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model.  Procedure: * First download the Coin Holder IGES part *…


                                                          30 Sep 2021 07:01 AM IST

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                                                            Week 8 - Challenge 5 - Core & Cavity Design


                                                            Aim: To Create the Core and cavity blocks for the switch bezel which is designed already. Procedure: * Open the Switch Bezel model which is already created. * Unhide the Parting Surface. * Create the Geometric Set, and Make a sketch below the bottom part. * Extrude the sketch and the sketch will come like this, and…


                                                            30 Sep 2021 12:19 PM IST

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                                                              Door Arm Rest Week 8 Challenge


                                                              Aim: To Create the Door Arm rest and add thickness of 2.5 mm to it. Procedure: * Download the Arm rest CAT part. * The CAT part will be downloaded. * The Draft analysis is to be performed. * In Orfer to create the tooling axis, We have to create the circle with 3 points. * Like that In order to create the Side core, Give…


                                                              08 Oct 2021 06:11 AM IST

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                                                                Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 1


                                                                Aim: To Create the rib for the Centre console coin holder. Procedure: * Download The Coin Holder CAT part. * The CAT part will be downloaded and it will be a solid part, rather than Surface part. * So, We need to create an EXTRACT on the base to make the ribs. * Go to SKETCH and draw the Lines. * Give EXTRUDE to make as…


                                                                22 Oct 2021 05:24 AM IST

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                                                                  Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 2


                                                                  Aim: To Create the boss and Dog House for the Centre console coin holder  Procedure: * Download the Coin Holder CAT part. * The cat part will be in the Solid form. > Creation Of Boss: * To Create the Boss, We need to extract the base part. This part is already extracted. * To Create the Screw Boss, We need to draw the…


                                                                  22 Oct 2021 05:25 AM IST

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                                                                    Week 9 - Project 1 - Door Applique Design with Engineering Features


                                                                    Aim: * Create the Door Applique Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. To begin with, the tooling axis for the given Class-A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model.  * Create the Heat Stakes and the locators considering…


                                                                    22 Oct 2021 05:31 AM IST

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                                                                      Week 9 - Project - Master Section Development


                                                                      Aim: To Create the Pillar cover with attachment features, with reference to the MASTER SECTION CURVE. Procedure: * Download and open the CAT part and open the model. * The A-surface is only shown. * Create the Tooling Axis as shown. * Then, We need to Create The B-surface with respect to A-surface. * Use MULTIPLE EXTRACT…


                                                                      03 Nov 2021 08:12 AM IST

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                                                                        Week 11- Assembly Workbench


                                                                        Aim: To Draw the Components as given in the Diagram, and Assemble it as a single component. Drawing-1: Draw the components as given in separate parts. * Go to Assembly Workbench, and Double Click the Product, and click EXISTING COMPONENT, to upload the parts which are drawn above. * Give FIX to the component which is remaining…


                                                                        03 Nov 2021 12:09 PM IST

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                                                                          Week 11 - Final project


                                                                          Aim: * Creation of CAD model considering following inputs as like in OEM and tier1 companies a) Class A surface b) Nominal thickness  c) Attachment features  * Find a attachment strategy for the door panel complete work. * Use Push pin with Dog house for Lower substrate – Door panel attachment * Use heat…


                                                                          07 Dec 2021 07:21 AM IST

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                                                                            Week 11 - Final project


                                                                            Development of a Door Trim panel AIM : To Create of CAD model considering following inputs as like in OEM and tier1 companies a) Class A surface b) Nominal thickness : Refer master sections c) Attachment strategy :  Find a attachment strategy for the door panel complete work. Use Push pin with Dog house for Lower…


                                                                            13 Dec 2021 03:58 AM IST

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                                                                            Aim: To Benchmark with presently available cars in the market for the following case. Mr. D.S. Pughazhyendhii is a married man who lives in Bangalore which is a highly crowded city. His Family comprises five members including his wife, five-year-old boy, his father, and his mother. He visits his native place…


                                                                            14 Dec 2021 11:01 AM IST

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                                                                              Underbody Coating


                                                                              Aim: To Write one page about Underbody coating and its purposes. What is the Underbody Coating? In Indian road conditions, a cars underbody is most prone to corrosion. Underbody coating provides long term protection from corrosion to car’s underbody. It also protects parts like internal body panels, frame rails…


