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Week 3 Challenge

Details of the structure: Support: Fixed-Pinned(Top and Bottom) Concrete Pedestal Size PD1= 600x600mm Steel Column C1= MB 300 Steel Beams: B1= ISMB 300 applied for primary beams at ground floor including staircase landing beam. B2= ISMB 250 applied for primary beams at first floor including staircase landing beam. B3=…

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    Read more Projects by Shubham verma (73)

    Project 2


    Aim- to model and design a proposed PEB warehouse using STAAD.Pro Introduction- Here we model and design the PEB warehouse buidling.As per given description,material data,specification we can design it. PEB- Pre engineered buildings are factory built buildings shipped to site and assembled by bolting together. The columns…


    26 Jun 2022 07:32 PM IST

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      Week 12 Challenge


      1.  Given Column= 300 mm x 450 mm Axial Load= 1500 KN Mu=150 KNm Assume that the moment is reversible The safe bearing capacity of the soil= 200KN/m^2 Depth=1 m from ground level M 25 and Fe 415 for the footing   Procedure: Open Staad foundation> Click on general mode> Doundaton plan> Linear grid setup…


      26 Jun 2022 08:10 AM IST

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        Week 11 Challenge


        1. Friction load determination A pipe carrying LNG rests on the shoe having vertical force of 125 kN. Calculate the Friction load on the axis. Also find the friction force, if TEFLON pad is used between shoe and pipe support. Given vertical force=125 KN TEFLON pad is used between shoe and pipe support Procedure: Friction…


        01 Jun 2022 04:42 AM IST

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          Week 10 Challenge


          1. Aim- To calculate number of purlins and girts for building. Given- Rafter span = 50 m Bay spacing = 8 m Roof slope = 1 in 10 Height of column = 12 m Brick wall height = 2 m Purlin spacing = 1.2 m Girt spacing = 1.5 m Procedure- Create model of structure with given dtat in staad. Open Staad>cretae file>define nodes…


          15 May 2022 06:53 AM IST

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            Week 9 Challenge


              1. Design of dual slope (pitched) roof frame Design a 3 hinged pitched roof frame of a steel building. Assume no wind load acting on the walls and roof. Analyse the frame structure and draw bending moment, shear force and axial force diagrams of the frame. The slope of the roof is 1 in 10 and the roof is accessible…


            24 Apr 2022 03:22 PM IST

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              Week 8 Challenge


              Loading, Analysis and Design Procedure in STAAD Pro 1. Applying Load Exercise For the structure modelled in previous exercise. Apply following loads Form a Load case as DL for Dead Load Apply Self weight Apply member load of 3 kN/m on the rafter Apply member load of 6 kN/m on the secondary beams Apply point load of 20…


              16 Apr 2022 07:16 AM IST

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                Week 7 Challenge


                Modelling of Structure in STAAD Pro 1. Modelling of a structure exercise Model a structure with following details Bay spacing 5 m Span of Truss 30 m Shape of Truss – Pratt Truss Slope of truss 20 degree Height of the column 15 m Floor Beams at 5 m from base Secondary beams at 1.5 c/c Length of the building 50 m Column…


                14 Apr 2022 11:16 AM IST

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                  Project 1


                  Aim: To model & design a proposed coil centre, Chennai using STAAD. Pro  Procedure: A) For main frame and gable frame: Open STAAD- define nodes and beams as per data> G to translation assign bay spacing. For Area1- 30m width roof slope=1/10=0.1 Height of roof in top level=1.5. Add walls>Add walls Sheeting>add…


                  08 Apr 2022 06:18 AM IST

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                    Week 6 Challenge


                      1. Chequered Plate design Design a chequered plate to carry a uniformly distributed Factored live load of 15 kN/m2. Consider the plate is spanned with dimension of 1200 mm x 5000 mm with all edges fixed. (Refer Roarks chart table 11.4)       2. Design of Decking slab. Design thickness of RC slab required to carry Dead…


                    26 Mar 2022 05:34 AM IST

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                      Week 5 Challenge


                      1. Shear resistance of web problem Determine PG Web thickness for given load without stiffener For a PG of size 1200 x 300 x 25x 10, Check if the web is adequate to carry a factored shear force of 1000 kN. Yield strength of plate fy is 250 Mpa.         2. Check whether intermediate stiffener required…


