Aim: 1) To Create a block of 10mmx10mmx10mm dimension with 10 elements for each direction and use the material card attached (Ogden_Material.k). 2) Use appropriate boundary conditions to simulate uniaxial tensile behavior for the model. 3) Compare the results of the simulation with ELFORM = 1, 2, -1, -2 by plotting…
Venkata Krishnan S
updated on 07 Mar 2021
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Read more Projects by Venkata Krishnan S (46)
Bird Strike Simulation for an Aero Engine using LS-DYNA
Aim: 1) To create the simulation of bird strike on the Aero Engine from the given FE model. 2) Following are the information and conditions required to model the phenomenon 3) The blades should rotate at a constant velocity but the casing should remain stationary. 4) The cylindrical bird model should travel along its own…
07 Mar 2021 07:05 AM IST
Joint Creation and Demonstration in LS-DYNA
Aim: To demonstrate spherical, revolute, cylindrical, and translational joints between two rigid bodies and two deformable bodies. Theory: A distinguishing feature of multibody systems is the presence of joints that impose constraints on the relative motion of the various bodies of the system. Most joints…
07 Mar 2021 07:04 AM IST
Hyperelastic Material Modelling using LS-DYNA
Aim: 1) To calculate the Mooney Rivlin and Ogden material constants and compare both using stress-strain data from a Dogbone specimen tensile test with 100 per cent strain. 2) The given material data is the engineering stress-strain in MPa/(mm/mm). 3) The comparison should be shown from the d3hsp file and using simulation.…
07 Mar 2021 07:03 AM IST
Material Modeling from Raw Data using LS-DYNA
Aim: 1) Using the diagram of the true stress-strain curve given for graphite iron casting, creating a material model for the Dogbone specimen. 2) Validating the material model by performing a tensile test on a Dogbone specimen. Theory: A stress-strain curve for the graphite iron casting is given in the problem…
07 Mar 2021 06:51 AM IST
Studying the effect of Mass Scaling in Dynamic Analysis using LS-DYNA
Aim: 1) To learn about the mass scaling Technique to reduce the computational time for the analysis. The limit for the mass scaling is restricted to 8% and simulation has to be completely stable. 3) Finally, we have to run the same model using an implicit solver with necessary changes and compare implicit and…
07 Mar 2021 06:51 AM IST
Child Pedestrian Head Impact Simulation using LS-DYNA
Aim: To perform the Head Impact Simulation and calculate the Head Impact Criterion (HIC) value for the following cases. 1) Simple head model impacting against a rigid wall (Case-1). 2) Child headform dummy model impacting against a rigid wall (Case-2). 3) Child headform dummy model impacting against the hood (Case-3).…
07 Mar 2021 06:47 AM IST
Calculating the Stretch Ratio by comparing the ELFORM (-2,-1,1,2) with Ogden_Material Model in LS-DYNA
Aim: 1) To Create a block of 10mmx10mmx10mm dimension with 10 elements for each direction and use the material card attached (Ogden_Material.k). 2) Use appropriate boundary conditions to simulate uniaxial tensile behavior for the model. 3) Compare the results of the simulation with ELFORM = 1, 2, -1, -2 by plotting…
07 Mar 2021 06:47 AM IST
Modelling Spotwelds using LS-DYNA
Aim: To model the spot-weld for the given assembly parts using beam and solid elements separately. 2) To perform the crash analysis for the same and compare the output results of the beam and solid spot-welds. Procedure: Importing the Model: 1) We first open the LS Prepost software and import the keyword file…
07 Mar 2021 06:45 AM IST
Crash Box Simulation using LS-DYNA
Aim: that crashes onto the rigid wall. 2) To maintain the gm-mm-ms unit system and provide an initial velocity of 50 kmph to the crash box. 3) To get the output contour animation and other plots upon running the simulation. Procedure: Importing the Model: 1) We first open the LS Prepost software and import…
07 Mar 2021 06:41 AM IST
Mobile Phone Drop Test Simulation using LS-DYNA
Aim: 1) To perform the Drop Test Simulation of Mobile Phone on the Floor by setting up the model. 2) To provide initial velocity to the mobile so that, it goes and hits the rigid floor at a certain velocity. 3) To get the output contour animation and other plots upon running the simulation. Procedure: Importing…
07 Mar 2021 06:37 AM IST
Meshing the Spare Wheel Floor Panel using Hypermesh
Aim: 1) Extracting the Mid-Surface and Meshing the given Back Wheel Floor Panel model using hypermesh according to the given quality criteria. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper 0.5 5 Min. Length 2mm 6 Max. Length 8mm 7 Min angle Quad 45 8 Max…
22 Oct 2020 08:53 AM IST
