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Week 6 - Multivariate Newton Rhapson Solver

The equation to solve: Boundary Condition: Y1 = 1 Y2 = 0 y3 = 0 Alpha = 1 Time to run = 10 mins Procedure:      The process of solving the set of equation with respect to time.  The equation has to be solved every timestep. So the newton-rahpson method is used to solve in timestep and the results if…

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                Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


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                FINAL TEST


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                    Week 10: Project 1 - FULL HYDRO case set up (PFI)


                    Geometry: Preparation: Application type: Gas simulation: Parcel simulation: Reaction mechanism: Species: Run Parameter: Simulation time parameter: Boundary Conditions: Regions: Events: Spray model: Combustion model(SAGE): Turbulance model: Source/sink model: Base grid: Adaptiv Mesh Refinement: Fixed Embedding:   Results:…


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                    Week 9: Project 1 - Surface preparation and Boundary Flagging (PFI)


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                        Week 6: Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation


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                          Week 5: Prandtl Meyer Shock problem


                          Boundary Condition:       In mathematics, in the field of differential equations, a boundary value problem is a differential equation together with a set of additional constraints, called the boundary conditions. A solution to a boundary value problem is a solution to the differential equation which…


                          04 May 2021 09:00 PM IST

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                            Week 4.2: Project - Transient simulation of flow over a throttle body


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                            29 Apr 2021 12:43 PM IST

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                              Week 4.1: Project - Steady state simulation of flow over a throttle body


                              Geometry:       The geometry of the elbow is cleaned and patched so that the geometry is used to run the steady state stimulation is run through the elbow with throttle. Throttle geometry top: throttle geometry through inlet:       Once the geometry is cleaned and patched, the case setup is…


                              27 Apr 2021 06:23 PM IST

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                                Week 3: Flow over a backward facing step


                                Backward facing step:      The backward facing step is an interesting case for studying the performance and solution strategy of a turbulence model. In this case, the flow is subjected to a sudden increase of cross-sectional area, resulting in a separation of flow starting at the point of expansion. Spatial…


                                19 Apr 2021 01:42 PM IST

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                                  Week 1: Channel flow simulation using CONVERGE CFD


                                  Aim:      To run a channel flow stimulation for three different mesh size and interpret the results. Mesh cases dx(m) dy(m) dz(m) case1 2e-4 2e-4 2e-4 case2 1.5e-4 1.5e-4 1.5e-4 case3 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4   Preparation:        A channel geometry is created and the Case setup is done using…


                                  20 Mar 2021 07:02 AM IST

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                                  Week 5.2 - Literature review: ODE Stability


                                  When does a ODE become unstable? In order to find the unstable condition for a ODE lets assume a equation for ODE and run the program for various dt. Equation:  f(y) = dy/dt = - 1000y-e^-t        For this equation we find the analytical results along with explicit and implicit methods for…


                                  17 Feb 2021 07:10 PM IST

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                                    Week 9 - Senstivity Analysis Assignment


                                     Sensitivity analysis:        Sensitivity analysis is the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system (numerical or otherwise) can be divided and allocated to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs. A related practice is uncertainty analysis, which has a greater focus on uncertainty…


                                    03 Feb 2021 10:41 AM IST

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                                      Week 7 - Auto ignition using Cantera


                                        Auto-Ignition Temperature:      The autoignition temperature or kindling point of a substance is the lowest temperature in which it spontaneously ignites in a normal atmosphere without an external source of ignition, such as a flame or spark. This temperature is required to supply the activation energy…


                                      24 Jan 2021 06:40 PM IST

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                                        Week 6 - Multivariate Newton Rhapson Solver


                                        The equation to solve: Boundary Condition: Y1 = 1 Y2 = 0 y3 = 0 Alpha = 1 Time to run = 10 mins Procedure:      The process of solving the set of equation with respect to time.  The equation has to be solved every timestep. So the newton-rahpson method is used to solve in timestep and the results if…


                                        27 Dec 2020 07:11 PM IST

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                                          Challenge on Combustion


                                          Combustion stimulation: Geometry:    The sectioned view of combustor model is shown here. In this geometry in order to use a refined mesh the geometry is cut to quatre its size and and plane is taken out for the CFD stimulation. In this plane the parts are combined together. 2D geometry: Mesh:     The…


                                          22 Sep 2020 05:21 PM IST

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                                            Exhaust Port Challenge


                                            CHT analysis:       The contemporary conjugate convective heat transfer model was developed after computers came into wide use in order to substitute the empirical relation of proportionality of heat flux to temperature difference with heat transfer coefficient which was the only tool in theoretical…


                                            27 Aug 2020 05:03 PM IST

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                                              Ahmed Body Challenge


                                              Q1. Describe Ahmed's body and its importance.        The Ahmed body is a generic car body (a simplified vehicle model). The airflow around the Ahmed body captures the essential flow features around an automobile and was first defined and characterized in the experimental work of Ahmed.  Ahmed body…


                                              09 Aug 2020 06:41 PM IST

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                                                Mixing efficiency


                                                Given data: cold inlet temprature X=190C.  hot inlet temperature Y= 360C There are two cases short and long pipes cases respectively.  momentum ratio = 2,4.  hot inlet velocity of 3m/s.  Thus with two Momentum ratio the two sub cases of cold inlet  velocity is 6m/s and 12m/s. …


                                                23 Jul 2020 08:10 PM IST

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                                                  Week 12 - Symmetry vs Wedge vs HP equation


                                                      Using the values from  previous challege, leght of pipe is 5mm and average velocity is 0.1602m/s. This matlab program will provide the geometry file for any wedge angle. thus it needs the angle as input. Matlab Program for different wedge angle: clear all close all clc wedge_angle = input('enter the…


                                                  14 Jul 2020 02:16 PM IST

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                                                    Week 11 - Simulation of Flow through a pipe in OpenFoam


                                                    Simulation of Flow through a pipe:       Assume that water at temperature 303K, flowing through a pipe of 10mm diameter with a laminar flow of Re=2000. we need to find the entrance lenght(le), lenght of pipe(l), average velocity(Vavg) and pressure drop using Hagen poiseuille's equation.  …


                                                    05 Jul 2020 07:24 PM IST

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                                                      Week 8 - BlockMesh Drill down challenge


                                                      Mesh specification Number of cells along the x direction (longer dimension) = 200 Number of cells along the y direction = 10 Use a graded mesh. Grading factor near all walls should be 0.     First the geometry has to be created.  So the apprapriate solver is choosed and geotmetry is created in the blockMeshDict…


                                                      24 Jun 2020 11:29 AM IST

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                                                        Week 7 - Simulation of a 1D Super-sonic nozzle flow simulation using Macormack Method


                                                         To simulate the isentropic flow through a quasi 1D subsonic-supersonic nozzle: subsonic-supersonic nozzle to be solved using two form.  They are conservation and non-conservation forms. Conservation form equation: ∂(ρ’A’)/ ∂t’ + ∂(ρ’A’v’)/ ∂x’…


                                                        16 Jun 2020 03:01 PM IST

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