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Week 6

CONNECTION REPRESENTATION OF THE REAR DOOR USING ANSA: Objective: To create the necessary connections required for the rear door using different connection methods. Methodology: Open the given FE model in ANSA19.0.1. Set separate PID'S for the rear door model. Make zone cuts in the bolt regions. To make a bolt connection…

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    Read more Projects by Ramganesh Jothirenganathan (48)

    Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover


    OBJECTIVE: To perform draft Analysis on a Fan Cover. PROCEDURE: Draft Analysis: Draft Analysis is performed on the fan cover to check whether the design is feasible for production. With this Analysis, we are able to check the draft angle of the part which helps to remove the part easily in the production process.…


    07 Jul 2021 08:02 AM IST

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      Assignment 7-Side Pole Crash Simulation Challenge


      OBJECTIVE: Perform the side crash simulation on the neon car model. In this project, we are going to make sure that there is no penetration and intersection in the model. Create the rigid wall with the friction of 0.1. We have to add the mass in the car to make the total mass of the car to be 700 kg. We have to create…


      13 May 2021 10:11 AM IST

      • FEA
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      Assignment 6-Frontal Crash Simulation Challenge


      Aim:  To set up the given simulation conditions on the BIW model for frontal crash simulation in HyperMesh/RADIOSS and discuss the results obtained. Procedure: The model is imported using the import option in the hypercrash. The unit system is checked in the rad file and it is found to be kg mm ms. Initially, the penetrations…


      13 May 2021 10:09 AM IST

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      Assignment 5-RADIOSS Interfaces & Study of Effect of Notches Challenge


      Aim :  1) To study the different types of interfaces and to compare the results of radioss simulation for each interface case. 2) To create a mesh with the size of 6mm for bumper assembly. Scope of the project: 1) In this project first we have performed 2d meshing on bumper assembly with an element size of 6mm.…


      03 May 2021 11:16 AM IST

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        Assignment 4-RADIOSS Material Laws Challenge


        Objective : To create a simple drop test simulation using three different materials under different cases with the help of Radioss solver and Hyperview. I. Mat law 2 Johnson cook. II. Mat law 27 Plast_Brit. III. Mat law 36 Elastic - Plastic. Explanation of Radioss materials : These three laws come under Elasto - Plasticity…


        03 May 2021 11:16 AM IST

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          Assignment 3-2D Element Formulation Challenge


          Objective: The main aim of this challenge is to : 1.Change the run time to 55 ms. 2. Change the number of animation steps during simulation to a minimum of 25 and a maximum of 60. 3. Run the base simulation without any modification to element properties. 4. At the end of the simulation, do the energy error and…


          26 Mar 2021 11:19 AM IST

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          Assignment 2-RADIOSS Engine File Editing & 3D Meshing Challenge


          Objective: To calculate the speed of sound through steel and the critical time step for the given length. To edit the Radioss engine file with the critical timestep and the frequency at which output plots are generated, for 20 steps. To 3D mesh the housing assembly in Hypermesh using a tetra mesh with a target element…


          23 Mar 2021 11:44 AM IST

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          Assignment 1-2D Meshing Challenge


          Objective: To perform the geometry cleanup operation on the given files. To extract the mid surface of the model. To clean the mid surface of the model. To create a 2D mesh with a target length of 5mm having a minimum length of 3.5mm and a maximum length of 7mm. To assign proper thickness to the mesh by creating a generic…


          20 Mar 2021 09:36 AM IST

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            Week 12:Project-1-Meshing of Door Inner Panel Challenge


            Aim: 1) To mesh the given automobile side door interior plastic component in hypermesh with the quality criteria given below. S.No Quality Criteria  Value  1 Aspect Ratio  5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper      0.5 5 Min. Length 2mm 6 Max. Length 6mm 7 Min angle Quad 45 8 Max angle Quad 135 9 Min angle Tria 20 10 Max…


            16 Mar 2021 06:51 PM IST

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              Week 12:Project 2-Meshing of Rear Wheel Holder challenge


