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Week 9 - PCB Thermal Simulation

Aim: The PCB model is created by importing the PCB layout, files and traces to ANSYS Icepak - and perform thermal analysis of the same for the following three cases: 1. The model is solved only for conduction, without the components. 2. The model is solved for forced convection with the actual components. 3. The model…

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    Week 5: Prandtl Meyer Shock problem


    Aim: To simulate the Prandtl-Meyer Shock flow in Converge CFD.shock wave:A shock wave is a type of propagating disturbance that moves faster than the local speed of sound in the medium. Like an ordinary wave, a shock wave carries energy and can propagate through a medium but is characterized by an abrupt, nearly discontinuous,…


    16 Nov 2021 09:47 AM IST

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    PFI ENGINE  Q1. What is the Compression ratio for the engine? Compression ratio is defined as the ratio of the maximum to minimum volume in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine. The compression ratio of an engine = Maximum volume of the cylinder / Minimum volume of the cylinder   Let compression ratio…


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    Week 11: Project 2 - Emission characterization on a CAT3410 engine


    Aim:- The Aim of this project is to simulate the combustion process in a Diesel Engine using two different piston configurations, namely omega and open w piston. It is intended to compare the performance of the engine and emission characteristics of the engine with these two configurations Theory:- The diesel engine…


    26 Oct 2021 07:29 AM IST

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      Week 9: Project 1 - Surface preparation and Boundary Flagging (PFI)


      Aim:-The aim of this project is to simulate the no hydro simulation for an IC engine and by surface preparation and Boundary Flagging. Theory:- The most widely produced internal combustion engines were of the Port Fuel Injected (PFI) design, where the fuel is sprayed into the intake ports to mix with incoming air. A four-stroke (also four-cycle) engine is…


      09 Oct 2021 05:58 AM IST

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        Week 10: Project 1 - FULL HYDRO case set up (PFI)


        Aim:- To do a full hydrodynamic simulation of port fuel injection and post-process the results. Introduction:-In the previous project, a No Hydro simulation was performed on the IC Engine. Using the same case setup, a full Hydro set up will be performed, with the tools available in Converge such as Spray and Combustion…


        30 Sep 2021 08:55 AM IST

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        Week 8: Literature review - RANS derivation and analysis


        Aim: Apply Reynold’s decomposition to the NS equations and come up with the expression for Reynold’s stress. Explain your understanding of the terms Reynold’s stress What is turbulent viscosity? How is it different from molecular viscosity? Turbulence: Turbulence is an irregular motion of the air resulting…


        29 Sep 2021 10:35 AM IST

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          Week 7: Shock tube simulation project


          Aim: The main objective of this analysis is to perform shock tube simulation using the transient solver method and animate the pressure and temperature changes inside the tube. Theory:-  The shock tube is an instrument used to replicate and direct blast waves at a sensor or a model in order to simulate…


          17 Sep 2021 02:20 PM IST

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            Week 6: Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation


            Aim:- To simulate the Conjugate Heat Transfer over pipe using Super- Cycling in CONVERGE and determine Y+. Objective:- In the current project conjugate heat transfer analysis of flow through a circular pipe is performed using CONVERGE CFD, with the following objectives: i. To study the effect of grid size on the simulation…


            28 Aug 2021 12:55 PM IST

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            Week 4.2: Project - Transient simulation of flow over a throttle body


            Aim: To perform a Transient simulation of flow over a throttle body in Converge 3.0 Objective: Setup and run transient state simulation for flow over a throttle body. Post-process the results and show pressure and velocity contours. Show the mesh (i.e surface with edges) Show the plots for pressure, velocity, mass flow…


            19 Aug 2021 02:30 PM IST

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            Week 4.1: Project - Steady state simulation of flow over a throttle body


            Aim: To simulate the flow over the throttle inside the elbow and to study pressure, velocity contours and plots for pressure, velocity, mass flow rate and total cell count. Throttle: A throttle is the mechanism by which fluid flow is managed by constriction or obstruction. An engine's power can be increased or decreased…