Meshing the Side Door Interior Plastic Component using Hypermesh
Aim: 1) To mesh the given automobile side door interior plastic component in hypermesh with the quality criteria given below. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper 0.5 5 Min. Length 2mm 6 Max. Length 6mm 7 Min angle Quad 45 8 Max angle Quad…
22 Oct 2020 08:51 AM IST
Performing Batch Meshing over the Hood and Fender Components using Hypermesh
Aim: To Perform Batch-meshing on the hood and fender components with the given criteria and assign the non-linear material property Steel to them. Quality Criteria:- S.N Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping 15 4 Taper 0.5 5 Min. Length 2mm 6 Max. Length 8mm…
22 Oct 2020 07:52 AM IST
Creating 1D Connectors for the given Frame component using Hypermesh
Aim: Meshing and Creating connectors in various parts of the given model using Hypermesh as per the specifications given below: 1. Right_Rail_2 & Front_truss_1:- Seam-Quad(angled+capped+L). 2. Left_Rail_2 & Front_truss_1:- Quad elements. 3. Front_truss_2, Front_truss_1 & Right_Rail_1:- Spot…
22 Oct 2020 07:50 AM IST
Creating 1-D elements for the given component using Hypermesh
Aim: 1) To take mid surface for the given component. 2) To mesh the mid surfaced components. 3) To create 1D elements with the given crossections and DOF. a. Rod element:- with only translational DOF and RBE2 link Cross-Section: BOX- Dimension a= 12 mm …
22 Oct 2020 07:47 AM IST
Meshing an automobile backdoor model using Hypermesh
Aim: 1) To perform geometry cleanup for the given backdoor model. 2) To perform manual mid-surfacing for all the components in the backdoor model. 3) To mesh the backdoor geometry of a car according to the quality parameters given below. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45…
22 Oct 2020 07:45 AM IST
Meshing an automobile hood model using Hypermesh
Aim: 1) To check the geometry for the given model. 2) To extract all the mid surfaces of the given component. 3) To mesh all components in the model using the following quality criteria and finally giving thickness to the component. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness 45 3 Warping…
22 Oct 2020 07:43 AM IST
Data Analysis using Python
Aim: 1) To write a code for Data Analysis using python. 2) Script should take column numbers as the input and plot the respective columns as separate images, each file should be saved by the name of the column and the plot labels should be extracted from the file. 3) Code should exit gracefully, if a non-compatible file…
03 Oct 2020 12:31 PM IST
Curve Fitting for a Linear and Cubic Polynomial using Python
Aim: 1) Definition of popt and pcov in the curve fitting code in python. 2) Significance of np.array(temperature) in the curve fitting code in python. 3) Definition of * in *popt in the curve fitting code in python. 4) Writing a code to fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the given Cp data and…
01 Oct 2020 07:39 AM IST
Breaking Ice with Air cushion Vehicle using the Newton-Raphson method in Python
Objective: 1) Writing a python script to solve for the minimum value of pressure using the newton raphson method. where p denotes the cushion pressure, h the thickness of the ice field, r the size of the air cushion, σ the tensile strength of the ice and β is related to the width of the ice wedge. Take β…
01 Oct 2020 07:28 AM IST
Air Standard Cycle or Otto Cycle using Python
OBJECTIVE: 1) To simulate the Air Standard Cycle or the Otto Cycle using Python. 2) To plot the P-V Diagram for it. 3) To find out the thermal efficiency of the cycle. THEORY: OTTO CYCLE: The Otto cycle was developed by German engineer Nikolaus Otto in 1876. This cycle is very similar to the Diesel cycle,…
01 Oct 2020 07:10 AM IST
Solving and Simulating Second Order ODE's for Simple Pendulum using Python
Objective: 1) To simulate the transient behaviour of a simple pendulum using second order ODE's using python. 2) To plot displacement and velocity graph. 3) To create an animation of pendulum motion. Theory: ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION: An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a differential…
01 Oct 2020 07:06 AM IST
Forward Kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm using Python
OBJECTIVE: 1) To simlulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm using Python. 2) To capture the animation of it. INTRODUCTION: KINEMATICS:It is a branch of mechanincs in which the motion of a body is considered without any forces that causes the motion. ROBOTIC ARM:A Robotic Arm is a mechanical type…
01 Oct 2020 06:55 AM IST
Simulation of Roof Crash of Dodge Neon BIW model using Radioss