              Objective:  To mesh the given floor panel component with the given quality criteria. Quality Criteria: Target Element Length = 5 Units S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Aspect Ratio  5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper      0.5 5 Min. Length 2 Units 6 Max. Length 8 Units 7 Min angle Quad 45 8 Max angle Quad 135 9 Min angle…


              15 Mar 2021 07:28 PM IST

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                Week 9-Creation of 1D Connectors Challenge


                Objective: To create connectors at the different joints and attach the various parts in the given model. The connectors to be used at the different joints are as given below:   Right Rail 2 & Front truss 1:                               Seam-Quad(angled+capped+L) Left Rail 2 & Front truss 1:                           …


                15 Mar 2021 05:13 PM IST

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                  Week 8-3D Tetra Meshing Challenge


                  Objective: 1.To perform 3d meshing on the given models. Elements sizes: Min- 2mm, Target- 5mm, Max- 7mm  Tet collapse: 0.15 2.To perform 3D tetra mesh with 6mm element size. 3.For model-3, the target element size is 3mm. Procedure: Methods: Perform 2d shell elements and convert them into 3d tetra mesh. Directly perform…


                  15 Feb 2021 07:31 AM IST

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                    Tetra Meshing


                    Objective: 1.To perform 3d meshing on the given models. Elements sizes: Min- 2mm, Target- 5mm, Max- 7mm  Tet collapse: 0.15 2.To perform 3D tetra mesh with 6mm element size. 3.For model-3, the target element size is 3mm. Procedure: Methods: Perform 2d shell elements and convert them into 3d tetra mesh. Directly…


                    15 Feb 2021 07:30 AM IST

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                      Manual Mid surface and Meshing of Backdoor using the Hypermesh


                      OBJECTIVE: To Mesh the Backdoor geometry of a car with the provided quality criteria. S.NO Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper 0.5 5 Min. Length 3 6 Max.Length 7 7 Min angle Quad 45 8 Max angle Quad 135 9 Min angle Tria 30 10 Max angle Tria 110 11 Tria % 15 Procedure: Initially import…


                      15 Feb 2021 06:20 AM IST

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                        Week 6-Meshing of Hood Challenge


                        Aim: The aim is to generate a mid surface and to generate the mesh on the hood model.   Methodology: Import the file. Generate the mid surface. Giving quality criteria. Generate the mesh.   Theory: Hood: The hood or bonnet is the hinged cover over the engine of motor vehicles. Hoods can open to allow access to the engine…


                        14 Feb 2021 11:24 AM IST

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                          Week 4- Challenge


                          OBJECTIVE: To Mesh the Given component with the Size of 5mm. Create 1D elements on the following component with given cross-section and DOF. a.For Rod element:- Translational DOF should be Constrained with RBE2 link Cross-Section: BOX- Dimension a= 12 mm                               dimension b=10 mm                  …


                          27 Jan 2021 03:09 PM IST

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                            Week 7 State of charge estimation


                            Objective:  To explain the coulomb counting and to discuss the coulomb counting method for SOC estimation. Procedure: State of Charge Estimation: SOC is one of the most important parameters for batteries, but its definition presents many different issues. In general, the SOC of a battery is defined as the ratio of…


                            09 Jan 2021 08:56 AM IST

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                              Week 6 Fuel cell powered vehicle model


                              Objective: To make a Matlab model of fuel cell-powered electric vehicle and to comment on the results. Procedure:  Fuel Cell: A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts the chemical energy of a fuel (often hydrogen) and an oxidizing agent (often oxygen) into electricity through a pair of redox reactions. The…


                              08 Jan 2021 07:12 AM IST

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                                Week 1 Understanding Different Battery Chemistry


                                Objective: To Prepare a table that includes materials & chemical reactions occurring at the anode and cathode of LCO, LMO, NCA, NMC, LFP, and LTO type of lithium-ion cells.  Procedure: Introduction: Lithium-ion Cells are a secondary type of battery cell that is they are rechargeable and also they are reusable which makes…