                      16 Mar 2022 10:58 AM IST

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                        Week 4 Challenge


                        1. Section classification problem for listed beam shapes Calculate section classification of following beam shapes ISMB 500 ISMC 200 PG 1300 x 450 x 20 x 12 Double angle (Back to back) – 2 x ISA 75x75x6 RHS - 150 x 100 x10 Builtup box – 1000 x 450 x 20 x 12             2. Effective…


                        10 Mar 2022 05:35 AM IST

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                          Week 3 Challenge


                          1. Effective length factor determination problem Height of column is 10 m and it is effectively restrained in mid height in one direction (in Z direction) but free to move in other direction (Y direction). Bottom of column is Fixed and top of column is Free. Calculate effective length factor of columns in following cases…


                          03 Mar 2022 05:14 AM IST

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                            Week 2 Challenge


                            Design of Tension Member 1. Net Area for tension member calculation problem Calculate the net section area for the tension member as shown in Figure below. The plate size is 260 x 20 thick and Bolt size is 20 mm. Plate – Drilled Hole Ans: b=260mm d=20mm do=20-2=18mm no. of bolts=((b-2xe)/p)+1 P=2.5d=2.5x20=50 e=1.5d=1.5x20=30…


                            24 Feb 2022 02:50 PM IST

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                              Week 1 Challenge


                              1. Truss type reasoning Out of the two through type truss systems shown below, which is the most efficient in carrying gravity load? Reason it out. Ans. Truss A is more efficient in carrying ravity load. In Truss A we can see the top and bottom chrods are provided to keep the inclined members intact and transfer shear.…


                              16 Feb 2022 04:32 PM IST

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                                Aim: to model a tall buidling in ETABS for the given Architechural drawing along with the given parameters and to design their frame elements. Procedure: Assign the materials       Assign the Frme properties       Assign load patterns     Assign Mass source       Assign…


                                13 Feb 2022 02:00 PM IST

                                • ETABS
                                Read more

                                Project 1 - MODELLING, ANALYSIS & DESIGN OF TALL BUILDINGS IN ETABS


                                Aim: to model a tall buidling in ETABS for the given Architechural drawing along with the given parameters and to design their frame elements. Procedure: a) Find the architechural drawing in the attachment. b) Assign the stories   c) Assign the Grid data   d) Material Assignment   e) Assign the Framme,Slab…


                                25 Dec 2021 12:56 PM IST

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                                Project 2


                                Aim: Model of a membrane roof with cables. The modeling, form-finding and create the cutting patterns to the structure. Procedure: Create a new project and enablr form finding and cutting pattern options       Create the nodes for the membrane structure   Connect the lines to the nodes    …


                                18 Sep 2021 08:47 AM IST

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                                  Project 1


                                  Aim: Perform Form-finding and structural analysis structure of multiple masts. Procedure:  Open the RFEM software and input the required settings     Set the units to metric system     Tick the Form Finding option      Insert the nodes at required locations     Connect the lines with nodes     Assign the Nodal Supports…


                                  13 Sep 2021 12:53 PM IST

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                                    Project 1


                                    Determine the loading on the beam indicated, analyze the beams and draw bending moment and shear force diagram. Use slope deflection method. Do not consider any load patterning. Also, do not consider any girder deflections for this analysis purpose. Solution: `Lundersety`/`Lundersetx`=9/3 =3 which is greater than 2 so…


                                    23 Aug 2021 07:46 AM IST

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                                      Week 12 Challenge


                                      1. Generate report for the steel building design from challenges 1 – 6 along with the loading summary Answer: To generate a report first analyse the structure Go to Analyse >Run static analysis After the analyses is complete Go to report in Ribbon Report>Model report The parameters that can be included in thereport are:…


                                      06 Aug 2021 07:48 PM IST

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                                        Project 2


                                          Aim-Develop general arrangement for the RC office building. Analyze and design the building as per IS standard code in TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER. Refer the attached plan and elevation. The building to be designed for dead, live, wind and seismic loading. Report of each member to be generated and extract drawings…


                                        06 Aug 2021 07:48 PM IST

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                                        Week 11 Challenge


                                        Design the slab and foundation of the model. Outline the thought process for designing of the elements (column, beam, slab and foundations)    Answer:   Thought process for designing of beams,coulmns,slabs and foundations:   In the design first we assume certain size of the element based on experience.…