Aim: 1. To perform roof crash analysis on neon dodge BIW model by setting up the following parameters. 1) To import both BIW and FMVSS Impactor in Radioss. 2) To give the following the transformations to bring the impactor at the desired location: • A 180° rotation about the global z-axis• A 5° rotation…
12 Sep 2020 02:20 PM IST
Simulation of Side Pole Crash of Dodge Neon BIW model using Radioss
Aim: 1. To perform side crash for Dodge Neon BIW model by setting it with the following parameters: 1) Checking the unit system and either following [Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms] unit systems. 2) Creating appropriate contact interface (Type 7), with friction=0.2 and also inputting other recommended parameters.…
11 Sep 2020 07:43 AM IST
Simulation of Frontal Crash of Dodge Neon BIW model using Radioss
Aim: 1. To perform Frontal Crash for Neon car BIW Model by initially setting up with the following parameters: 1) Checking the unit system and following either of these unit systems[Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. 2) Creating appropriate Type 7 interface, inputting value of friction=0.2 and also inputting other recommended…
11 Sep 2020 07:41 AM IST
Analysis and Comparison of different Contact Interfaces and Notch significance in a Crash Box model in Radioss
Aim: 1) Simulating different cases for contact interface. The cases are as follows; Run the crash tube model as it is. Change the Inacti=6 and run. Create the type 11 contact and run. Remove both notches and remove boundary condition on rigid body node then run. Create a new notch in the middle ,select the whole…
11 Sep 2020 07:29 AM IST
Analysis and Comparison of different Material Laws with a Sphere and Rupture Plate Model in Radioss
Aim: 1) To run the seven cases as mentioned in the below image. The seventh case is running the model with LAW 36. 2) Plotting all the necessary contour and 2D plots energy plots for all the cases. 3) Tabulating the results obtained from simulating each case. 4) Comparing the results with each other and finally stating which…
11 Sep 2020 07:21 AM IST
Analysis and Comparison of 2D shell elements in a Crash tube with and without the recommended shell formulations in Radioss
Aim: The main aim of Assignment-3 is to make a comparison of results with base simulation and improved shell element properties,and To perform the various challenges which are listed below. 1.Using the crash beam file from the previous assignment, change the run time to 55 ms. 2. Change the number of animation steps during…
11 Sep 2020 06:38 AM IST
Meshing and Deploying Connections for an Automobile Cross Car Beam (CCB) Assembly using ANSA
Aim: 1) To check for the geometrical errors and clean the geometry for the given assembly. 2) To perform 2-D mesh throughout the assemby with the given element Quality criteria below. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 5 2 Minimum Length 3 3 Maximum Length 7 4…
28 Jul 2020 08:16 AM IST
Meshing and Deploying Connections for an Automobile Rear Suspension Assembly using ANSA
Aim: 1) To check for the geometrical errors and clean the geometry for the given assembly. 2) To perform surface and volume mesh(Tetra Mesh) throughout the assemby with the given element Quality criteria below. Quality Criteria for Tria Elements (Tyre and Rim): S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average…
28 Jul 2020 07:37 AM IST
2-D Meshing of an Automobile Dashboard using ANSA
Aim: 1) To check the geometric errors and rectify them for the given CAD Model. 2) To take the Mid Surface and Mesh the component according to the given quality criteria below. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 4 2 Minimum Length 2 3 Maximum Length 6 4 Aspect …
27 Jul 2020 09:16 AM IST
2-D Meshing (Manual Method, Casting Method and Batch Method) of a Component using ANSA
Aim: 1) To check and correct the geometrical errors of the given model. 2) To take Mid Surface of by the Skin Method and Casting method. 3) To mesh using the manual, batch and casting methods given in the question. Also using the following quality criteria. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average…
27 Jul 2020 09:00 AM IST
Providing Connections to an Automobile Rear Door using ANSA
Aim: 1) To provide connections for the rear door model. 2) Explain about the different connections given for the model. Theory: The model given to us is the rear door model. The model also has the glass window which is in closed position for obtaining better results after running a simulation for the model in NASTRAN…
27 Jul 2020 08:50 AM IST
Volume Meshing (Tetra Meshing) of an Automobile Rearview Mirror using ANSA
