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Deven Ahire

CAE Engineer | Finite Element Analysis | Structural Analysis | Crash Analysis | Numerical Analysis | Structural Meshing | Sheet Metal Meshing

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • ANSA
  • FEA


Graduated with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology, with Industrial experience in the production and marketing department, where I have acquired practical knowledge about the production process and marketing strategies that are used in the OEM company. Currently, I have enrolled in the Computer-Aided Engineering master's program from skill Lync, I have a keen interest to adapt knowledge in finite element analysis tools that are used to mesh and simulate the design. I have been working on industrial relevant projects and challenges in modeling tools, simulation, and coding data. Passion to adapt the knowledge and gained practical experience in engineering analysis engineering, by practicing the challenges provided by Skill Lync through the modeling and simulation software includes pre-processing ANSA and HyperMesh, solvers such as ANSYS Workbench, LS-DYNA, and Crashworthiness using hypermesh and radioss, also gaining practical knowledge in code of data using PYTHON.

39 Projects

Hypermesh Challenge_3 (Creating simple Bracket, Extract CAD surface from FE and Mesh on Given model)


PART 1 - Creating a model as per given dimension Objective: To create a simple bracket in the Hypersmesh using Geometry tool on the given dimension. Procedure:  First Phase of Bracket: To create four nodes at an equal distance of 100mm [Command: Geometry + Nodes] Then nodes should be connected with lines at the same…


29 Oct 2020 10:10 AM IST

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    Hypermesh Challenge_ 4 (Create 1D elements on the following component with given cross-section and DOF)


    Challenge 4 - Create 1D elements on the following component with given cross-section and DOF OBJECTIVE: To create the different types of 1D elements such as ROD, BEAM, and BAR and also to apply mass magnitude on the following component with given cross-section dimension and Degree of Freedom (DOF).      …


    29 Oct 2020 10:10 AM IST

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      Hypermesh Challenge_5 (Clean up the geometry of the following component)


      Week 5- Challenge: Clean up the geometry of the following component OBJECTIVE: To do geometry clean up on the housing component and for the plastic component, with the extraction of midsurface for the plastic component. PROCEDURE:  Model 1: "Geometry Cleanup on the housing component". Import the 'stp file'.  …


      29 Oct 2020 10:11 AM IST

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        Hypermesh Challenge_6 - Midsurface extraction, Meshing, Quality criteria and assign


                       Challenge 6 - Midsurface extraction, Meshing, Quality criteria and assign Thickness OBJECTIVE:  To mesh the hood component on mentioned quality criteria and assign thickness to the component, five parts of the hood should be extracted with midsurface doing manual…


        29 Oct 2020 10:11 AM IST

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          Hypermesh Challenge_8 - 3D meshing on the given component by different parameters


                 Hypermesh Challenge_8 - 3D meshing on the given component by different parameters OBJECTIVE: 3D mesh on the Chassis component, Housing component, and crank component by different meshing methods. Element Size: Min: 2mm, Max: 7mm, and Target Size: 5mm Tet Collapse: 0.15 For the other two components:…


          29 Oct 2020 10:14 AM IST

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            Hypermesh Challenge _09: Create connectors and attach various parts of the given model.


                Hypermesh Challenge _09: Create connectors and attach various parts of the given model. OBJECTIVE Creating the various connectors from 1D, 2D, or 3D as suitable connectors such as spot, bold, seam, and area respectively and attach the various parts with these connectors. PROCEDURE: The model frame assembly…


            29 Oct 2020 10:14 AM IST

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              Hypermesh (Project_1): Follow the quality criteria and mesh the component and assign the thickness.


              Hypermesh Project_1: Follow the quality criteria and mesh the component and assign the thickness. OBJECTIVE: The Sidedoor component is given for extracting the midsurface manually or automatic and then follow the quality parameters to get quality mesh and then assign the thickness to the given component. Sr.No Quality…


              29 Oct 2020 10:12 AM IST

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                Hypermesh Project 2: Floor Panel


                OBJECTIVE:  A back wheel panel (Floor panel) component is given for mesh and to get the quality output as per given quality parameters and then assign them the thickness. Quality Criteria  Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper 0.5 5 Min.Length 2mm 6 Max.Length 8mm 7 Min angle quad 45…


                08 Feb 2021 10:07 AM IST

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                  ANSYS Week 1 Stress Concentration on a Plate with hole


                                                    Week 1: Stress Concentration on a plate with a hole OBJECTIVE: Two cases are provided with a different design, two bars to design and analysis with Total deformation and equivalent stress in the model…


                  29 Oct 2020 10:15 AM IST

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                    ANSA Week 3 Challenge


                    AIM To extract the mid surface and then mesh the component with given quality parameters and assign the thickness on a hood component. OBJECTIVE Hood component is given with five different parts: Hatch. Left and right Hinge. Inner panel. Outer panel. To assign the property on each part with their parent component thickness…