                                        04 Aug 2021 01:38 PM IST

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                                          Week 10 Challenge


                                          Based on the analysis design RC column and beam. Answer: After the completion of the whole structure in TSD along with the application of all types loading.Analysis is odne for the individual elements to check whether the structure is safe for each loading. The analysis starts with individual elements which are checked…


                                          02 Aug 2021 09:05 AM IST

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                                            Week 9 Challenge


                                            Generate seismic loading based IS codal provisions and zone II. Any other data you can assume and input accordingly   Answer: Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures is Code IS 1893-2016(Part-1) used for the generation of Seismic loading. For the loadinf of the seismic force we have to consider some basic…


                                            02 Aug 2021 07:38 AM IST

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                                              Week 8 Challenge


                                              Calculate dead load in design report based on IS code and apply dead load on the model Finishes of 50mm Slab thickness as per the design Brick wall load Roofing load Answer: Dead Load: Finishes load for thickness of 50mm= 0.05x24=1.2 KN/m^2 Slab load= slab dead load is modelled by the software Brickwall loading with plaster…


                                              30 Jul 2021 01:41 PM IST

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                                                Week 7 Challenge


                                                . Setup model for RC building design and based on following parameters for cover MEMBERS IN CONTACT WITH GROUND ABOVE GROUND Column 50mm 40mm Beam 30mm 25mm Slab 30mm 25mm Pilecap 75mm   Foundation 50mm     Answer: The nominal covers are provided as the following: Nominal Covers for the RC building in contact…


                                                28 Jul 2021 01:28 PM IST

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                                                  Project 1


                                                  Analyze and design a steel building to 10T CRANE as per IS standard code in TEKLA STRUCTURAL DESIGNER. Refer the attached plan and elevation. Provide bracings and moment connection for lateral stability.  Consider dead, live, equipment and wind loading. Consider the brick wall loading for 150mm thick and 1.5 KN per…


                                                  26 Jul 2021 02:45 PM IST

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                                                  Week 6 Challenge


                                                  Summarize your study for the bending moment, shear force and deflection diagrams for the elements of the model Answer: Bending Moment: It refers to the bending of member due to the applied forces. In the figure below we can see simply supported beams subjected to certain udl and bending moment values are shown. All the…


                                                  26 Jul 2021 01:49 PM IST

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                                                    Week 5 Challenge


                                                    Generate manual wind loading in the design report based IS code as per the following input Basic wind speed = 39m/s Terrain category 2                   Based on the above calculation apply the loadings on the model   Answer:   Adding the Wind Loads:    …


                                                    24 Jul 2021 11:12 AM IST

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                                                    Week 4 Challenge


                                                     For apllication of loads in the model we have to create steel braces,wall panels,roof panels and slab. Wall panels on frame 3    Wall panels on frame 7     Roof Panels     Defining the slab properties:   Slab S1:     Slab S2:     Ground Floor Slab:    …


                                                    23 Jul 2021 11:41 AM IST

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                                                      Week 3 Challenge


                                                      Details of the structure: Support: Fixed-Pinned(Top and Bottom) Concrete Pedestal Size PD1= 600x600mm Steel Column C1= MB 300 Steel Beams: B1= ISMB 300 applied for primary beams at ground floor including staircase landing beam. B2= ISMB 250 applied for primary beams at first floor including staircase landing beam. B3=…


                                                      22 Jul 2021 11:10 AM IST

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                                                        Week 2 Challenge


                                                        1. Column properties for pedestal members     2. Selecting coulmn pedestals size of 600x600mm and assigning the properties of pedastals as PD1 construction level is from Base to Ground floor. Two Construction line are created for the secondary beams with grid number as #8 and #9.     3. Column Pedstals…


                                                        21 Jul 2021 08:02 AM IST

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                                                          Week 1 Challenge


                                                            1. Summarize the user interface in TSD with the for the following items: -   Project Workspace – How to access and usage    Scene Content – Demonstrate the use of scene content    Create two scene views   Loading drop list- How to access    Properties windows –…


                                                          20 Jul 2021 07:39 AM IST

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                                                            Project 2_Design & Analysis of a Hostel building at Guwahati, Assam


