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Curve fitting using Python

Aim: To perform curve fitting using Python. Objective:  Write codes to fit the linear and cubic polynomial for Cp data. To plot the linear and cubic fit curves along with the original data points. To find the best fit and measure the errors in the curves. Curve fitting: Curve fitting is the process of constructing…

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              Turbocharger modelling


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                  09 Jun 2021 04:25 AM IST

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                    Curve fitting using Python


                    Aim: To perform curve fitting using Python. Objective:  Write codes to fit the linear and cubic polynomial for Cp data. To plot the linear and cubic fit curves along with the original data points. To find the best fit and measure the errors in the curves. Curve fitting: Curve fitting is the process of constructing…


                    09 Jun 2021 04:23 AM IST

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                      Data analysis of 'Engine data' from Converge data file using Python


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                      09 Jun 2021 04:22 AM IST

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                        Surface defects on Steel plates classification using SVM algorithm.


                        Objective: In this project we will be carrying out the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm to the Steel plates faults dataset and anlysing the accuracy of the model. Overview: Explanation of Support Vector Machine(SVM) algorithm. Explaining advantages and disadvantages of SVM algorithm. Performing Exploratory Data…


                        27 May 2021 05:06 PM IST

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                          Hood Meshing


                             Objective: To clean up and mesh the Hood Geometry for structural analysis.   Procedure: This procedure consists of mid surface extracting the inner nad outer hood panel.The process is divided into number of steps as followed below: Step 1: Cleaning up the inner hood geometry. Check for the errors…


                          27 May 2021 04:50 PM IST

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                            Gradient Descent of a loss function


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                            06 Mar 2021 03:45 PM IST

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                              Showing 1 of 31 projects