Aim: 1) To clean up the given CAD geometry. 2) To perform 2-D meshing over the given CAD geometry and eliminate errors over meshing if any using given Quality Criteria. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 1 2 Minimum Length 0.5 3 Maximum Length 2 4 Tetcolapse 0.2 3) To perform volume…
27 Jul 2020 08:38 AM IST
2-D Meshing of an Automobile Hood Model using ANSA
Aim: 1) To check the geometry for the given model. 2) To extract all the mid surfaces of the given component. 3) To mesh all components in the model using the following quality criteria and finally giving thickness to the component. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 5 2 Minimum…
27 Jul 2020 08:21 AM IST
System level Simulation of a BAJA All Terrian Vehicle(ATV) using Simulink
Aim: To carry out a system-level simulation of a BAJA all-terrain vehicle and preparing a technical report explaining the model properties & comments on the results. Theory: ATV: An all-terrain vehicle (ATV), also known as a quad (bike), three-wheeler, four-track, four-wheeler,…
14 Jul 2020 06:36 AM IST
Control Logic of Washing Machine and Gear Shift Logic of an Automobile using Stateflow in Simulink
Aim: 1) Implementing control logic of a “washing machine” using Stateflow as per given sequence: If the power supply is available, the system gets activated If the Water supply is not available, stop the process & indicate through LED Soaking time should be 200s followed by Washing time of 100s.…
14 Jul 2020 06:14 AM IST
Modelling of a Door Bell and Thermister Fan using Simulink
Aim: 1) Making a Simulink model of Doorbell using solenoid block and Creating a situation where the switch is closed for 2 seconds and then released. Observe the physical movement of the plunger. 2) Using a thermistor to sense the temperature of a heater & turn on or turn off the fan. Temperature source: 20 °C…
14 Jul 2020 05:24 AM IST
Rankine Cycle Simulator using MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: 1) Creating a Rankine Cycle Simulator using MATLAB 2) Calculating the state points of the Rankine Cycle based on user inputs. 3) Plotting the corresponding T-s and h-s plots for the given set of inputs. 4) Also calculating Net work output and Back work ratio. THEORY: Rankine Cycle: It is a model which…
17 Apr 2020 08:47 AM IST
Parsing NASA Thermodynamic Data using MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: 1) Writing a function that extracts the 14 co-efficients and calculating the enthalpy, entropy and specific heats for all the species in the data file. 2) Calculating the molecular weight of each species and displaying it in the command window. 3) Plotting the Specific Heat (Cp), Enthalpy (H) and Entropy…
22 Feb 2020 02:03 AM IST
Optimization of Stalagmite function using Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: To optimize the Stalagmite Function and find the global maxima of the function using the Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB. THEORY: GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION: Global optimization is a branch of applied mathematics and numerical analysis that attempts to find the global minima…
18 Feb 2020 02:15 AM IST
Curve Fitting for a Linear and Cubic Polynomial using MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to code to fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the Cp data, Plot the linear and cubic fit curves along with the raw data points and explain the parameters used to measure the fitness characteristics for both the curves. THEORY: CURVE FITTING: Curve fitting is…
15 Feb 2020 07:58 AM IST
Solving and Simulating Second Order ODE's for Simple Pendulum using MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: To simulate the transient behaviour of a simple pendulum using second order ODE's and to create an animation of it's motion using MATLAB software. THEORY: ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION: An ordinary differential equation (ODE) is a differential equation containing one or more functions…
13 Feb 2020 06:31 AM IST
Air Standard Cycle or Otto Cycle Simulation using MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this project is to simulate a P-V diagram of Air Standard Cycle or Otto Cycle and finding the thermal efficiency of the engine using MATLAB. THEORY: OTTO CYCLE: The Otto cycle was developed by German engineer Nikolaus Otto in 1876. This cycle is very similar to the Diesel…
12 Feb 2020 04:41 AM IST
Forward Kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm using MATLAB
OBJECTIVE: To simlulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm using MATLAB. INTRODUCTION: KINEMATICS:It is a branch of mechanincs in which the motion of a body is considered without any forces that causes the motion. ROBOTIC ARM:A Robotic Arm is a mechanical type of an arm which is usually programmable…
11 Feb 2020 04:17 AM IST