                                                            Aim- to model,analyse and design the architectural G+3 building located in Guwahati,Assam and producing result of Etabs model for two blocks on either side of the expansion gap Foundation details illustrating the pile and pile cap reinforcement. Tie beams details connecting the pile caps. Coulmn reinforcement Framing plan…


                                                            16 Jul 2021 02:40 PM IST

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                                                            Sketch a G+1 residential plan according to Vaastu Shastra and Calculation of Loads as per IS code


                                                            Aim: to sketch a G+1 floor residential plan,according to Vaastu Shastra, and list down the names of the structural drawings required to be provided to the site for construction.Also,assume the sizes of the structural elements(Coulmn,Beam,Slab) and accordingly calculate the individual corresponding loads from the members…


                                                            16 Jul 2021 07:23 AM IST

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                                                              Design of Shallow Foundation (Isolated Footings)


                                                              Aim- to manually calculate the spread footing dimensions and reinforcement details with respect to limit state design of soil and structure.                 Result: the required spread footing is designed and detailed as per given inputs.All the required limit state criteria are…


                                                              14 Jul 2021 09:16 PM IST

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                                                                Structural Modelling using Etabs 2018


                                                                Aim: to model and analyze the G+7 stoey building using Etabs with application of proper load cases and load combinations for the given typical floor plan drawing. Procedure: Open the ETABS software. Set the grid and storey details using editing options.Provide 4 grids at X direction and grid at Y direction with proper…


                                                                14 Jul 2021 10:41 AM IST

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                                                                Analysis & Design of RCC shear walls in the model using ETABS


                                                                Aim: to run the analysis and design the RCC shear walls shown in the etabs model. Procedure: Open the Etabs file and run the analysis. After the analysis click shear wall design.                          Select display info and choose PM failure.    …


                                                                13 Jul 2021 10:18 AM IST

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                                                                  Reinforcement detailing of Columns from ETABS output


                                                                  Reinforcement detailing of columns in Etabs 2018. The ETABS file for a G+4 building is provided. Run the analysis and design the RCC Moment Resisting Frame. The following challenge deals specifically with two columns at the following grid intersections. 3A 3B Provide details of longitudinal reinforcement for the two columns,…


                                                                  12 Jul 2021 08:41 PM IST

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                                                                  Reinforcement Detailing of Beams from ETABS output


                                                                  Aim: to provide details of longitudnal  and shear reinforcement for the two continous beams using ETABS and also the design recheck for Grid A and 3 RC beam has to be done. Procedure: After downloading the model given on the question,open the ETABS software and open the downloaded model. Click on view and revise preferences.Check…


                                                                  12 Jul 2021 07:13 AM IST

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                                                                  Projefct 1_Comparative study of different storey buildings for Seismic forces


                                                                  Aim: to model and analyse all the buildings from A to K withe the given structural data and compare the analysis between the models based on the different factors. Procedure: Building A: No of storeys given are 2.               Number of bays along the X and Y direction are 4 and 3. Column size is 400X400mm and beam size…


                                                                  11 Jul 2021 07:42 PM IST

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                                                                    Modelling of 25 storey building with the specified properties using ETABS


                                                                    Aim: to model and analyse a 25 storey building with given specifications and to cross check the parameters as per IS 1893 provisions. Procedure: Open the ETABS software. Click the file menu and choose to create a new model option. After choosing a new model a dialogue box will appear as model intialization. Choose the…


                                                                    11 Jul 2021 06:15 PM IST

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                                                                    Conceptual design of a building with columns and shear walls


                                                                    Question 1:The building shown, 20 × 35 m in plan, has columns on a 5 × 5 m grid and shear walls (with dimensions shown in m, 250 mm in thickness) in three alternative arrangements, (a), (b), (c), all with the same total cross-sectional area of the shear walls. Compare the three alternatives, taking into account…


                                                                    09 Jul 2021 11:35 AM IST

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                                                                      Concept on positioning of Columns


                                                                      Question 1: Comment on the layout of the framing plan concerning earthquake resistance in the two horizontal directions X or Y (dots are columns, lines depict beams). Look into aspects of symmetry, redundancy and bi-directional stiffness and ductility. Aim: to assess the given structural plan with respect to seismic irregularities.…


                                                                      09 Jul 2021 07:28 AM IST

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                                                                        Understanding the concepts on Degrees of Freedom