                                                                              14 Dec 2021 12:22 PM IST

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                                                                                Hood design-Week 2


                                                                                Aim: To Create the Hood Assembly, in which it is given as Class-A Surface. Procedure: * The Class-A surface is given for the given parts and it is needed to be downloaded form the Given Link. * The Class-A Parts are: Outer Panel Inner Panel Latch and Striker Hinges. * Let us start with Outer Panel. * The Outer Panel Surface…


                                                                                30 Dec 2021 07:26 AM IST

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                                                                                  Section Modulus calculation and optimization


                                                                                  Aim: To Use the Section from your Hood design and calculate the section modulus using the formula S = I/y S = Section Modulus I = Moment of Inertia y = distance between the neutral axis and the extreme end of the object.   Procedure: i) Case-1: Moment Of Inertia: * Take the Hood model, and Use Intersect to draw the Intersecting…


                                                                                  06 Jan 2022 09:56 AM IST

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                                                                                    Fender Design - Wheel Arch Challenge


                                                                                    Aim: Calculate the Wheel Arc area and prove whether the car will pass the standards or Not, according to European Standards. Procedure: * The CAT PART of the wheel is downloaded. * The Mid-point is created by using the Circle. * The Axis is drawn with respect to X and Y axis as shown. * A line is drawn for 30 degrees from…


                                                                                    06 Jan 2022 10:00 AM IST

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                                                                                      Fender Design Challenge


                                                                                      Aim: To design the Drip area,Sill Mount, Bumper Mount, A-Pillar Mount fender part of the car Procedure: * The Model is being downloaded from the Given Link. * Only The A-surface given in this model, we need to create the Sill Mounts, Bumper Mounts, A-Pillar Mount. * In order To begin, create the Geometrical set for creating…


                                                                                      12 Jan 2022 01:46 AM IST

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                                                                                        Wiring harness design in CATIA V5 - 3D modeling Week 2 Challlenge


                                                                                        Aim: To Define the given components as Electrical Connector using as Electrical Part Design Workbench. The Given Components: * Deutsch DT06 – 08SA * Tyco 174357-2  * Tyco 85229-1  Procedure: i) DT06-08SA: Making the Bundle Connection Point:   Making the Connector Connection Point: Defining…


                                                                                        09 Feb 2022 07:30 AM IST

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                                                                                          Roof challenge


                                                                                          Aim: To create the roof structure of the automobile, with the respective members consisting of FRONT ROOF RAIL, REAR ROOF RAIL, REINFORCEMENT and BOW ROOF RAILS.   Definition: A roof is the portion of an automobile that sits above the passenger compartment, protecting the vehicle occupants from sun, wind, rain,…


                                                                                          22 Feb 2022 05:47 AM IST

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                                                                                            Showing 1 of 48 projects

                                                                                            7 Course Certificates


                                                                                            Introduction to Physical Modeling using Simscape

                                                                                            Certificate UID: 5a7qp6n2wgbuvism
                                                                                            View Certificate

                                                                                            MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers

                                                                                            Certificate UID: 2onltb09gjyqd1k7
                                                                                            View Certificate

                                                                                            Preprocessor for Structural Analysis using ANSA

                                                                                            Certificate UID: t0v1qfshnwrbdc5l
                                                                                            View Certificate

                                                                                            Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicle using MATLAB and Simulink

                                                                                            Certificate UID: 2pywvjdo54ak1zlm
                                                                                            View Certificate

                                                                                            Introduction to Battery Technology for Electric Vehicle

                                                                                            Certificate UID: kcug7rdoa34wexvl
                                                                                            View Certificate

                                                                                            Introduction to Control of Electric Vehicle

                                                                                            Certificate UID: 08jtfe54rh3m97xv
                                                                                            View Certificate

                                                                                            Automotive Plastic Design using CATIA V5

                                                                                            Certificate UID: oziyt3xa4df695hq
                                                                                            View Certificate
                                                                                            Showing 1 of 7 certificates

                                                                                            Academic Qualification


                                                                                            LICET : Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology

                                                                                            11 Jul 2016 - 08 Apr 2020


                                                                                            Christ the King Matriculation Higher Secondary School

                                                                                            02 Jun 2014 - 01 Apr 2016


                                                                                            Tan Academy matriculation higher secondary school

                                                                                            22 Apr 2013 - 10 Apr 2014

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