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Surface wrap on Automotive Assembly

Objective - Surface wrapping on an Automative assembly. In this project, we are going to do geometry clean-up and then assemble all the components and do a surface wrap of the assembly. Procedure 1. Geometry clean-up 2. Geometry simplification 3. Geometry assembly 4. Surface wrap       Here is a link to…

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                  Surface wrap on Automotive Assembly


                  Objective - Surface wrapping on an Automative assembly. In this project, we are going to do geometry clean-up and then assemble all the components and do a surface wrap of the assembly. Procedure 1. Geometry clean-up 2. Geometry simplification 3. Geometry assembly 4. Surface wrap       Here is a link to…


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                    • ANSA
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                                          Validation studies of Symmetry BC vs Wedge BC in OpenFOAM vs Analytical H.P equation


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                                          ANALYSIS AND STUDY OF COVID-19 DATA USING BENFORD’S LAW.


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                                          Solving the steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction problem


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                                          23 Apr 2022 06:01 PM IST

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                                            Simulation of a 1D Super-sonic nozzle flow using Macormack Method in MATLAB


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                                            23 Apr 2022 06:01 PM IST

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                                              Simulation of a backward facing step geometry using OpenFOAM


                                              Introduction In this project, we will simulate an incompressible-laminar-viscous flow through a backward-facing step geometry using OpenFoam. OpenFoam is an open-source CFD software developed using the C++ programming language. Terminology  Incompressible flow - A flow is said to be incompressible if the density at…


                                              23 Apr 2022 06:00 PM IST

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                                              Simulating a Laminar Flow through a pipe using OpenFoam


                                              In this project, A laminar incompressible fluid flow through a cylindrical pipe is simulated using OpenFoam and is validated using Analytical results obtained from MATLAB. Hagen-Poiseullie's law The Laminar incompressible flow is governed by Hagen-Poiseullie's law. It gives the pressure drop in a Laminar incompressible…


                                              23 Apr 2022 05:59 PM IST

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