                                                                          Question 1: A five storey structure with 5 translational DOF is shown here. Each storey has mass ‘m’. The eigenvalue problem has been solved and the 5 periods of vibration Tn and their corresponding mode shapes, φn has been derived. The fundamental period of vibration (T1 = 2 seconds)…


                                                                        08 Jul 2021 12:35 PM IST

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                                                                          Calculation of Stiffness in Structural elements


                                                                            Question 1: Compute lateral stiffness of the one story frame with an intermediate realistic stiffness of the beam. The system has 3 DOFs as shown. Assume L = 2h and Elb = Elc     Aim: to compute lateral stiffness of one storey frame with given parameters.       Question 2: For…


                                                                          08 Jul 2021 10:21 AM IST

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                                                                            Identification of Cracks


                                                                            Q1 What is the mode of failure or damage of the beams in the figure above? Would you characterize the case as damage or as a failure? Are the damages repairable? Elaborate Ans. 1 a) The mode of failure is due to flexural failure in beams.As we can see that damage is caused more to the beam than the column.Damage is caused…


                                                                            07 Jul 2021 12:28 PM IST

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                                                                              Structural analysis of a buidling using Robot Structural Analysis


                                                                              1) What are HVAC systems? Why are they essential in the modeling of buildings Ans. HVAC stands for heating,ventilation and air conditioning.This system provides heating and cooling to residential and commercial buildings.You can find HVAC systems anywhere from single-family homes to submarines where they provide the means…


                                                                              06 Jul 2021 08:40 PM IST

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                                                                              Usage of Navigation tool , Timeliner and Clash Detection test using Naviswork


                                                                              1) Use the Architecture/ Structure Project file developed by you in Week 6 to 8. Export the Revit architecture and structure model to Navisworks Cache file following the export settings discussed in class Aim: export the revit architecture and structure model to Navisworks Cache file following the exports settings in discussed…


                                                                              06 Jul 2021 11:39 AM IST

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                                                                                Creating Architectural and Structural model with 3D rendering using REVIT


                                                                                1) Select the type of structure you want to build from one of the three below:        a. Multi-Unit Residential Apartment        b. Office Buildings        c. School Ans. I have chosen the Multi-Residential Apartment model. 2) Assume reasonable assumptions for…


                                                                                06 Jul 2021 06:29 AM IST

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                                                                                  Preparing Schedule & Cost Estimation for a building using REVIT


                                                                                  1) Use the shortcut keys in Revit discussed in class to complete the following tasks and list them below           a. Using 3D model create a section box           b. To create similar doors and windows in a floor plan layout         …


                                                                                  04 Jul 2021 07:38 PM IST

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                                                                                    Creating Conceptual mass in REVIT and Creation of Sinusoidal curve and a Parametric stadium using Dynamo


                                                                                    1) Using Dynamo create a set of sinusoidal points and create a curve and create a surface out of the curve. Aim: to create a set of sinusoidal points and create a curve and create a surface out of the curve using dynamo. Commands used: Integer slider,range,code block,Points by co-ordinates,math sin,surface by loft. Procedure:…


                                                                                    04 Jul 2021 07:08 PM IST

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                                                                                    3D Creation of Celing, Roof, Architectural plan, Structural plan, Sectional view, Elevation view and Camera specific view for a house plan using REVIT


                                                                                    1. Modelling of ceiling Aim: To model a Ceiling from the architecture tab above the walls at the first-floor level. Procedure:  Open the project. Click on first floor in plan view. Click on ceiling from the architectural tab. Click on automatic ceiling. Go to level 2 plan view and click on the rooms to create…


                                                                                    02 Jul 2021 08:03 PM IST

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                                                                                      Usage of Collaborate tool in REVIT


                                                                                      1) Open an architectural template. Using the Manage tab set project base point and project shared coordinates for the project. Aim: to set project base point and project shared coordinates for the project. Procedure: To create project shared coordinates: Open architectural tab. Open Manage tab. Click on project coordinates…


                                                                                      02 Jul 2021 06:31 AM IST

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                                                                                        Introduction to National Building Code and Steps in a Construction project


                                                                                        1) Why are building codes or standards essential for the modeling/ efficiency of drawings in Revit ? Ans. The reasons are as follows: A model building code organization is a set of building codes that are developed and maintained by a standard organization.This standard organization operates independently of the jurisdiction…


