AIM:- Drafting of various geometries using chamfer,fillet tool in autocad. INTRODUCTION:- Autocad consists of a number of drawing &modification tools.Among the modification tools are the chamfer,Fillet,Offset,Objectsnap,Rotate,Copy,Move,Mirror,Trim,Extend,& Join. CHAMFER:- A bevel or chamfer is- .An angled line…
Snigdha ..Subhalagna
updated on 11 Nov 2021
Project Details
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AIM : A 30 - 40hr project on modelling, analysis & design of a state-of-the-art tall composite building using ETABS software. The composite members to be designed using Comflor software. Key Highlights: a. Modelling The structural model prepared for the project 1to be used for the project 2. Prepare two distinct structural…
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5)a) b) c)
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Introduction to REVIT concepts
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Creation of geometries by Coordinate system methods using AutoCad
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Project 2_Creating a 3D rendered model for a Residential Building in AutoCad
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Creation of Multiple viewports, Scaling the drawing and setting in Template in AutoCad
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16 Nov 2021 04:53 AM IST
Creating Kitchen layout, Hatching of Architectural elements and sectional view of an Industrial Building in AutoCad
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Creating Bar Bending schedule, Different Door types, and Creation of standard drawing templates using AutoCad
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13 Nov 2021 04:54 PM IST
Project 1 _Creating an Architectural plan for the provided plot size and develop relevant basic structural drawings
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13 Nov 2021 03:23 PM IST
Creating a Wardrobe detailed drawing, Floor Plan, Kitchen Layout and Column Detail using AutoCad
1.AIM-To draw the elevation & details of a wardrobe as shown in the figure using Autocad. Procedure- .in the command prompt type 'UNITS' & press enter. .Select the unit as DECIMAL & insertion scale as 'MILIMETER'. .Click ok. type'LIMITS' in the command prompt & press enter. .Select 'OFF' from the command…
13 Nov 2021 01:27 PM IST
Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad
1)AIM- To sketch the given residential layout using Autocad. Procedure:- .Type 'units' in the command prompt & press enter. .Select the type as Engineering & insertion scale as 'inches' click ok. .Type limits in the command prompt. .In the command prompt,specify the lower limit (0,0) & upper limit as (100',100'). .Press…
12 Nov 2021 03:20 PM IST
Creating a Layout, Section and Elevation with dimensions using AutoCad
AIM-To draw the plan section as shown in figure. Pcocedure:- a)PLAN- .First we draw the plan. .Give outer wall thickness as 250mm & inner wall thickness as 125 mm. .Draw the construction line in vertical & horizontal direction using XL command & give thickness of wall. .Give the dimension of bed room 3100x3100…
12 Nov 2021 02:15 PM IST
Creating a Residence Layout, Seating plan, Toilet and Utility room plan using AutoCad
1)AIM- To sketch the given residential layout using Autocad. Procedure:- .Type 'units' in the command prompt & press enter. .Select the type as Engineering & insertion scale as 'inches' click ok. .Type limits in the command prompt. .In the command prompt,specify the lower limit (0,0) & upper limit as (100',100').…
12 Nov 2021 12:14 PM IST
Creation of Column Schedule and Drawing Template using AutoCad
1.AIM:-to create a column schedule as shown in the figure. STEPS- .Open Autocad & enter unit command (UN) in command box & select type as engineering & precission as 0'-0.000". .Select line command & draw a line of 84'in X direction & a line of 21' in Y direction & complete bigger rectangle.…
11 Nov 2021 03:11 PM IST
Drafting of various geometries using Chamfer, Fillet tool in AutoCad
AIM:- Drafting of various geometries using chamfer,fillet tool in autocad. INTRODUCTION:- Autocad consists of a number of drawing &modification tools.Among the modification tools are the chamfer,Fillet,Offset,Objectsnap,Rotate,Copy,Move,Mirror,Trim,Extend,& Join. CHAMFER:- A bevel or chamfer is- .An angled line…
11 Nov 2021 12:07 PM IST
Drafting of various geometries using Chamfer, Fillet tool in AutoCad
AIM:- Drafting of various geometries using chamfer,fillet tool in autocad. INTRODUCTION:- Autocad consists of a number of drawing &modification tools.Among the modification tools are the chamfer,Fillet,Offset,Objectsnap,Rotate,Copy,Move,Mirror,Trim,Extend,& Join. CHAMFER:- A bevel or chamfer is- .An angled line…
11 Nov 2021 12:06 PM IST
Creating a Floor plan, Footing detail and Isometric view using AutoCad
1.AIM:- To create the plan,footing detail &isometric view by using autocad. CS foundation details for load bearing wall. In this drawing we create a cs foundation detail for load bearing wall. Now we can see the command used for this drawing step by step. Step:- 1.First check the dimension as we…
10 Nov 2021 02:53 PM IST
Sketch a G+1 residential plan according to Vaastu Shastra and Calculation of Loads as per IS code
1. Assume slab thickness=125 mm Assume width of beam=300mm Assume depth of beam=450mm Assume lenght of column=300mm Assume breadth of column=300mm Assume height of wall=3000mm Assume of floor thickness=50mm Thickness of partition wall=100mm Thickness…
01 Nov 2021 04:17 PM IST
Project on Concrete Mix Design for various grades of Concrete
1.I. STIPULATIONS FOR PROPORTIONING OF M35 GRADE CONCRETE This section has Specifications of the materials and requirements of the concrete to be made. A Grade Designation M35 B Type of Cement OPC 53 C Type of Admixture Fly ash D Maximum NominalSize of Aggregate 20mm E Minimum Cement…
28 Oct 2021 01:06 PM IST