AIM: To mesh the Car floor panel for the spare tire with 2D elements with 5mm target length, assign thickness, and property with the material. The detailed quality criteria list is given below: ABSTRACT: It is a sheet metal part of thickness 0.75 mm and used for keeping the spare tire at the back cargo floor panel…
Sushanto Sarkar
updated on 12 Jan 2021
Project Details
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Read more Projects by Sushanto Sarkar (39)
Week 8 - Challenge 3 - Switch Bezel Design
INPUT SURFACE CONSTRUCTION SET A-CLASS SURFACE Tooling axis creation 1) Y-AXIS TOOLING AXIS we need to project the component 2D on the sketch(yx plane) and through the tangent line along the profile line, we will draw a bisecting line as shown below which will be the tooling axis in Y-direction. 2) X-AXIS TOOLING…
12 Aug 2021 07:57 AM IST
Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover
Create the tooling axis for the given Fan cover model meeting the requirements of the draft angle and perform the Draft analysis on the model. INPUT TOOLING AXIS TREE WITH DRAFT ANALYSIS Tooling axis in X -direction Tooling axis in Y -direction steps Actual tooling axis Draft analysis for 3-degree angle. …
07 Aug 2021 06:09 PM IST
Week 8 - Challenge 2 - Base Bracket Design
Create the Base Bracket Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. To begin with, the tooling axis for the given Class-A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model. DRAFT They are a required feature. A functional part…
07 Aug 2021 06:08 PM IST
Bird-strike Explicit Analysis on a gas-turbine engine fan blade using LS-Dyna solver
AIM: To simulate the Non-linear transient dynamic problem of a bird strike into a Gas turbine engine blade. ABSTRACT: In this project, we are going to simulate the effect of the classic bird strike impact on the gas turbine fan blade. Various engine parts along with control, contact, and database cards are included…
01 Mar 2021 12:06 PM IST
Hyperelastic Material Modelling and validating simulation with Experimental data using LS-Dyna
AIM: To calculate the Mooney Rivlin and Ogden material constant then compare and validate the Hyperelastic material with the help of experimental data. ABSTRACT: In this challenge, we are going to model the hyperelastic material by calculating the Mooney and Rivlin constant and comparing the simulation result…
09 Feb 2021 05:35 AM IST
Simulating head impact of the pedestrian head form on the Car hood and calculating HIC36 value Using LS-Dyna
AIM: To perform the simulation representing the pedestrian head impact on the car hood and calculate the HIC values in LS-Pre post. ABSTRACT: In this assignment, we are going to simulate the head impact simulation and calculate the head injury coefficient (HIC) values. To do so we have taken the head inclined at 45…
08 Feb 2021 12:54 PM IST
Perform Mass Scaling to reduce the Runtime and ensuring stability of mass scaling factor using LS-Dyna
AIM: To reduce the runtime of a model and ensure the stability of mass scaling. ABSTRACT: In this assignment, we are going to perform the mass scaling by adjusting the parameter in TIMESTEP card mainly DT2MS and TSSFAC value so as to reduce the estimated runtime. The hard limit for mass-scaling is 8%. So to achieve…
08 Feb 2021 12:53 PM IST
Material Modeling from Raw Data for linear plastic (MAT_024) material Using LS-Dyna
AIM: To model and validate an Elasto-Plastic material for a given stress-strain data Using LS-Dyna. OBJECTIVE: Here is the workflow: Extract the data from the diagram Clean the data and visually confirm that it matches the original data and the elastic modulus is 20.9E+06 psi. Convert the data to (kg-mm-ms)…
08 Feb 2021 12:52 PM IST
Calculate the Stretch Ratio by comparing the ELFORM (-2,-1,1,2) with Ogden_Material Model using Implicit solver
AIM: To compare the results for the simulation using element formulation ELFORM= 1,2,-1,-2. for a tensile test of a cube using an implicit solver. ABSTRACT: Here we have taken a cube of size 10x10x10 mm and tried to simulate the results for the tensile test using an implicit LS-Dyna solver. Also we will compare…
23 Jan 2021 03:45 AM IST
Bumper Crash Box Simulation Using LS-Dyna explicit Solver
AIM: To simulate the crash box behavior impact on a Rigid wall ABSTRACT: In this project, we have taken a crash box thin-walled section of a bumper that undergoes a very large energy absorption, avoiding energy to travel to other components and ultimately saves the occupant. Here we will give a speed of…