                    02 Oct 2020 12:50 PM IST

                    • ANSA
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                    ANSA Week 4 Challenge


                    AIM To extract the manual midsurface of the Bottle Cap and then mesh the component with given quality parameters and assign thickness. OBJECTIVE The bottle Cap component is given with various thicknesses in threads, teeth, and ribs. Taking manual mid surface with different procedures and meshing the component with…


                    02 Oct 2020 12:51 PM IST

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                      ANSA Week 5 Challenge


                      AIM The Rearview mirror component should mesh by using tetra volume mesh and clear the kinks and dips. OBJECTIVE The component should check for geometry errors and clean up the failing surfaces for minimum elements length and should be mesh by tria or ortho tria. Element quality criteria for meshing the rearview component…


                      02 Oct 2020 12:51 PM IST

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                        ANSA Week 6 challenge


                        AIM Apply different types of 1D connection using the NASTRAN profile on the rear door FE model. OBJECTIVE The rear door model is given for the connections using different types of 1D connections whichever suitable and makes the proper connections and attaches the FE model to give a model for the simulation process. SUMMARY…


                        29 Oct 2020 10:13 AM IST

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                          ANSA Week 8 Challenge


                          AIM To morph the component by the video shown in week 8 videos. OBJECTIVE The practice component is given to morph the component at a particular size as similarly shown in the week 8 videos. PROCEDURE Before we proceed to morph on the component we need to understand the concept of the morphing. so what is morphing? Morphing …


                          29 Oct 2020 10:12 AM IST

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                            ANSA Project 1 - DASHBOARD SUB-PARTS


                            PROJECT 1: EXTRACT MIDSURFACE AND MESH THE DASHBOARD SUB-PARTS AIM: To extract the mid surface and mesh the component with given quality parameters and assign thickness respectively. OBJECTIVE: The main focus of this project is to extract the manual or auto mid surface for the dashboard component with respect to their…


                            08 Feb 2021 10:05 AM IST

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                             ANSA Project 2: Mid surface, modeling, and connection on rear suspension gear


                                           Project 2: Mid surface, modeling, and connection on rear suspension gear AIM: To extract the mid surface, modeling the component with given quality parameters and make the proper connections. OBJECTIVE: Rear suspension gear is given for the modeling in project 2, the…


                            02 Oct 2020 01:05 PM IST

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                            ANSYS Week 1 Spur Gear Challenge


                                                                                WEEK 1: SIMULATION ON SPUR GEAR AIM Simulation on Spur Gear using three different materials Cast Iron (Ductile) Cast steel and Cast Bronze…


                            29 Oct 2020 10:17 AM IST

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                            PYTHON Week 2 Air standard Cycle


                                                                 WEEK 2 CHALLENGE: AIR CYLINDER CYCLE AIM: To write a program in python for the air cylinder cycle (Otto cycle), output thermal efficiency, and plot PV diagram. OBJECTIVE: 1) To plot a PV diagram…


                            02 Oct 2020 01:06 PM IST

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                              PYTHON Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                              AIM: To code using second order differential equation using the formula mention below for simple pendulum. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this challenge is to code the simple pendulum and simulate using python programming. 1) Plotting the graph for (time vs plot) for displacement and velocity. 2) Animating the simple…


                              02 Oct 2020 01:06 PM IST

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                                PYTHON Week 5 - Curve fitting


                                                                                        WEEK 5: CURVE FITTING AIM Write a code for fit linear and cubic polynomial curves in python programming. OBJECTIVE The…


                                22 Oct 2020 03:39 AM IST

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                                  PYTHON Week 6 - Data analysis


                                                                                PYTHON WEEK 6 CHALLENGE: DATA ANALYSIS   AIM: Write code for the provided data output file as a challenge parsing data analysis. OBJECTIVE 1) The…


                                  22 Oct 2020 03:39 AM IST

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                                  ANSYS Week 2 Bevel Gear Challenge


                                                                                  WEEK 2- BEVEL GEAR CHALLENGE AIM To understand the concept of the grid dependency test and then run the simulation on bevel gear with 4mm, 5mm, and 6mm…


                                  29 Oct 2020 10:17 AM IST

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                                    Week 3 Sheet metal Bending challenge


                                                                          ANSYS CHALLENGE 3: SHEET METAL BENDING CHALLENGE   AIM: To evaluate the simulation for sheet metal bending process with three different materials, friction coefficient, and…


                                    28 Oct 2020 06:04 AM IST

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                                      Week 2 Railwheel and Track


                                                                           WEEK 2: SIMULATION ON RAIL WHEEL AND TRACK AIM To simulate the Railwheel and track for their lifecycle and the stress, strain, and total deformation provided by the wheel running on the track…


                                      29 Oct 2020 04:50 AM IST

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                                        Week 3 Verification of Weld Joints


                                                                                  ANSYS WEEK 3: VERIFICATION OF WELD JOINTS AIM: To verify the load on the weld joints with three different materials. OBJECTIVE: A bracket is given with ribs for support…


