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Exhaust Port Challenge

Aim: To Simulate the Conjugate heat transfer analysis using exhaust port model also calculate the wall and surface heat transfer coefficient values of the model Theory: Conjugate heat transfer: The Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis type allows for the simulation of heat transfer between solid and fluid domains by…

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    Independent Research Project


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    Week 5.1 - Mid term project - Solving the steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction problem


    Aim: Solving the 2D heat conduction problem for steady and transient state using various iterative techniques (Jacobi, Gauss seidel and Successive over relaxation methods) using Matlab Given that: Top Boundary = 600 K Bottom Boundary = 900 K Left Boundary = 400 K Right Boundary = 800 K  Your absolute error criteria…


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      Week 3 Challenge : CFD meshing on Turbocharger


      Aim: Check the geometrical errors to make appropriate volumes and assign the PID's. Also perform the surface mesh on Turbocharger. Software used: ANSA Pre-processor Theory: A turbocharger is a device fitted to a vehicle’s engine that is designed to improve the overall efficiency and increase performance. This is…


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      Week 2 Challenge : Surface meshing on a Pressure valve


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      18 Mar 2021 08:57 AM IST

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      Week 9 - FVM Literature Review


      Aim: Literature review of Finite volume method and also describe the need for interpolation scheme and flux limiters in FVM.                                  Finite Volume Method: The most widely applied method today in CFD is the FVM,…


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      Week 8 - Simulation of a backward facing step in OpenFOAM


      Aim: Simulation of a backward facing step in OpenFOAM Given that: 1. Simulate the flow without using any grading factor (i.e., GF = 1) 2. Simulate the flow with grading factor of 0.2. The cells should be finer near the walls (including the step wall). Mesh specification Number of cells along the x direction (longer…


      12 Mar 2021 07:58 AM IST

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        Week 3.5 - Deriving 4th order approximation of a 2nd order derivative using Taylor Table method


        Aim: Deriving 4th order approximation of a 2nd order derivative using Taylor Table method of the function exp(x)*cos(x) and compare it with the 3 numerical approximations   Software Used: MATLAB Formulation for the Taylor table mthods for Central difference Scheme. f''(x) = af(x-2h) + bf(x-h) +…


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        Emission Characterization on a CAT3410 Engine using Converge


        Aim: To setup and perform the simulation of combustion process with open-w-piston and omega piston for Diesel engine. Software used: Converge CFD Objective: To run the simulation for Open W-piston and Omega piston and post process the results using PARAVIEW. Characterize the Emissions Create cut-plane animations showing…


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        Challenge on Combustion


        Aim: To perform combustion simulation on the combustor model and plot the variation of the mass fraction of the different species. To plot contours and line plots for CO2, H2O, CH4, N2, O2, NOx emissions & Soot formation. To add the water content in the fuel 5% to 30% by mode and observe the effect of it on the results.…


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          Week 10: Project 1 - FULL HYDRO case set up (PFI)


          Aim: To perform the Surface Preparation and boundary flagging on the IC Engine and setting up Full Hydro case setup -PFI Simulation. Objective: To perform surface preparation and flag the boundaries on a given IC Engine case. Setting up Full Hydro case setup-PFI Simulation for the setup. To show the animation how all the…


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          Gate Valve Parametric Study


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            Cyclone Separator Challenge


            Aim:- To perform analysis on cyclone separator and calculate the separation efficiency and pressure drop.   Objective:- To write a few words about any four empirical models used to calculate the cyclone separator efficiency.  To perform an analysis on a given cyclone separator model by varying the particle diameter from 1 μm to  5 μm and…


            12 Jan 2021 09:19 AM IST

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              Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis on a graphics card.


              Aim: Perform a steady-state conjugate heat transfer analysis on a model of a graphics card.  Software Used: Ansys Fluent Theory:  Conjugate heat transfer: The Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis type allows for the simulation of heat transfer between solid and fluid domains by exchanging thermal energy at the interfaces…


              11 Jan 2021 03:58 AM IST

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                Week 8: Literature review - RANS derivation and analysis


                Aim: The objective of the project is apply Reynolds decomposition to the Navier-Strokes equation and determine the expression of Reynolds stress. Theory: The Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (or RANS equations) are time-averaged[a] equations of motion for fluid flow. The idea…


                26 Dec 2020 05:17 AM IST

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                  Week 7: Shock tube simulation project


                  Aim:  Setup a transient shock tube simulation Plot the pressure and temperature history in the entire domain - Explain the result Plot the cell count as a function of time - Explain the result Software Used : Converge CFD Theory: Shock tubes are devices for studying the flow of high-temperature and high-velocity compressible…


                  23 Dec 2020 09:55 AM IST

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                    Week 6: Conjugate Heat Transfer Simulation


                    Aim: Simulate the Conjugate heat transfer analysis for flow through a pipe with diffrent mesh sizes. Study the Effect of super cycle stages intervals. Software Used: Converge CFD Theory: Conjugate heat transfer: The Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis type allows for the simulation of heat transfer between solid and fluid domains…


