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Week 3

AIM      To check the geometric errors in the given component and mesh the component with matching the given quality criteria and appropriate thickness should be assigned to it after meshing is done.   PROCEDURE      1. The  given component is checked for geometric errors and some of the errors is fixed by ANSA itself…

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        Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 1


        Ribs Ribs are a feature in plastic injection moulded parts. They are thin extensions that run perpendicular from a wall or plane.  They are commonly used to provide additional support and strength to a part. It is usually trying to increase the strength of a part by making its walls thicker. Unfortunately,…


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        Week 8 - Challenge 4 - Coin Holder Design


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            Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover


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              Project 1 Mechanical design of battery pack


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                          22 Dec 2020 11:45 AM IST

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                            Week-7 Challenge: DC Motor Control


                            AIM : To run MATLAB demo ‘Speed control of a DC motor using BJT H-bridge’. Modify the model such that armature current doesn’t shoot up when motor changes direction from forward to reverse.  To refer to help section of ‘The Four-Quadrant Chopper DC Drive (DC7) block’. Compare it with H-bridge model. To make a suitable…


                            11 Dec 2020 08:19 AM IST

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                              Week-6 Challenge: EV Drivetrain


                              AIM :  The types of power converter circuits are employed in electric and hybrid electric vehicle. What is EV steady state speed if duty cycle is 70% and the other parameters of the electric vehicle is given. Explain in brief about author’s perspective.   DESCRIPTION :       1. The types…


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                                Week-4 Challenge WOT Condition Part-2


                                AIM To expalin the difference between mapped and dynamic model of engine, motor and generator and to explain the steps to change model type. To explain the calculation of miles per gallon on the model and factors are considered to model fuel flow. To run the HEV Reference Application with WOT drive cycle and to change…


                                03 Dec 2020 09:38 AM IST

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                                  AIM To conclude your observations on EV_defaults_in file, if cargo mass is 500 kg with all other default conditions, To observe whether the vehicle can travel for 45 km with FTP drive cycle. Try to change the battery capacity and to repeat the simulation. To Perform gradeability test with PRIUS_Jpn_defaults_in file…


                                  27 Nov 2020 05:38 PM IST

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                                    Week - 4


                                    AIM       (a) To implement control logic of a “washing machine” using Stateflow for the given sequence.       (b) To make a Simulink chart for the “Gear shift” logic for the given conditions.   GIVEN DATA       (a) To Implement a control…


                                    17 Nov 2020 04:35 PM IST

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                                      Week -2


                                      AIM        To Make a Simulink model of Doorbell using solenoid block and To use a thermistor to sense the temperature of a heater & turn on or turn off the fan with the given data.    GIVEN PARAMETERS DOOR BELL Door  bell using solenoid for reference.    …


                                      11 Nov 2020 11:46 AM IST

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                                        Project 2 - Rankine cycle Simulator


                                        AIM       To create a Rankine Cycle Simulator using MATLAB and the code should calculate the state points of the Rankine Cycle based on the user defined inputs. And to plot the corresponding T-s and h-s plots for the given set of inputs. Title and axes labels are a must, while legends could be…


                                        18 Oct 2020 11:33 AM IST

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                                          Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                                          AIM       To write a function that extracts the 14 co-efficients and to calculate the enthalpy, entropy and specific heats for all the species in the given NASA data file. And to calculate the molecular weight of each species and display it in the command window. And to plot the Cp, Enthalpy and Entropy…


                                          12 Oct 2020 02:43 PM IST

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                                            Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm


                                            AIM       To write a code in MATLAB to optimise the stalagmite function and to find the global maxima of the function. And to explain the concept of genetic algorithm and its syntax in MATLAB.    GENETIC ALGORITHM       Genetic algorithm is a search based optimisation technique based on the principles of Genetics and Natural…


                                            07 Oct 2020 07:10 PM IST

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                                              Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                                              AIM       To wite a program in Matlab\Octave that will simulate the pendulum motion by solving the ODE.   OBJECTIVE       Your objective is to write a program that solves the following ODE. This ODE represents the equation of motion of a simple pendulum with damping         THEORY/ DESCRIPTION       A Pendulum is a body…


                                              06 Oct 2020 03:51 AM IST

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                                                ANSA - Rear Door - Connections


                                                AIM :       To implement the connections for the given rear door FE model by applying the appropriate techniques. PROCEDURE :       First of all the door model itself a system where many subsystems will come under it. It contains many mechanisms such as  1. Door lock mechanism,…


                                                03 Sep 2020 03:05 PM IST

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                                                  ANSA Project - DASHBOARD - Midsurface extraction and Shell Meshing


                                                  AIM       To check for the geometrical errors for the given Dashboard model and mesh with the given element Quality criteria. After meshing the component the thickness has to be assigned.   QUALITY CRITERIA S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average Length 4 2 Minimum Length 2 3 Maximum Length…


                                                  03 Sep 2020 02:35 PM IST

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                                                    ANSA Project - REAR SUSPENSION ASSEMBLY - Shell and Solid meshing and Connections deployment


                                                    AIM       To check the geometrical errors for the given rear suspension assembly and mesh with the given element Quality criteria. After meshing the component the thickness has to be assigned for mid surfaces. And tetra elements to be used to model non-uniform thickness components. Also use connections…


                                                    03 Sep 2020 02:31 PM IST

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                                                      Week 8


                                                      AIM        To practice all the morphing techniques with the given component.   MORPHING       A method for changing the shape of a meshed surface while preserving the topology. Only node positions are updated. The basic idea of mesh morphing is to adapt a new shape…


                                                      12 Aug 2020 05:35 AM IST

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                                                        Tool Test-2


                                                        TIME TAKEN TO COMPLETE THIS ENGINE INTAKE MANIFOLD MODEL IS 2 DAYS.   DRIVE LINK :


                                                        14 Jul 2020 07:04 AM IST

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                                                          Week 5


                                                          AIM       To check for the geometrical errors and mesh with the given element Quality criteria for the given rear view mirror component. And to use tetra elements to model the component and there should not and kinks and dips on the surface of the component.   PROCEDURE For this given component…


                                                          11 Jul 2020 06:20 AM IST

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                                                            Tool Test 1


                                                            SwitchPanel model   Time Taken to complete the model is 5hrs.     Component Model   Time taken to complete this model is 2:30hrs.  


                                                            02 Jul 2020 08:52 AM IST

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                                                              Week 4


                                                              AIM        To check for the geometrical errors and to mesh with the given element quality criteria and after meshing the component the thickness has to be assigned for the given component.   PROCEDURE First the given component is to be done TOPO. Here the given component is BOTTLE CAP MODEL. Then…


                                                              25 Jun 2020 11:51 AM IST

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                                                                Week 3


                                                                AIM      To check the geometric errors in the given component and mesh the component with matching the given quality criteria and appropriate thickness should be assigned to it after meshing is done.   PROCEDURE      1. The  given component is checked for geometric errors and some of the errors is fixed by ANSA itself…


                                                                14 Jun 2020 08:43 AM IST

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                                                                  Showing 1 of 35 projects