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Week 8 - Challenge 3 - Coin Holder Design


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                    Advanced Sheet Metal Design Using NX Cad Challenge_7_ Metal bracket-II


                    OBJECTIVE The aim of this project to design a metal bracket and create a detailed drawing for manufacture using Siemens NXsheet metal Application INTRODUCTION:    Sheet Metal Fobrication is the process of forming parts from a metal sheet by punching,cutting, stamping, and bending 3D CAD fles are converted into…


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                      Advanced Sheet Metal Design Using NX Cad Challenge_6_Bracket


                       Description: Sketch-It is a basic of any design. Tab:- it is used to create base feature of a sheet metal. Flange- it is used to create a extended part of a sheet metal. Unbend:- This feature is used to unbend the sheet metal taking any one face asa stationary face. Rebend:- used to rebend the sheet metal Bead:-Used…


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                        Advanced Sheet Metal Design Using NX Cad Challenge_5_Odd Shaped Enclosure


                        OBJECTIVVE to design an odd shaped encloser in sheet metal by using nx cad siemens. INTRODUCTION    Here we are going to create an odd shaped encloser in sheet metal. these kind of encloser are very useful for machine protection. it protect machine like motor and so on from water, unfortunate impacts and most…


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                        • DESIGN
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                        Advanced Sheet Metal Design Using NX Cad Challenge_2_Box Assembly


                        DESIGN OFA BOX ASSEMBLY USING NX CAD INTRODUCTION In our second challenge,we will design a box model by using different tools in NX CAD. We will make the drafting of our model. The model will consist of a bOx and a cover with hinges. DESIGN METHODOLOGY/APPROACH Here we will discuss some of the tools that we are going to…


                        21 May 2022 11:41 AM IST

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                        Advanced Sheet Metal Design Using NX Cad Challenge_1_Casing Design


                        Design of casing by using NX cad OBJECTIVEVE:- To design a sheet metal casting using NX Cad software with suitable commands to achieve the final product as per the inputs. INTRODUCTION   In Sheet metal Application we can createa uniform thickness Sheetmetal parts using basic features Such as Tabs, flange and jogs,…


                        21 May 2022 07:19 AM IST

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                        Design of backdoor


                        Objective:     The objective of this project is to design a BIW Back Door of a car with Inner Panel,Outer Panel and the Reinforcements for the Hinges, Gas stay, Wiper Motor and Latch byfollowing the engineering standards. The Inner Panel must be subjected to Draft Analysisfor verifying whether it satisfies…


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                          Roof challenge


                          Design of Roof Objectives 1. For the Given Roof styling, Develop the essential flanges and reinforcements, provideappropriate dimension and check for Draft analysis and also submit your section modulus report on the 0-Y section. 2. Start with the creation of a roof ditch area the tool opening angle is only 3 degrees. 3.…


                          18 May 2022 06:33 AM IST

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                            Section Modulus calculation and optimization


                            Report On Section Modulus Calculation of Hood Aim To calculate the section modulus of the previously designed hood for analyzing its strength and also optimizing the design to see the difference in the bendingstrength of the hood. Higher the section modulus of a structure, the more the resistive it becomes to bending.…


                            18 May 2022 04:26 AM IST

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                              1. Wheel Arch: Wheel Arch is the semi-circular part of thee fender positioned above the wheel of the vehicle. The design of Wheel arch of a fender should be such that it must shield wheels and protect both passengers' compartment and pedestrians from projectlonof water, mud and stones. For the vehicle to has its use permit…


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                                FENDER DESING AIM:- To desing the car fender according to the given design parameters related to industry standard. FENDER:- The parts of the car covering the wheel has two very different names depending on whether you're coming from a British viewpoint or an American one. USES OF FENDER: Get other vehicles or pedstrains…


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                                  Hood design-Week 2


                                  HOOD DESING  INTRODUCTION:- Hood is main component of a car at the front portion.It help in protecting the engine sysytem and battery system by acting as shield.The shape of the bonnet is made aerodynamic in order to minimize the air effect. The European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP) is a European car safety…


                                  14 May 2022 03:12 AM IST

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                                    Underbody Coating


                                    UNDERBODY COATING      Underbody coating provides long term protection from corrosion to car's underbody. It also protects parts like internal body panels, frame rails and other inner cavities that are not physically accessible but are prone to corrosion. You might know car underbody coating as…


                                    12 May 2022 11:17 AM IST

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                                       BENCHMARKING  It is the process of company business to analyze the processes and performance metrics from other companies and standards. In automotive industry it is used for comparison of similar products, services and on dimensions performance Used to know the avalability of the feature and delivery on the…


                                      12 May 2022 05:53 AM IST

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                                        Photo Realistic Rendering


                                          DECALS USED FOR AMERICAN CHOPPER We can apply decals to a part faces ,rather than to an assembly because we cannot select specific faces path -click PhotoView 360>Edit Decals Rendering for American Chopper Rendering is process of creating realistic images of the model with environment.      In…