            17 Aug 2021 12:30 PM IST

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            Week 3: Flow over a backward facing step


            Aim: To Simulate the flow over a backward facing step using converge. Objective: To run the case for three different mesh grid dx = dy = dz =2e-3m dx = dy = dz =1.5e-3m dx = dy = dz =1.0e-3m  To show mesh for all  three grid sizes. To Show pressure and velocity contours ,the plots of velocity, pressure, mass…


            16 Aug 2021 09:22 AM IST

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              Week 1: Channel flow simulation using CONVERGE CFD


              Aim:To simulate the flow of air through a channel using converge CFD. Introduction: Channel flow:  Flows in conduits or channels are of interest in science, engineering, and everyday life. There are two type of flow through conduits. Open-channel flow: rivers, tidal currents, irrigation canals, or sheets of water…


              10 Aug 2021 11:05 AM IST

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              Week 6.1 - Setting up a model (Electronic enclosure)


              Aim: To simplify the given CAD model of an electronic enclosure assembly and perform thermal analysis of the same. Objective: The given CAD model is simplified into an Icepak model using the commands available in ANSYS SpaceClaim. The model is imported into ANSYS Icepak using a suitable workflow created in ANSYS Workbench.…


              03 Aug 2021 12:34 PM IST

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                Week 12 - Final Project - Modelling and Analysis of a Datacenter


                Aim:The objective of this challenge is to model a replica of the datacentre where high power distribution units are working and to analyze the flow distribution and behavior of the temperature of server stacks inside the datacentre. Given: Problem Description:   This tutorial considers a 1200 sq. ft. datacenter…


                03 Aug 2021 07:48 AM IST

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                  Week 11 - Louver/Grille characterization


                  Aim: To design and evaluate the flow domain comprising a portion of the Hexa grille inside the domain. To study the parametric method, the parameter trails, and the primary and compound functions to be reported for the challenge. Introduction: Simulations of electrical equipment, enclosed electronics components, and…


                  02 Aug 2021 12:21 PM IST

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                    Week 10 - MRF project


                    Aim: The given MRF model is unpacked and fluid blocks are created and analysis is performed for an accurate results when compared to an in-built fan model. Objective: The main objective of this project is to provide analysis and standards for the MRF fan modeling techniques for Moving Reference Frames(MRF) in ANSYS Icepak…


                    01 Aug 2021 11:41 AM IST

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                    Week 7 - Mid-term Project - Natural Convection


                    Aim: To design a low voltage control panel, as per the given specifications, and perform thermal analysis of the same. Geometry: The complete model of the low-voltage control panel is designed in ANSYS Icepak using the following steps Cables, busbars and circuit breakers: They form the internal components of the control…


                    30 Jul 2021 06:39 AM IST

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                      Week 9 - PCB Thermal Simulation


                      Aim: The PCB model is created by importing the PCB layout, files and traces to ANSYS Icepak - and perform thermal analysis of the same for the following three cases: 1. The model is solved only for conduction, without the components. 2. The model is solved for forced convection with the actual components. 3. The model…


                      26 Jul 2021 06:33 AM IST

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                        Week 5.1 - Non-Conformal Meshing and Solving a Cold plate model


                        Aim: To perform the Non-Conformal Meshing on a Cold plate model Objective: To perform the analysis for a two heated plates model, cooled by water circulating inside the cold-plate cavity, as well as by air driven by natural convection externally. And separately meshed assemblies will be employed to reduce the overall mesh…


                        24 Jul 2021 10:01 AM IST

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                        Week 8 - Natural Convection-II


                        Aim: To buid the model for a low-voltage control-panel, as per the given specifications, and perform steady-state thermal analysis of the same. Introduction: Low voltage control panel: A low voltage panel is a component of an electrical distribution system that divides an electrical power feed into branch circuits…


                        19 Jul 2021 02:43 PM IST

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                        Week 6.2 - Setting up a model (Hanging Node)