                                29 Dec 2020 03:31 PM IST

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                                  Bode Plot and Step Response


                                  OBJECTIVE: To explain the Matlab commands related to the Transfer function, pole-zero-gain, and step response. with an example apply the commands in the Matlab. For the unity feedback system shown in the figure below: Determine the closed-loop step response using MATLAB commands. To Explain the MATLAB model ‘scdspeedctrl’.…


                                  12 Dec 2020 08:20 AM IST

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                                  TRANSFER FUNCTION


                                  OBJECTIVE: To explain how hybrid electric cars can be operated more efficiently by an autonomous driving system. To Derive the transfer function of the suspension system of a car and convert it to state-space format. To check whether the transfer functions of RC and CR (output across R) circuits same. PROCEDURE: 1)Hybrid…


                                  09 Dec 2020 02:05 PM IST

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                                    Week-11 Challenge: Braking


                                    OBJECTIVE: To calculate the energy required for braking for the defined driving cycle. At high speed Why electric motor can’t develop braking torque similar to starting and to determine How electric and mechanical brakes are coordinated. To make a MATLAB program that plots contour of given motor speed, torque, and efficiency…


                                    04 Dec 2020 12:27 PM IST

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                                      DUTY CYCLE


                                      DUTY CYCLE: OBJECTIVE: To explain why the power electronics circuits are efficient and the losses occur in the power electronic circuit. Using a suitable Matlab model show how duty cycle control signal can be generated for a simple power converter circuit. To Make a comparison of square wave inverter output voltage…


                                      02 Dec 2020 07:32 AM IST

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                                        INDUCTION MOTOR-2


                                        INDUCTION MOTOR-2: OBJECTIVE: To discuss the equivalent circuit network of induction motor MATLAB model. To Calculate the ratio of starting torque at half voltage & frequency to rated values for the given parameters 3 phase, 50 Hz induction motor, represented by equivalent circuit constants X1 = X2 = 0.1…


                                        28 Nov 2020 06:10 AM IST

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                                        Induction motor characteristics


                                        INDUCTION MOTOR CHARACTERISTICS OBJECTIVE: To explain how induction motor operation is similar to cutch. Calculate the starting time of a drive with the given parameters. For the given torque equation obtain the equilibrium points and determine the stability of the vehicle. EXPLANATION: 1)Induction Motor: An induction…


                                        19 Nov 2020 05:48 PM IST

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                                          DC Motor Control


                                          OBJECTIVE: To run Matlab demo script Speed Control of DC Motor Using BJT H-Bridge and modify the model such that the Armature current doesn't shoot up when the motor changes direction from Forward to Reverse. To Compare Four Quadrant Chopper DC Drive (DC7) block with the H-Bridge model.  To make a suitable EV model…


                                          17 Nov 2020 09:46 AM IST

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                                            Week-7 Challenge: DC Motor Control


                                            OBJECTIVE: To run Matlab demo script Speed Control of DC Motor Using BJT H-Bridge and modify the model such that the Armature current doesn't shoot up when the motor changes direction from Forward to Reverse. To Compare Four Quadrant Chopper DC Drive (DC7) block with the H-Bridge model.  To make a suitable EV model using…


                                            17 Nov 2020 07:02 AM IST

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                                              Week-6 Challenge: EV Drivetrain


                                              OBJECTIVE: To explain the types of Power converters in electric and hybrid vehicles. Based on the conditions given, calculate the steady-state of an electric vehicle. Referring to the article needs to explain the Author's perspective.   PROCEDURE: The Types of power converter circuits in the hybrid and electric vehicle…


                                              10 Nov 2020 06:04 AM IST

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                                                Week-4 Challenge WOT Condition Part-2


                                                WIDE OPEN THROTTLE CONDITION-PART-2: OBJECTIVE: To Highlight the Difference between the mapped and dynamic model of Engine, Motor, and Generator. To explain the miles per gallon calculation and to define the factors that influence the fuel flow To Run the HEV ReferenceApplication with WOT drive cycle and Change the grade…