                    23 Dec 2020 03:52 AM IST

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                      Week 5: Prandtl Meyer Shock problem


                      Aim: To simulate the Prandtl Meyer Shock flow problem in Converge CFD Simulate the Supersonic and subsonic flow through a duct Study the formation of shock waves in the duct Observe the effect of SSB temperature value on cell count and the shock location Software : Converge CFD Theory: What is a Shock wave: In physics,…


                      18 Dec 2020 04:48 PM IST

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                        To simulate the Prandtl Meyer Shock flow problem in Converge CFD


                        Aim: To simulate the Prandtl Meyer Shock flow problem in Converge CFD Simulate the Supersonic and subsonic flow through a duct Study the formation of shock waves in the duct Observe the effect of SSB temperature value on cell count and the shock location Software : Converge CFD Theory: What is a Shock wave: In physics,…


                        18 Dec 2020 04:47 PM IST

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                        Transient simulation of flow over throttle body


                        Aim: To Study the Transient state simulation of flow over throttle body. Software used: Converge CFD Theory: The throttle valve used in IC Engines, it is a circular disc placed near to the intake manifold which controls the mass flow rate of air fuel mixture entering the combustion chamber. In a petrol engine, the throttle…


                        16 Dec 2020 02:08 PM IST

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                        Week 4: Project - Transient simulation of flow over a throttle body


                        Aim: To Study the Transient state simulation of flow over throttle body. Software used: Converge CFD Theory: The throttle valve used in IC Engines, it is a circular disc placed near to the intake manifold which controls the mass flow rate of air fuel mixture entering the combustion chamber. In a petrol engine, the throttle…


                        16 Dec 2020 02:07 PM IST

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                          Week 4: Project - Steady state simulation of flow over a throttle body


                          Aim: To Study the Steady state simulation of flow over throttle body. Software used: Converge CFD Theory: The throttle valve used in IC Engines, it is a circular disc placed near to the intake manifold which controls the mass flow rate of air fuel mixture entering the combustion chamber. In a petrol engine, the throttle…


                          16 Dec 2020 09:38 AM IST

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                            Rayleigh Taylor Instability Challenge


                            Aim: Perform the transient simulation on Rayleigh Taylor Instability of different mesh sizes. Define the Atwood Number. Find out the Atwood number for both the cases and explain how the variation in Atwood numbers in the above two cases affects the behaviour of the instability.  Software Used: Ansys Fluent Rayleigh Taylor…


                            16 Dec 2020 02:57 AM IST

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                              Exhaust Port Challenge


                              Aim: To Simulate the Conjugate heat transfer analysis using exhaust port model also calculate the wall and surface heat transfer coefficient values of the model Theory: Conjugate heat transfer: The Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT) analysis type allows for the simulation of heat transfer between solid and fluid domains by…


                              16 Dec 2020 02:56 AM IST

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                                Rayleigh Taylor Instability problem (Multiphase)


                                Aim: Perform the transient simulation on Rayleigh Taylor Instability of different mesh sizes. Define the Atwood Number. Find out the Atwood number for both the cases and explain how the variation in Atwood numbers in the above two cases affects the behaviour of the instability.  Software Used: Ansys Fluent Rayleigh…


                                14 Dec 2020 02:12 PM IST

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                                  Flow Over a Backward facing step using Converge CFD


                                  Aim:To Simulate the Flow over a backward facing step using Converge CFD with diffrent mesh grid sizes. Software Used: Converge CFD Objective: 1. Run the simulation for diffrent Mesh sizes 2. Contour plots of diffrent parameters 3. post process the results in Paraview and Converge post Theory: Backward-Facing Step (BFS)…


                                  08 Dec 2020 08:12 AM IST

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                                  Channel flow simulation using Converge CFD for different grid sizes


                                  Aim: Study the Channel flow simulation using Converge CFD for diffrent mesh sizes Software Used: Converge Studio Objective: 1. Run the simulation for diffrent sizes 2. Contour plots of diffrent parameters 3. post process the results in Paraview and Converge post Theory: The analysis of flow patterns of water surface shape,…


                                  08 Dec 2020 06:44 AM IST

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                                  Ahmed Body Challenge


                                  Aim: To study the aerodynamic effect of flow over a ahmed body and conduct suitable grid independence test. Introduction: Ahmed body is standard model created by R.S Ahmed in 1984. it is similarly like car used to validation of new codes in Automotive industry.experimental data values are availble can be compared with…


                                  03 Dec 2020 06:26 PM IST

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                                    Flow over a Ahmed Body


                                    Aim: To study the aerodynamic effect of flow over a ahmed body and conduct suitable grid independence test. Introduction: Ahmed body is standard model created by R.S Ahmed in 1984. it is similarly like car used to validation of new codes in Automotive industry.experimental data values are availble can be compared with…


                                    03 Dec 2020 06:26 PM IST

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                                      Steady Vs Unsteady flow over a cylinder