                        Aim: To perform thermal simulation of the given model i.e Hanging node. Objectives: 1.Unpack the model into icepak 2.Generate mesh with Multi level settings to reduce No of nodes and elements (Done in assignment 2 week 5) 3.Perform thermal simulation of model in natural convection mode 4.Plot the contours of residuals…


                        09 Jul 2021 06:46 AM IST

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                          Week 5.3 - Forced convection Analysis


                          Aim: To create workflow in ansys workbench and use the simplified geometry of DME assembly provided and solve them for physics using ansys icepak. Introduction: ANSYS Workbench platform is the backbone for delivering a comprehensive and integrated simulation. It is used to perform various types of structural, thermal,…


                          08 Jul 2021 07:52 AM IST

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                            Week 5.2 - Multi Level Meshing


                            Aim:- The objective of the project is to create the multi level meshing to resolve CAD objects in the Icepak model and reduce the original mesh elements. Objective:- Create non-conformal mesh assembly and use mesh separately option with slack values. Use set uniform parameters and use average on 1 assembly, in multi-level…


                            03 Jul 2021 01:48 PM IST

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                              Week 3 - Geometry simplification of an Electronic enclosure assembly


                              Aim:  The objective of the project is convert CAD shapes into Icepak primitive shapes in Spaceclaim & modify the components in Icepak & define the correct physics. Steps: The given CAD model of an electronic enclosure assembly is imported in SpaceClaim where the following steps are carried out: The bodies…


                              25 Jun 2021 11:32 AM IST

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                                Week 10 - Simulating Combustion of Natural Gas.


                                AIM: To simulate the combustion of natural gas to calculate the mass fraction and by adding the water in the fuel to observe the effects to avoid harmful effects on environment and human. OBJECTIVE : Perform a combustion simulation on the combustor model and plot the variation of the mass fraction of the different species.…


                                18 Jun 2021 02:29 PM IST

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                                  Week 9 - Parametric study on Gate valve.


                                  Aim:  To perform a parametric study on Gate valve. Objective: 1. Simulate the flow of fluid through a gate valve. 2. Perform the paramatic study on the gate valve by setting design points corresponding to the positions of the lift of the spindle. 3. Calculate the mass flow rate corresponding to all the design points…


                                  16 Jun 2021 01:07 PM IST

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                                  Week 6 - CHT Analysis on a Graphics card


                                  Aim: To perform CHT analysis on graphic card Introduction: Conjugate Heat Transfer(CHT) is the combination of heat transfer in solids (where conduction is dominant) and heat transfer in fluids (where convection is dominant). CHT analysis is done whenever there is heat transfer between a solid body and fluid flow.…


                                  15 Jun 2021 12:25 PM IST

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                                  Week 8 - Simulating Cyclone separator with Discrete Phase Modelling


                                  Aim:- To perform analysis on cyclone separator and calculate the separation efficiency and pressure drop.   Objective:- To write a few words about any four empirical models used to calculate the cyclone separator efficiency.  To perform an analysis on a given cyclone separator model by varying the particle diameter from 1 μm to  5 μm and…


                                  12 Jun 2021 12:51 PM IST

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                                  Week 5 - Rayleigh Taylor Instability


                                  Rayleigh Taylor Instability Objectives: 1. To develop a numerical case set-up for Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem in Ansys Fluent. 2. To conduct grid dependency test to understand the variation in RT instabilites. 3. To understand the effect on RT instabilities due to variation in Atwood number.   INTRODUCTION…


                                  02 Jun 2021 12:46 PM IST

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                                  Week 4 - CHT Analysis on Exhaust port


                                  Aim: To perform steady-state Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis on Exhaust port  Objectives: Give a brief description of why and where a CHT analysis is used. Maintain the y+ value according to the turbulence model and justify the results.  Calculate the wall/surface heat transfer coefficient on the…


                                  28 May 2021 03:00 PM IST

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                                  Week 3 - External flow simulation over an Ahmed body.


                                  External flow simulation over an Ahmed body AIM: To study external aerodynamic simulation over an Ahmed body for a velocity of 25 m/s and to perform mesh independence test with default air properties in fluent. Objective:  To describe Ahmed's body and its importance. To explain the reason for the negative pressure…


                                  22 May 2021 03:24 PM IST

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                                    Week 2 - Flow over a Cylinder.


