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Tool Test-2

Tool Test 2 (Solid meshing of Intake Manifold ANSA )    Aim: For the given intake manifold component, check the geometrical errors and meshing the surface with the given 2D element quality critera as mentioned below.   2D Quality critera: Target or average length: 3 S.No  Quality criteria …

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        Tool Test-2


        Tool Test 2 (Solid meshing of Intake Manifold ANSA )    Aim: For the given intake manifold component, check the geometrical errors and meshing the surface with the given 2D element quality critera as mentioned below.   2D Quality critera: Target or average length: 3 S.No  Quality criteria …


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        17 Aug 2021 04:56 AM IST

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        Tool Test 1


        TOOL TEST 1 ANSA   Aim: Extract the middle-surface of the given component and mesh the same with, given element quality criteria as mentioned below and also assign a proper thickness to it.   Quality Criteria:  S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average length   4 2 Minimum…


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        Week - 4 - 2D meshing for Plastic components


        Week 4 Challenge ANSA 2D Meshing of Plastic Bottle Cap   Aim: To extract the middle-surface of the plastic bottle cap and mesh the same with, given element quality criteria as mentioned below and also assign a proper thickness to it.    Quality criteria: S.No  Quality Criteria  Value  1 Target/Average…


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        Week 3 - 2D meshing for sheet metal


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        Week 12:Project 2-Meshing of Rear Wheel Holder challenge


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        24 Jun 2021 05:09 AM IST

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          Week 12:Project-1-Meshing of Door Inner Panel Challenge


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          14 Jun 2021 04:30 AM IST

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            Week 9-Creation of 1D Connectors Challenge


            Connectors & Debugging connectors   Aim: Mesh the given model and it should follow the quality parameters, also create the connector to attach the various part of the model.   Target Element size - 5 Units   S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Aspect Ratio  5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper     …


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              Week 8-3D Tetra Meshing Challenge


              Aim: To create a Tetra-mesh for given component with the following quality criteria.   Tetra-Mesh Generation Method: 2D to 3D Conversion Elements sizes: Min- 2 Units, Target- 5 Units, Max- 7 Units  Tet collapse: 0.15 Model-1       Tetra-Mesh Generation Method: Quick Tetra Mesh/ Volume…


              21 May 2021 01:37 PM IST

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                Week 6-Meshing of Hood Challenge


                Aim: Following the below-mentioned quality criteria, mesh the component given below and assign thickness: Target Element Length = 5 Units S.N Quality Criteria  Value  1 Aspect Ratio  5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper      0.5 5 Min. Length 2 Units 6 Max. Length 8 Units 7 Min angle…


                15 May 2021 04:35 AM IST

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                  Week 4-1D Element Creation Challenge


                  Objective: Meshing the given component with the size of 5 units. Creating 1D element on the following component with given cross-section and DOF’s Rod Element: Translational DOF should be constrained with RBE2 link Cross-section:  BOX Dimensions: a = 12mm, b = 10mm, and thickness t = 0.75mm Beam Element: All…


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