                                      Aim: Simulate the Flow over a cylinder and explain the phenomenon of karman vortex street. Software used: Ansys Fluent  Renolds Number: The Reynolds number is the ratio of interial forces to viscous forces within a fluid which is subjected to relative internal movement due to different fluid velocities. karman Vorte…


                                      20 Nov 2020 02:56 PM IST

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                                        Simulate the Flow over a cylinder and explain the phenomenon of karman vortex street using Ansys Fluent


                                        Aim: Simulate the Flow over a cylinder and explain the phenomenon of karman vortex street. Software used: Ansys Fluent  Renolds Number: The Reynolds number is the ratio of interial forces to viscous forces within a fluid which is subjected to relative internal movement due to different fluid velocities. karman Vorte…


                                        20 Nov 2020 02:51 PM IST

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                                          Mixing efficiency


                                          Aim:  Steady state simulations to comparing the Mixing efficency for diffrent cases. Cases: 1. Short T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 2 2. Long T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 2  3. Short T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 4 4. Long T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 4   Where Momentum ratio…


                                          11 Nov 2020 05:02 PM IST

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                                            Mixing Efficiencies for Tee Pipes using Ansys Fluent


                                            Aim:  Steady state simulations to comparing the Mixing efficency for diffrent cases. Cases: 1. Short T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 2 2. Long T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 2  3. Short T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 4 4. Long T pipe geometry with Momentum ratio 4   Where Momentum ratio…


                                            11 Nov 2020 05:00 PM IST

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                                            Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                                            Aim: to write a code in MATLAB to parse the NASA thermodynamic data file and calculate the Thermodynamic properties of various gas species. Objective: Theory: File Parsing:                     File parsing refers to how information can b read from a particular text file…


                                            22 Oct 2020 05:35 AM IST

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                                              Parsing NASA Thermodynamic data


                                              Aim: to write a code in MATLAB to parse the NASA thermodynamic data file and calculate the Thermodynamic properties of various gas species. Objective: Theory: File Parsing:                     File parsing refers to how information can b read from a particular text file…


                                              22 Oct 2020 05:32 AM IST

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                                              Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm


                                              Aim: write a code in MATLA to optimize the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function Theory: Stalagmite Function: stalagmite structures are formed from the caves floor that point upward.stalagmite functions are mathematical functions which represents shapessililar to that of stalagmite functions.  …


                                              16 Oct 2020 05:07 AM IST

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                                                Stalagmite function optimization using GA Algorithm.


                                                Aim: write a code in MATLA to optimize the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function Theory: Stalagmite Function: stalagmite structures are formed from the caves floor that point upward.stalagmite functions are mathematical functions which represents shapessililar to that of stalagmite functions.  …


                                                16 Oct 2020 05:05 AM IST

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                                                Solving second order ODEs using MATLAB Programming


                                                Aim: Solve the Second order ODE using Matlab Programming and create a Animation of pendulam and its motion. Given Problem Statement:                           In given Equation g = gravity (m/s2) = 9.81 m= mass of ball (kg) = 1 l = length of the pendulum…


                                                13 Oct 2020 08:04 AM IST

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                                                Solve the Second order ODE using Matlab Programming and create a Animation of pendulam and its motion.


                                                Aim : Solve the Second order ODE using Matlab Programming and create a Animation of pendulam and its motion. Given Problem Statement:                           In given Equation g = gravity (m/s2) = 9.81 m= mass of ball (kg) = 1 l = length of the pendulum…


                                                13 Oct 2020 08:03 AM IST

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                                                Curve fitting using Matlab


                                                Aim: Writing a code for fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the cp data. Theory: Curve fitting is a process of constructing a curve, or mathematical functions, which possess the closest proximity to the real series o data. By curve fitting, we can mathematically construct the functional relationship between the observed…


                                                12 Oct 2020 02:37 PM IST

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                                                Calculate the Drag force on a Bicycle using Matlab Program


                                                Aim : % calculate the Drag force on a bicycle using MATLAB  Formula  for drag force:          Drag force F = 1/2*rho*A*v^2*c_d where      rho = density (kg/m^3)     A = frontal area (m^2)     v = velocity (m/s)     c_d = drag cofficent  …


                                                12 Oct 2020 04:17 AM IST

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                                                Simulating the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic arm using MATLAB Programming


                                                Aim: Simulating the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic arm using MATLAB Programming. Theory: Forward Kinematics:refers to the use of the kinematic euations of a robot to compute the position of the end-effector from specified values for the joint parameters. joint angles are the inputs, the outputs would be the co-ordinates…


                                                12 Oct 2020 04:16 AM IST

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                                                writing a program on Otto cycle using MATLAB Programming


                                                Aim :Writing a program on OTTO cycle                    1.create a plot on PV diagram                   2. Thermal Efficiency of the otto cycle   Introduction : Process:               …


                                                10 Oct 2020 07:24 AM IST

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                                                Showing 1 of 43 projects