                                    AIM:- Vortex shedding simulation over a cylinder in laminar flow. Objective:- Simulate the flow with the steady and unsteady case and calculate the strouhal number for Re=100 To calculate the co efficient of drag and lift over a cylinder by setting the Reynolds number(Re) to 10,100,1000,10000 & 100000.(Run with…


                                    11 May 2021 12:19 PM IST

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                                    Week 1- Mixing Tee


                                    AIM: To stimulate flow of air through a mixing tee and study the mixing effectiveness of this in pipes of different length and different momentum ratio Objective: In this challenge, the turbulent mixing of two streams of fluid is to be simulated and studied in a mixing-Tee geometry. The primary aim is to run different…


                                    05 May 2021 08:58 AM IST

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                                    Week 12 - Validation studies of Symmetry BC vs Wedge BC in OpenFOAM vs Analytical H.P equation


                                    OBJECTIVE: Writing matlab program to generate the mesh automatically for any wedge angle and grading schemes. Obtain results for the pipe flow with the symmetry BC Angles to test 10,25,45 Post process velocity and shear stress Hagen Poiseuulie's equation In non ideal fluid dynamics, the Hagen-poiseuulie equation also known…


                                    27 Apr 2021 10:54 AM IST

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                                    Week 11 - Simulation of Flow through a pipe in OpenFoam


                                    Objectives: 1)Calculation of Flow variables. 2)Generation of blockMeshDict using the wedge B.Cs , create the blockMeshDict file in MATLAB such that the mesh is automatically created for any wedge angle. 3)Simulating the pipe flow in openFoam using icoFoam solver. 4)Post process the velocity profile and shear stress and…


                                    27 Apr 2021 10:53 AM IST

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                                    Week 9 - FVM Literature Review


                                    FINITE VOLUME METHOD: It is one of the methods of solving partial differential equations by converting them into algebraic equations and then solving them using iterative solvers or the matrix inversion method, Volume integration of the partial differential equation is converted into surface integral using the gauss divergence…


                                    20 Apr 2021 07:08 AM IST

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                                    Week 8 - Simulation of a backward facing step in OpenFOAM


                                    OBJECTIVE: To simulate an incompressible laminar viscous flow through the backwards facing step geometry and perform a transient simulation. Case 1-To simulate the flow without using any grading factor (GF =1) Case 2-To simulate the flow with a grading factor (GF=0.2). The cells should be finer near the walls(including…


                                    19 Apr 2021 01:44 PM IST

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                                    Week 7 - Simulation of a 1D Super-sonic nozzle flow simulation using Macormack Method


                                    Nozzle: A nozzle is a device designed to control the direction or characteristics of a fluid flow (to increase velocity) as its exists (or enters) an enclosed chamber or pipe. Nozzles are used to control the flow rate, speed,direction,mass,shape and pressure of the stream that emerges from them. For subsonic and sonic…


                                    11 Apr 2021 12:37 PM IST

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                                    Week 5.1 - Mid term project - Solving the steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction problem


                                    AIM: To solve 2D Heat conduction equation for steady and transient state using iterative methods such as jacobi, gauss seidel and successive over relaxation Here we use 3 methods named  Jacobi: In this we assume initial values at all nodes to calculate the new values,which we will update once we find all the nodes…


                                    21 Mar 2021 04:56 AM IST

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                                      Week 3.5 - Deriving 4th order approximation of a 2nd order derivative using Taylor Table method


                                      Derive the following 4th order approximations of the second-order derivative. we use taylor table method for different nodes 1)Central difference scheme We know that for CDS i varies from (i-2),(i-1),i,(i+1),(i+2) now unknowns are solved by using matrix  %central difference [E1]=[1 1 1 1 1;-2 -1 0 1 2;2 1/2 0 1/2…


                                      21 Feb 2021 05:37 AM IST

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                                        Showing 1 of 40 projects