                                                                                        01 Jul 2021 12:29 PM IST

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                                                                                        Creating Walls, Partition walls and Floors for a residential layout using REVIT


                                                                                         1.Aim: to create floor and assigning material and thickness using property browser. Tools used: Floor Wall Edit Property browser Copy Paste Load family Levels Procedure: Click on the floor created(from the architecture tab-floor-pick lines and select the boundary lines). Click on edit type(generic 12mm floor is created),then…


                                                                                        30 Jun 2021 06:54 AM IST

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                                                                                        Creating Levels, Grids, Layout and model elements for a residential unit using REVIT


                                                                                        1. BIM and its benfit over 2d CAD tool. BIM is Building Information Modelling. It is a concept created by autodesk. Revit helps in achieving BIM as a process. Features in BIM: BIM is divided into 2 concepts: a) Coordination: is the key feature in BIM.It helps in coordination of multiple disciplines.Like revit offers in…


                                                                                        29 Jun 2021 08:57 PM IST

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                                                                                        Introduction to REVIT concepts


                                                                                        1. Creation of new project Aim: steps to create a new project are as follows: Procedure: Open Revit Software. From the model tab click on new. A new project dialogue box appears and then click on metric-architechure template. Click on ok. New workspace will be loaded. To name the project,go to file menu,save and enter…


                                                                                        29 Jun 2021 07:39 AM IST

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                                                                                          Project 2_Creating a 3D rendered model for a Residential Building in AutoCad


                                                                                          Aim: to draw the 3 dimensional model of a residential building with With rendered view. Procedure: Open Auto CAD and set the limits.Set the units to metric as the plot is in meters. Commands used: Layer 3Dorbit Slice 3Drotate Extrude Material browser Region Boundary Line Offset Pline Trim Rectangle 1. Architectural drawing…


                                                                                          28 Jun 2021 01:28 PM IST

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                                                                                            Creating 3D Isometric view of various structural elements in AutoCAD


                                                                                            1. Aim: to draw the 3d isometric view of building given with plan and elevation. Procedure: Draw the plan in top view. With line command draw a line of 10'9" vertically and horizontally such that L-shape wall is formed. Offset 9" lines from the two lines. Give offset of 4'2" from the corner of the wall. Again offset of…


                                                                                            28 Jun 2021 12:11 PM IST

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                                                                                              Creating various 3D Models like Furniture, Footing, Girder, Column drop with panel and Gable Wall in AutoCad


                                                                                              Aim: to create 3D model and view of furnitue element. Procedure: Open Auto CAD,select imperial as the units are in feet and inches. Got to units command and set it to enginnering so that feet inches can be inserted. Create a box by clicking from the toolbar or box command,click on length,give length as 3' and width as…


                                                                                              25 Jun 2021 08:32 PM IST

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                                                                                                Creation of Multiple viewports, Scaling the drawing and setting in Template in AutoCad


                                                                                                1. Aim: a) to create the layout of plan and section,creating viewports,editing attributes and taking plot. b) To create viewport using MV command of size 400X445 and 375X445 and setting the scale(1:50). c) Editing attributes in the template. d) Take a plot using A1 size. Procedure: Open the drawing ,click on the layout…


                                                                                                24 Jun 2021 06:27 PM IST

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                                                                                                  Creating Kitchen layout, Hatching of Architectural elements and sectional view of an Industrial Building in AutoCad


                                                                                                  1. Kitchen layout: Aim: to draw the kitchen layout. Procedure: First we draw the Below counter plan: We create a wall by drawing a rectangle of 4300X3200mm and draw offsets of 230mm as wall thickness towards outside. Now we draw the Left cabinet and fridge: We draw the fridge by drawing a rectangle. Take an offset of 1000mm…


                                                                                                  23 Jun 2021 09:05 PM IST

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                                                                                                    Creating Bar Bending schedule, Different Door types, and Creation of standard drawing templates using AutoCad


                                                                                                    1. Aim: to create template,inserting text and attributes. Procedure: a) Custom 1_title block Create a rectangle of 66.63mm and 158mm. Divide the line for the text into columns. For rows take offset of 5,10,5,5,8,30,15,15,20,20,10,15mm. By multiline text,type rev,description,by date,date on the first row by text height…