                                                02 Nov 2020 12:35 PM IST

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                                                  WIDE OPEN THROTTLE CONDITION (WOT)


                                                  Wide Open Throttle Condition(WOT) Condition: OBJECTIVE: To find the ratio of hill-climbing power required by a fully loaded tata ultra truck to the half-loaded one. To calculate the minimum length of the flyover considering the minimum height at the summit should be 5.5meters. To prepare a new drive cycle using the excel…


                                                  01 Nov 2020 06:20 AM IST

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                                                    FORCES ACTING ON A VEHICLE


                                                    FORCES ACTING ON A VEHICLE: AIM: To calculate the maximum speed at varying tire size code provided. To prepare a simple excel calculator to identify vehicle propulsion power based on given inputs and outputs. Implement formulas in cells. Based on the video provided we need to calculate gradeability and the type of…


                                                    30 Oct 2020 12:08 PM IST

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                                                      Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool


                                                      OBJECTIVE: To check whether the EV_defaults_in file, the vehicle can travel for 45 km with the FTP drive cycle, if cargo mass is 500 kg and with all other default conditions. In the EV_defaults_in file, the battery capacity is changed and needs to run the simulation. To Perform the Gradeability test with PRIUS_Jpn_defaults_in…


                                                      30 Oct 2020 05:46 AM IST

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                                                        VEHICLE SIMULATION USING THE ADVISOR TOOL


                                                        OBJECTIVE: To check whether the EV_defaults_in file, the vehicle can travel for 45 km with the FTP drive cycle, if cargo mass is 500 kg and with all other default conditions. In the EV_defaults_in file, the battery capacity is changed and needs to run the simulation. To Perform the Gradeability test with PRIUS_Jpn_defaults_in…


                                                        30 Oct 2020 02:36 AM IST

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                                                          Week - 4


                                                          CONTROL LOGIC FOR A WASHING MACHINE AND A GEAR SHIFT: OBJECTIVE: To Implement control logic of a “washing machine” using Stateflow as per given sequence:  If the power supply is available, the system gets activated  If the Water supply is not available, stop the process & indicate through the…


                                                          21 Oct 2020 06:06 AM IST

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                                                            Week -2


                                                            OBJECTIVE: 1)To make a Simulink model of doorbell using a solenoid block and creating a situation where the switch is closed for 2 seconds and then released. 2)With the help of a thermistor to sense the temperature of a heater and turn on or off the fan according to the following conditions: Temperature source: 20 °C from…


                                                            16 Oct 2020 08:46 AM IST

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                                                              Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                                                              PARSING NASA THERMODYNAMIC DATA   AIM: To write Matlab code for extraction of 14 coefficients from the NASA thermodynamic data file and to calculate the Entropy(S), Enthalpy(H), Specific Heat(Cp), and molecular weight of the species and to plot the graph for all species. FILE PARSING: File parsing is a technique to…


                                                              05 Oct 2020 12:01 PM IST

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                                                                Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm


                                                                GENETIC ALGORITHM: The genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained and unconstrained optimization problems that are based on natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution. The genetic algorithm repeatedly modifies a population of individual solutions. At each step, the genetic algorithm…


                                                                18 Sep 2020 03:08 PM IST

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                                                                  Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                                                                  OBJECTIVE: To write a Matlab program that solves the ODE of a Simple pendulum. THEORY: Pendulums have many applications and were utilized often before the digital age. They are used in clocks and metronomes due to the regularity of their period, in wrecking balls and playground swings, due to their simple way of building…


                                                                  28 Aug 2020 01:27 PM IST

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                                                                    MATLAB PROGRAM FOR AN OTTO CYCLE


                                                                    AIM: To write a Matlab program that can solve the Otto cycle and make plots for it and to calculate the Thermal efficiency of an Otto cycle. THEORY: AIR STANDARD CYCLE: A cycle is defined as the series of operations or processes performed on a system so that the system attains its original state. The cycle which uses air…