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                                        Radar Mast & Final Assembly of Yacht


                                        Creating the Assembly: All these individual parts are then assembled together using the SolfdWorks Assembly file.  First off, the Hull is fixed at the proper location. Rest all the parts are then located with respect to this fixed Hull.  Standard Mates such as Coincident, Tangent, Concentric, Parallel, etc are…


                                        22 Apr 2022 11:21 AM IST

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                                          Week 6 - Data analysis


                                          To write the cooding using data parsing: 1.import math,matplotlib,numpy and spicy for simps and trapz import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import simps as simps , trapz as trapz 2.First input the file which carries data that to be analysis and checking their compatibility…


                                          15 Mar 2022 05:12 AM IST

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                                            Week 5 - Curve fitting


                                            PROCEDURE 1. Importing the numpy, matplotlib, and scipy to plotresult and output the data value 2. For curve fitting, output these two functions are defined as linear and cubical 3. To define the linear curve function following code is written: # Curve_fitfunction for linear polynomialdef func(t, a, b):     return…


                                            14 Mar 2022 06:04 AM IST

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                                              Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                                              A simple pendulum can be described as a device where its point mass is attached to a light inextensible string and suspended from a fixed support. The vertical line passing through the fixed support is the mean position of a simple pendulum. The coding for the simple pendulum model is : import numpy as np from scipy.integrate…


                                              12 Mar 2022 05:07 AM IST

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                                                Week 2 Air standard Cycle


                                                The four processes of this cycle is as follows: 1.Isentropic ( reversible adiabatic) compression2. Constant volume (Isochoric) heat addition3. Isentropic (reversible adiabatic) Expansion4. Constant volume heat rejection. 1. Process  1-2: Isentropic Compression This process involves the motion of piston from TDC to…


                                                12 Mar 2022 04:32 AM IST

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                                                  Project - 2 - Meshing on the suspension Assembly


                                                  PROCEDURE: Import the model to ANSA  Then check the geometry and fix the geometrical errors if there are any The we are setting new PIDs for the model Then we are doing topological clean up using CUT option and creating new faces by suding NEW option in FACE command in TOPO module on the model  Then we are creating…


                                                  07 Mar 2022 02:36 PM IST

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                                                  Project 1 - 2D meshing on the instrumental Panel


                                                  PROCEDURE: Import the CAD model  Then geomerty cleanup is required. then the length of parts need to be measured and mid surfacing need to be done.So,OFFSET is used to extract mid surface   Mid surface of each parts need to be connected by using Extend and Intersect Then use BEST or SPOTMESH to mesh each…


                                                  05 Mar 2022 03:56 PM IST

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                                                    Week - 8 - Morphing


                                                    PROCEDURE: 1. Import the model and do geometry cleanup Import the model and do topological error cleanup to proceed further for morphing.  Once we are done with cleanup we can either mesh it or without meshing also we can proceed for morphing.The morphing module works for both the model i.e. CAD as well as FE model.…


                                                    02 Mar 2022 02:42 PM IST

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                                                    Week 6 - Creating connection for Rear door


                                                    Objective : To perform the connections of the rear door of the car with different connections techniques. PROCEDURE : Inputs the files rear door to ANSA Set the seperate PIDs for different spot welding parts    for holes there bolts is used, give a COG points to the holes in parts that need to be connected .convert…


                                                    24 Feb 2022 04:03 AM IST

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                                                    Tool Test-2


                                                    The above is the working model above is the model after fining and all The above is the model after solid mesh  THE MODELS LINKS IS :  


                                                    17 Feb 2022 05:09 AM IST

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                                                      Week- 5 - Solid meshing


                                                      The below is the model of mirror  First of all we need to check the gemotry and clear all the errors  Then we set our Mesh parameters and Quality criteria Then we are meshing the object by selecting them by each parts of mesh generation Then we are setting the solid property of each parts  then we are creatying…


                                                      16 Feb 2022 09:19 AM IST

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                                                        Tool Test 1


                                                        1.First of all we are setting the quality criteria and mesh parameters according to the given values    Then we are checking the gemotry  then setting the mid of the given figure  After creating we are re checking the error and fixing it  then we are meshing the cad model by setting the lenght and all after setting the…


                                                        12 Feb 2022 04:29 AM IST

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                                                          Week - 4 - 2D meshing for Plastic components


                                                          The below  image is our working model of a bootle cap First of all we are checking the Quality criteria , the parameters are setted according to the given values   As same as above we done we are setting the mesh parameters too as per to the given values then we are checking the gemotrical errors in check option…


                                                          04 Feb 2022 10:04 AM IST

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                                                            Week 3 - 2D meshing for sheet metal


                                                            Objective: The objective of this project is to perform preprocessingie. geometry cleanup, mid surface extraction, and 2D shell meshing for the hood componentof a car. After meshing, component thickness and material need to be assigned to the mesh. And the mesh should follow the following quality criteria,   …


