OBJECTIVE : To practice and learn Morphing techniques and get familiarize with it.What is Morphing ?Morphing is the process of modifying the design of a model which doesn't demands any numerical input and can be done like a free hand sketch. If the modified design is found feasible then the design department can work on…
Darshan Prasad RP
updated on 03 May 2021
Project Details
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Week - 4 - Crash Box Simulation
AIM:To simulate the crash test of the crash box impact on the rigid wall. The given crash box which is meshed has to be setup with 1.2mm thickness and 1.5mm thickness. Nodal accelerations, Directional stress and strain values should be compared.PROCEDURE:Crash Box :A crash box is a highly energy absorbing structure that…
27 Jul 2021 02:56 PM IST
Week - 3 Drop test Challenge
AIM:To perform the simulation of a cell phone drop test using LS-DYNA with required conditions and plot the respective results.DROP TEST :A drop test is a test designed to examine the structural integrity of a product.Drop tests usually involve an object being dropped from a predefined height onto a second object or surface.…
23 Jul 2021 06:32 AM IST
Week - 2 - Explicit and Implicit Analysis
AIM:To solve the given equation F(u)=`u^3`+`9u^2`+4u using both Implicit method and Explicit method of solving.OBJECTIVE: Solve the given equation by using the reference in both Explicit solving method and Implicit solving method with the tolerance value as 0.01 or `10^-2` PROCEDURE:Implicit and Explicit analysis…
17 Jul 2021 11:57 AM IST
Week - 1 - Consistency of Units
AIM :To convert the given system of units into different unit system and finding the respective unit conversion factor.OBJECTIVE :LS-DYNA doesn't have a default system of units. User needs to input material properties and physical dimensions according to a consistent system of units as per their choice. This warrants that…
13 Jul 2021 01:42 PM IST
Assignment 7-Side Pole Crash Simulation Challenge
SIDE POLE CRASH SIMULATION OF DODGE NEON BIW :Aim :To perform Side Pole Crash simulation of Dodge Neon BIW structure (reduced model) using Hypercrash/Hypermesh to preprocess and Radioss to solve.Objective : To check unit system and follow [Kg mm ms]. To create appropriate interface,friction 0.2 and recommended parameters.…
01 Jul 2021 03:52 PM IST
Assignment 6-Frontal Crash Simulation Challenge
AIM :To perform Frontal crash simulation of Dodge Neon BIW structure (reduced model) using Hypercrash/Hypermesh to preprocess and Radioss to solve.OBJECTIVE : To check unit system and follow [Kg mm ms]. To create appropriate interface,friction 0.2 and recommended parameters. To make sure of no penetrations and intersection.…
29 Jun 2021 02:36 PM IST
Assignment 5-RADIOSS Interfaces & Study of Effect of Notches Challenge
OBJECTIVE :To mesh the given bumper model with 2d quad elements of size 6mm and provide proper connections to them. To create various interface cases for the given crash tube, study the behavior of crash tube by modifying notches and compare the outcomes.Here are the given scenarios to be performed: Run the crash tube…
04 Jun 2021 03:19 PM IST
Assignment 4-RADIOSS Material Laws Challenge
OBJECTIVE :To apply different material formulations, property changes in the simulation model and compare the behaviour of the elements, compare the total no.of cycles, energy and mass error, total simulation time etc with the changes made in the material law and properties.PROCEDURE :Case 1 : Default Parameters ( Law…
29 May 2021 10:46 AM IST
Assignment 3-2D Element Formulation Challenge
OBJECTIVE : Comparison of results with base simulation and improved shell element properties 1.Using the crash beam file provided, change the run time to 55 ms. 2. Change the number of animation steps during simulation to a minimum of 25 and maximum of 60. 3. Run the base simulation without any modification to element properties.…
25 May 2021 05:50 AM IST
Assignment 2-RADIOSS Engine File Editing & 3D Meshing Challenge
OBJECTIVE : 1. Check the material properties of the rail component and calculate the speed of sound in steel rail. 2. The length of the rail is about 1000 mm.calculate the time takes for a shock wave to travel from one end of the rail to the other. 3.Time for sound to travel length of rail. 4.Edit…
22 May 2021 03:36 PM IST
Assignment 1-2D Meshing Challenge
OBJECTIVE :To Clean up the given geometries and extract midsurface and mesh them with 5mm 2D shell elements and assign proper thickness to them.PROCEDURE :1. Firstly Import the geometry which is provided in the Hypermesh windows. Now, keep the view in By topo mode to see the geometry clearly and observe any errors in it.…
21 May 2021 02:50 PM IST
Project - 2 - Meshing on the suspension Assembly
OBJECTIVE :To model the given rear wheel assembly with Solid elements and Shell elements by following the given quality criteria & assign proper thickness and connections to the assembly.Given Quality Criteria : Quality Criteria for Surface Meshing of Tyre and Rim (Element type: Tria) : S.No Quality Criteria Value …
13 May 2021 02:47 PM IST
Project 1 - 2D meshing on the instrumental Panel
OBJECTIVE :This Project aims to extract the midsurface and mesh the given Automotive IP Substrate with 2D shell elements by following the given quality criteria and mesh parameters.Dashboard of an automotive :A dashboard (also called dash, instrument panel (IP), or fascia) is a control panel set…
09 May 2021 08:30 AM IST
Week - 8 - Morphing
OBJECTIVE : To practice and learn Morphing techniques and get familiarize with it.What is Morphing ?Morphing is the process of modifying the design of a model which doesn't demands any numerical input and can be done like a free hand sketch. If the modified design is found feasible then the design department can work on…
03 May 2021 09:40 AM IST
Week 6 - Creating connection for Rear door
OBJECTIVE :The given component of Rear door FE model has to be provided with appropriate connections with Rigid elements, spot welds, Bush elements etc at the required parts respectively.PROCEDURE :1. Firstly, Open the given file in the ANSA window and observe the component clearly and check for any errors in it.2. The…
26 Apr 2021 08:29 AM IST
Tool Test-2
The given Intake manifold model has been successfully meshed with Tetrahedral elements. The elements were free from failures.