                                                                    25 Aug 2020 06:49 AM IST

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                                                                    FORWARD KINEMATICS OF A 2-R ROBOTIC ARM


                                                                    FORWARD KINEMATICS OF A 2R ROBOTIC ARM: OBJECTIVE: To write a program in Matlab to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm. THEORY: A robotic arm is a type of mechanical arm, usually programmable, with similar functions to a human arm. The arm may be the sum total of the mechanism or maybe a part of a more…


                                                                    24 Aug 2020 03:35 PM IST

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                                                                    Project 2


                                                                    MESHING AND CONNECTIONS DEPLOYMENT FOR REAR SUSPENSION OF A CAR: AIM: To check for the geometrical errors and clean the geometry.  To perform the solid mesh on the areas where the thickness is more than 6mm and to deploy the shell mesh where the thickness is less than 6mm. QUALITY CRITERIA: Quality Criteria for Tria…


                                                                    11 Aug 2020 02:20 PM IST

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                                                                      Project 1


                                                                      MODELLING OF DASHBOARD SUB PARTS USING ANSA: AIM: To Model the dashboard sub-parts using ANSA. METHODOLOGY: Geometry cleaning Mid surface Extraction Meshing PROCEDURE: Geometry cleaning: Import the cad model into the ANSA 19.0.1 Initially, all the surfaces are not stitched together as you can see all the cons are in red…


                                                                      29 Jul 2020 04:29 PM IST

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                                                                        Week 8


                                                                        To perform the Morphing Technique on the Sheet Metal component. OBJECTIVE: To perform the morphing technique on the sheet metal component. PROCEDURE: Initially import the model into ANSA19.0.1. The surface is not stitched together as you can understand it by seeing the red cons over all the surfaces.  So, to stitch…


                                                                        18 Jul 2020 01:41 PM IST

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                                                                          Week 6


                                                                          CONNECTION REPRESENTATION OF THE REAR DOOR USING ANSA: Objective: To create the necessary connections required for the rear door using different connection methods. Methodology: Open the given FE model in ANSA19.0.1. Set separate PID'S for the rear door model. Make zone cuts in the bolt regions. To make a bolt connection…


                                                                          07 Jul 2020 12:57 PM IST

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                                                                            Tool Test-2


                                                                            INTAKE MANIFOLD MODELING USING TETRA MESH IN ANSA: AIM: To perform volume mesh using tetra elements for an engine intake manifold model. METHODOLOGY: Geometry cleanup. Shell meshing for outer surfaces. Volume mesh. QUALITY PARAMETERS: S.NO QUALITY CRITERIA VALUE 1 TARGET/AVERAGE LENGTH 5 2 MINIMUM LENGTH 3 3 MAXIMUM LENGTH …


                                                                            28 Jun 2020 08:56 AM IST

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                                                                              Week 5


                                                                              TETRA MESHING OF REARVIEW MIRROR MODEL USING ANSA AIM: To remove geometric errors and perform volume mesh using tetra elements with the given quality criteria. Methodology: Geometry cleanup shell meshing for outer surfaces volume meshing Quality checks Procedure: The rearview mirror model is imported into ANSA. The faces…


                                                                              25 Jun 2020 06:22 AM IST

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                                                                                Week 4


                                                                                MESHING OF A BOTTLE CAP MODEL Objective: To create a 2D mesh for a bottle cap model with the given element quality criteria and to assign mid surface thickness to the shell elements using ANSA. Methodology: Geometry cleanup Midsurface extraction Meshing as per criteria Assigning thickness property Quality criteria:  …


                                                                                13 Jun 2020 09:04 AM IST

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                                                                                  Week 3


                                                                                  Objective: To extract the mid surface and generate 2D mesh for the given hood component of a car according to the given element quality criteria using ANSA. S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   5 2 Minimum Length  3 3 Maximum Length  7 4 Aspect  3 5 Warpage 15 6 Skewness 45 7 Jacobian  0.7 8 Minimum…


                                                                                  28 May 2020 07:23 AM IST

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                                                                                    Showing 1 of 48 projects