                                                            02 Feb 2022 07:22 AM IST

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                                                            Project 2 Thermal modeling of battery pack


                                                            Introduction      The Lithium-ionbatteriesare widely used as energy sources in different hybrid and electric vehicle, however, the operation characteristics of the battery in such vehicle are strongily dependent on the operation temperature and therefore, with purpose to improve these characteristics a good…


                                                            16 Jan 2022 02:27 PM IST

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                                                            Project 1 Mechanical design of battery pack


                                                            PROJECT 1(MECHANICAL DESSIGN OF BATTERY PACK) Objective To create a battery pack drawing of 18KWh using series and parallel connectios of battery modules made up of individual Li-ion cells . Li-ion cell used hear is of model ANR26650M1-B from the manufacturer of Lithiumwerks . To discuss about the enclosure used for battery…


                                                            16 Jan 2022 07:18 AM IST

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                                                              Week 7 State of charge estimation


                                                               Simulation of Closed-loop BMS      The BMS model consists of a BMS ECU (electrical control unit) and a plant. The control unit with itsvarious monitoring and control algorithms is connected to a block with the representation of the battery pack and associated circuitry and peripherals    …


                                                              15 Jan 2022 03:15 PM IST

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                                                                Week 1 Understanding Different Battery Chemistry


                                                                   TYPE OF LITHIUM ION CELLS               MATERIALS CHEMICAL REACTION AT       ANODE CHEMICAL REACTION AT CATHODE                   LCO anode material is LiaC6, the cathode material is LibCoO2 and the carrier…


                                                                14 Jan 2022 09:09 AM IST

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                                                                  Project 2


                                                                  As usually we do for commen vehicle construction we have three subsysytem of driver ,controller and powerstrain   DRIVER SUBSYSTEM AS SAME AS COMMEN VEHICLE And The Input we get from scope is there is several changes in the controller we had introduction acciditional subsystem for controlling the electric motor mode…


                                                                  05 Jan 2022 05:53 PM IST

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                                                                    Project 1


                                                                    The provide information about the values of different parameters are in matlab coding of two different section and that one of it is  % Description: %% Initialization File % Initialization file for loading the variables for the Conventional vehicle simulation model %% Vehicle Parameters M = 1500; % Vehicle weight…


                                                                    03 Jan 2022 09:45 AM IST

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                                                                      Week - 4


                                                                      1.For creating the washing machine working the important thing are Chart ,Display ,Constant ,Lamp ,Rocker Switch A Rocker switch from the dashboard library is used with a constant to supply the power and as water supply. A lamp is used to indicate the power status and water status. The status of running can be seen by…


                                                                      21 Dec 2021 02:50 PM IST

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                                                                        Week -2


                                                                        We need a solenoid  ,ideal translation motion sensor ,pulse generator , a switch  ,solver configuration ,a battery ,Mechanical Translation Reference ,Electrical reference. And we need two scopes for getting the plot in output and input For getting this all easily just double click on the screen and search required…


                                                                        21 Dec 2021 02:33 AM IST

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                                                                          Project 2 - Rankine cycle Simulator


                                                                          Here we are creating the coding to find out the Rankine Cycle Simulator using our MAT Lab and the required values that we want to assing in the calculation section are given in the challenge Required Inputs: Turbine Inlet temperature = 400° C Turbine Inlet Pressure = 30 bars Turbine Outlet Pressure = 0.05 bars = Condenser…


                                                                          15 Dec 2021 07:00 AM IST

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                                                                            Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                                                                               In this coding we accually reading the data or value from an another file and taking access to the line or one fixed point’s value for read and write that values to our coding with the help of commands like fopen – to open a data files full values and text present in to our coding fprint –…


                                                                            13 Dec 2021 10:01 AM IST

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                                                                              Week 4.1 - Genetic Algorithm


                                                                              Here we are creating the coding for get to optimise the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function.   We start our programe as usally we start with clear all close all clc   Then we start giving the input values and first we assign  x and y to take the values from 0-0.6…


                                                                              11 Dec 2021 08:15 AM IST

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                                                                                Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                                                                                                             CREATING ANIMATION OF SIMPLE PENDULUM           FOR CRAETING THIS WE NEED TO SOLVE THE SECOND ORDER EQUATION  THAT ID d^2thetha/dt+b/m*dthetha/dt +g/l *sin(thetha)=0 for solveing this…


                                                                                10 Dec 2021 05:20 AM IST

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                                                                                  Week 2- 2R Robotic Arm Challenge


                                                                                    2R ROBOTIC ARM The basic working of a 2R Robotic arm is based on the Forward kinematics for this 2 linked arm and we can name it as                                                    …


                                                                                  08 Dec 2021 06:14 PM IST

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                                                                                    Showing 1 of 49 projects