                                                                                                    22 Jun 2021 09:58 PM IST

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                                                                                                      Project 1 _Creating an Architectural plan for the provided plot size and develop relevant basic structural drawings


                                                                                                      Aim: to draw the architectural drawing of a residential building with floor plan,elevations and sections.Draw the structural drawing including column,beam and footing plan. Procedure: Open Auto CAD and set the limits.Set the units to metric as the plot is in meters. 1. Architectural drawing a) Plan: Give the size of the…


                                                                                                      21 Jun 2021 08:45 PM IST

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                                                                                                        Creating a Layout, Section and Elevation with dimensions using AutoCad


                                                                                                        Aim: To draw the Plan and Sections as shown in the Figures.  Procedure: set the limits using limits command and units set to metric. a) Plan: First we draw the plan. Give outer wall thickness as 250mm and inner wall thickness as 125mm. Draw the construction line in vertical and horizontal direction using XL command and…


                                                                                                        20 Jun 2021 07:16 PM IST

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                                                                                                          Creating a Wardrobe detailed drawing, Floor Plan, Kitchen Layout and Column Detail using AutoCad


                                                                                                           Aim: to draw the cabinet,floor plan,kitchen,column details and raft layout drawing: Procedure: commands used in AutoCad are as follows: Line- to draw horizontal and vertical line of known distance we use the line command with command"L" by selecting the start point and end point. Rectangle- to draw the rectangle…


                                                                                                          20 Jun 2021 07:15 PM IST

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                                                                                                            Creation of Column Schedule and Drawing Template using AutoCad


                                                                                                            1. COLUMN SCHEDULE: Aim: to prepare column schedule. Procedure: First we create a table by drawing a rectangle of 60'X20' and then explode it. By using offset command: offset the 20' line by taking offset at a distance of 5' and then offset the 60' line at a distance of 4' from bottom and 2' from top. Trim off the extra…


                                                                                                            18 Jun 2021 10:23 AM IST

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                                                                                                              Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad


                                                                                                              Challenge 1: Aim: to sketch a residential plan using AutoCAD software. Procedure: First create a new autocad file with metric settings. Set the limits by using LIMITS command specify the left corner point and then the right corner point and enter zoom all the press z enter then a enter. Draw the constrcution lines by command…


                                                                                                              17 Jun 2021 11:08 AM IST

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                                                                                                                Drafting of various geometries using Chamfer, Fillet tool in AutoCad


                                                                                                                Aim: to draw the given skecthes using AutoCAD software. Procedure: Drawing 1: Open autocad software click on wizard the advance settings and set the units as decimal. Set the angle in degree with base angle as east and mark the angle direction in anticlockwise. Take line command and from a random point draw 3 units line…


                                                                                                                16 Jun 2021 12:11 PM IST

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                                                                                                                  Creating a Floor plan, Footing detail and Isometric view using AutoCad


                                                                                                                  C1. Cross section of load bearing wall over spread footing Aim: to draw cross section of load bearing wall over spread footing using AutoCAD software. Procedure: Open AutoCAD In the command box type QNEW Click on imperical,advance setup,decimal In the command box type units Select decimal,precision set to 0.00,angle set…


                                                                                                                  15 Jun 2021 01:35 PM IST

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                                                                                                                    Creation of geometries by Coordinate system methods using AutoCad


                                                                                                                    Aim: to draw the given geometires using different coordinate methods in Autocad Procedure: 1. P-1 a) Absolute Coordinate system: in this the distances are measured from origin. Procedure: 1. Type the command "L" for line and give coordinates for point 1 (2,1). 2. Type the next coordinate of point 2 (2,7) in the command…


                                                                                                                    15 Jun 2021 05:43 AM IST

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                                                                                                                      Project on Concrete Mix Design for various grades of Concrete


                                                                                                                      Aim: Calculate the concrete Mix Design for M35 grade concrete with fly ash I. Stipulations for proportioning: a) Grade designation: M35 b) Type of cement: OPC 43 grade conforming to IS 8112 c) Type of mineral admixtures: Fly ash conforming to IS 3812 d) Max nominal size of aggregate: 20 mm e) Minimum cement content: 320…


                                                                                                                      10 Jun 2021 06:11 AM IST

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                                                                                                                        Showing 1 of 73 projects