                                        30 Oct 2020 04:19 AM IST

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                                          Week 4 -Wire Bending Challenge


                                                                                       ANSYS WEEK 4 - WIRE BENDING CHALLENGE AIM : Wire bending process to be simulated in the Ansys workbench using three different materials. OBJECTIVE: The main objective…


                                          02 Nov 2020 09:57 AM IST

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                                            Week 4- Rolling operation


                                                                                                     ANSYS WEEK 4 - ROLLING OPERATION AIM: To simulate the rolling operation on a workpiece made of copper and evaluate the…


                                            05 Nov 2020 04:27 AM IST

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                                              Week 5 Sphere pressing on a plate


                                                                                                 ANSYS WEEK 5- SPHERE PRESSING ON PLATE AIM To perform the analysis to simulate a sphere pressing on a plate. OBJECTIVE To simulate the sphere…


                                              06 Nov 2020 05:03 AM IST

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                                                Week 7-Long Piston With Cam


                                                                                                           Ansys Week 7 - Long piston with cam AIM To perform a transient analysis on the piston and cam mechanism model.…


                                                25 Nov 2020 07:25 AM IST

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                                                  Week 8 - Universal Joint


                                                                                                  Ansys Week 8 Challenege: Universal Joint AIM To perform the transient structural analysis on a double universal joint using three different materials.…


                                                  30 Nov 2020 06:03 AM IST

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                                                    Week 8 Worm Gear Challenge


                                                                                                      Ansys Week 6 Challenge - The Worm Gear AIM To perform a transient structural analysis on a worm gear assembly.  OBJECTIVE The challenge is to…


                                                    30 Nov 2020 05:16 PM IST

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                                                      Week 9 Tension and Torsion test challenge


                                                                                                                   Week 9 Tension and Torsion Test  AIM To perform the tension and torsion test on the specimens provided…


                                                      01 Dec 2020 10:34 AM IST

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                                                        Week 9 Machining with Planer Challenge


                                                                                                   Ansys Week 9: Machining with Planar Challenge AIM To perform the explicit dynamics simulation on the cutting tool using workpiece as the steel 1006 material. OBJECTIVE…


                                                        01 Dec 2020 04:16 PM IST

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                                                          Week 10 Bullet penetrating a Bucket Challenge


                                                                                                       Ansys Week 10: Bullet Penetrating a bucket Challenge  AIM To Simulate a bullet penetrating into a bucket using three different non-linear materials. OBJECTIVE…


                                                          03 Dec 2020 06:28 AM IST

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                                                            Week 11 Car Crash simulation


                                                                                                                       Ansys Week 11: Car Crash Simulation AIM To perform the parametric study for 3 different values of thickness for…


                                                            08 Dec 2020 05:45 AM IST

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                                                              Week 5 Bending of iPhone


                                                                                                                           Ansys Week 5: Bending of iPhone AIM To simulate the bending of iPhone in structural analysis with two different…


                                                              08 Dec 2020 10:09 AM IST

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                                                                Assignment 1


                                                                                                                            ASSIGNMENT 1 AIM To take mid surface, geometry cleanup and mesh the 3 different components with mention size.…


                                                                23 Dec 2020 06:35 AM IST

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                                                                  Assignment 2


                                                                                                                                            ASSIGNMENT 2   AIM To get an idea about the time step in…


                                                                  15 Jan 2021 04:49 PM IST

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                                                                    Week - 1 - Consistency of units


                                                                    AIM: To write the conversion of the unit that requires in the LS-Dyna system. OBJECTIVE: Need to find conversion factor for following unit system that is mentioned below. The value of the measurement is given as follows: MASS 1kg. LENGTH 1m. TIME 1s. FORCE 1N. STRESS 1Pa. ENERGY 1Nm. DENSITY 1Kg/m. YOUNG'S Modulus 210GPa.…


                                                                    30 Jan 2021 06:36 AM IST

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                                                                      Showing 1 of 39 projects

                                                                      4 Course Certificates


                                                                      HyperMesh for FEA Plastic and Sheet Metal Applications

                                                                      Certificate UID: npkhiwcxj7btvqld
                                                                      View Certificate

                                                                      Preprocessor for Structural Analysis using ANSA

                                                                      Certificate UID: 5oke7n2utimwp31a
                                                                      View Certificate

                                                                      Python for Mechanical Engineers

                                                                      Certificate UID: 9yefa6hqdxlj3zwb
                                                                      View Certificate

                                                                      Introduction to Structural Analysis using ANSYS Workbench

                                                                      Certificate UID: aw7nir2bh9ztg3fe
                                                                      View Certificate
                                                                      Showing 1 of 4 certificates

                                                                      1 Workshop Certificates


                                                                      How to build a world-class amusement park as a Mechanical Engineer

                                                                      Certificate UID: l7hbkp1fzx
                                                                      View Certificate
                                                                      Showing 1 of 1 certificates

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