19 Apr 2021 03:10 PM IST
Week- 5 - Solid meshing
OBJECTIVE :To perform 3D meshing (solid meshing) for the given rearview mirror component with tetra elements and following the corresponding quality criteria :For 2D elements : S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 1 2 Minimum Length 0.5 3 Maximum Length 2 For 3D…
17 Apr 2021 11:25 AM IST
Tool Test 1
For the given sheetmetal and plastic trim component, 2D shell mesh has been done successfully
13 Apr 2021 04:05 PM IST
Week - 4 - 2D meshing for Plastic components
OBJECTIVE :To clear all the geometrical errors in the given Bottle cap component and extract midsurface with suitable technique followed by 2D shell meshing with given quality criteria. S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 1 2 Minimum Length 0.5 3 Maximum Length 3 4 Aspect 3 5 Warpage 15 6 Skewness…
12 Apr 2021 04:52 AM IST
Week 3 - 2D meshing for sheet metal
OBJECTIVE :To extract the midsurface of the given CAD model and perform 2D shell meshing and assign thickness accordingly to the mesh created. The created FE model should pass the given Quality criteria: S.No Quality Criteria Value 1 Target/Average length 5 2 Minimum Length …
03 Apr 2021 08:21 PM IST
Week 12:Project 2-Meshing of Rear Wheel Holder challenge
MESHING OF REAR WHEEL HOLDER:OBJECTIVE :To perform 2D meshing for the given rear wheel holder component using 5mm quadrilateral elements that passes all the given quality parameters.QUALITY PARAMETERS : Target element length : 5mm (Quadrilateral) S.N Quality Criteria Value 1 Aspect Ratio 5 2 Skewness…
21 Mar 2021 08:04 AM IST
Week 12:Project-1-Meshing of Door Inner Panel Challenge
MESHING OF DOOR INNER PANEL Automobile Door Inner Panel: The Automobile door inner panel is a component which is used for strengthening the door assembly and it is one of the most important components in which all the accessories are mount like hinges, glass guide channel etc. They serve as an interface between the…
07 Mar 2021 11:21 AM IST
Week 9-Creation of 1D Connectors Challenge
AIM: To mesh the given component with 5mm element size and then connect all the components with respective connectors of various specifications which are provided.PROCEDURE: CONNECTORS:These are geometric entities used to create elements like spot welds, bolt, seam welds, adhesives, masses etc to the component. To put…
16 Feb 2021 09:38 AM IST
Week 8-3D Tetra Meshing Challenge
AIM :To perform 3D tetra meshing for the given components which satifies the given element quality parametersPROCEDURE :In this part, we need to perform 3D meshing with tetra elements of size 5mm and min & max element size as 2mm & 7mm accordingly with tet collapse not lesser than 0.15For the Housing model,1.…
12 Feb 2021 07:40 AM IST
Week 6- Challenge
Aim :To extract midsurface of the given component for each parts seperately and then perform 2D meshing with the given parameters.Procedure :1. Firstly, Import the given .hm file in the altair hyperworks window and then view the geometry.2. After analysing the geometry, start from the smallest component of the geometry.…
07 Jan 2021 01:06 PM IST
Week 4- Challenge
Objective :Extracting midsurface of the given model and meshing using shell elements. To create 1D elements : rod,bar & beam of given dimensions in the model. Procedure:1. Open Hypermesh Desktop and Import the given CAD model.2. Now, Autoclean up the geometry and then extract the midsurface of the solids.3. Go…
10 Dec 2020 02:36 PM IST