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Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs

The assignment can be viewed by clicking on the project link below: 

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    • CFD
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        To study the flow over a cylinder and Von Karman vortex street in Ansys Fluent.


        Aim: To simulate the flow over a cylinder in Ansys Fluent and study the phenomenon of Von Karman street. Objectives: To simulate the flow over the cylinder in Ansys Fluent for the case of Reynolds number equal to 100. To calculate the Strouhal number for the case of Reynolds number equal to 100. Calculate the drag and…


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   above link leads to the project that solves for the given assignment.


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              Simulation of flow through a pipe in OpenFOAM using the Symmetry boundary condition.


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              Simulation of flow through a pipe in OpenFOAM using the Wedge boundary condition.


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                Simulating an isentropic flow through a quasi 1D subsonic-supersonic nozzle using MATLAB.


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                Discretization basics for a range of dx.


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                11 Jan 2021 02:00 AM IST

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                MATLAB program to compute the numbercal derivative of a function using first, second and fourth order approximations and compare it with the analytical derivative.


                Aim: To write a program in MATLAB that compares the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first derivative against the analytical or the exact derivative. Objectives: To write a program in MATLAB that computes the derivative of fx if fx=sin x ∕x3. The first derivative is to be computed at x = pi for dx =…


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                Please find the link below that leads to the project file for the Rankine Cycle simulator. 


                13 Dec 2020 05:23 PM IST

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                  Rankine Cycle simulator using MATLAB.


                  Aim: To create a Rankine Cycle simulator in MATLAB. Objectives: The code should calculate the state point variables based on user inputs. To plot the T-S diagram for the Rankine cycle. To plot the H-S diagram for the Rankine cycle. Rankine cycle: The Rankine cycle is one of the many thermodynamic cycles whose principles…


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                  Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                  Please find the link below that leads to the project that solves the given file parsing assignment. 


                  08 Dec 2020 01:25 PM IST

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                    Demostrating file parsing in MATLAB by parsing NASA thermodynamic data.


                    Aim: To demonstrate file parsing for the given NASA thermodynamic data . Objectives of the project: To extract the 14 coefficients and calculate the Specific Heat, Enthalpy and Entropy for each of the species in the given data file. Calculate the molecular weight of each species Plot the Specific Heat, Enthalpy, and…


                    08 Dec 2020 01:24 PM IST

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                    Week 4 - Genetic Algorithm


                    Please refer to the following link to view the solution to the assignment. 


                    27 Nov 2020 08:58 PM IST

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                      Demonstrating the Genetic Algorithm in MATLAB


                      Aim: To write a code in MATLAB to optimize the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function. Objectives of the project: To understand the concept of the Genetic Algorithm. Write a MATLAB code to plot the stalagmite function. Use the Genetic Algorithm to maximize the stalagmite function and study three…


                      27 Nov 2020 08:52 PM IST

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                      To demonstrate curve fitting using MATLAB.


                      Aim: To write a code in MATLAB to demonstrate curve fitting. Objectives of the project: To write code to fit a linear and cubic polynomial for the given temperature vs specific heat data. To plot the linear and cubic fit curves along with the raw data points. To write a code to demonstrate splitwise curve fitting method.…


                      20 Nov 2020 08:18 PM IST

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                      Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                      The assignment can be viewed by clicking on the project link below: 


                      13 Nov 2020 07:07 PM IST

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                        To simulate a simple pendulum by solving a second order ODE using MATLAB.


                        Aim: To write a program in MATLAB that simulates the motion of a simple pendulum by solving a second-order Ordinary Differential Equation. Ordinary Differential Equations:- Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) are the equations that contain derivatives of a function, and we usually try to solve for the derivatives. The…


                        13 Nov 2020 07:01 PM IST

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                        MATLAB program to solve for an ideal Otto cycle and to plot its PV diagram.


                        Aim: To write a MATLAB program to solve for an Ideal Otto Cycle with the following requirements, The program should create a PV diagram. The program should output the thermal efficiency of the engine. Otto cycle: An Otto cycle is one of the Air-Standard cycles that describe the workings of a typical spark-ignition internal…


                        11 Nov 2020 05:03 PM IST

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                        Showing 1 of 33 projects