18 Jan 2021 11:02 AM IST
Modelling Spot Weld using BEAM and HEXA (solid) Element using LS-Dyna explicit solver
AIM: To simulate the spotweld created using beam and solid element and run the model to compare them. ABSTRACT: In this challenge, we will compare the models first by creating the spot weld using beam element and then by creating the element using the solid hexa element. after running we will also compare…
18 Jan 2021 11:01 AM IST
2D Shell mesh the Car side door interior panel Using HYPERMESH
AIM: To mesh the Car side door interior panel (plastic trim part). ABSTRACT: In this project, we need to do mesh the car side door, an interior plastic model with a target length of 4mm element size. …
12 Jan 2021 07:22 AM IST
Shell Meshing Car Floor Panel for spare tire cabinet using HYPERMESH
AIM: To mesh the Car floor panel for the spare tire with 2D elements with 5mm target length, assign thickness, and property with the material. The detailed quality criteria list is given below: ABSTRACT: It is a sheet metal part of thickness 0.75 mm and used for keeping the spare tire at the back cargo floor panel…
12 Jan 2021 07:21 AM IST
Mobile Drop test using LS-Dyna Explicit Solver
AIM: To set up the solver deck file for the Mobile drop case. ABSTRACT: In this assignment, we are going to study the case of the mobile drop situation. This will be done by setting up the keyword necessary to mimic the actual condition. we will also assign the initial velocity card and set boundary conditions…
12 Jan 2021 07:18 AM IST
Explicit and Implicit Analysis
Implicit Analysis: The meaning of implicit is that it can't be discriminate(separated). suppose we have an equation: `x^y=e^(xy)+x` to solve this equation we need to do it with some iterative method therefore it can't be solved directly. so we need to take some initial values as x and then we need to try to converge…
03 Jan 2021 11:07 AM IST
AIM: To mesh the model implement 1D connections to the model such as seam, spot, and bolt, etc. ABSTRACT: In this model first we need to mesh the model and make sure the mesh density is uniform throughout and then implement connection as per the challenge requirement. METHODOLOGY: Import the…
10 Oct 2020 12:27 PM IST
3D meshing using Hypermesh
Aim: To do Tetra meshing as well as Hexa meshing on the models given. Abstract: In this assignment, I have performed Tetra mesh and Hexa meshing on the model given. Tetra meshing once we have open the model we need to check for topological error and solid if any fix them and proceed further. if the…
08 Oct 2020 04:14 PM IST
Data Analysis for Engine data file using Python Script
AIM: Data analysis of an Engine data file using Python script. ABSTRACT: We need to write a script in python which will Analyse the data in the engine_data.out file and will plot versus plot between the engine parameters. The x-axis and y-axis input will user specified from the list. INTRODUCTION: Why parse file?…
20 Sep 2020 06:56 PM IST
Curve Fitting using Python
CURVE FITTING AND FITNESS CHARACTERISTICS Objective: To fit a linear & cubic polynomial curve for Cp (specific heat) with the range of temperature. Explain the parameters to measure the fitness characteristic of a curve. Also discuss how to make a curve perfect fit, best fit, and what could be done…
14 Sep 2020 04:53 PM IST
Frontal car crash simulation of Dodge Neon BIW using RADIOSS.
AIM: Frontal car crash simulation of Dodge Neon BIW using RADIOSS. OBJECTIVE: These are the following requirements for this project. Setup Request: Check the unit system and either follow[Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. Create an appropriate interface, friction 0.2, and recommended parameters. Make sure of no penetrations…
09 Sep 2020 11:06 AM IST
Side pole crash simulation of Dodge Neon BIW using RADIOSS
AIM: Car Sidecrash simulation of Dodge Neon BIW using RADIOSS. OBJECTIVE: These are the following requirements for this project. Setup Request: Check the unit system and either follow [Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. Create an appropriate interface, friction 0.2, and recommended parameters. Make sure of no penetration…
08 Sep 2020 02:01 PM IST
AIM: To study the failure behavior of a punch and plate model(DROP TEST) using different material models. ABSTRACT: In this report, I have made a study on the failure behavior of a plate impacted by a punch based on different material model cases. The following cases are to be analyzed so as to make a final comparison.…
21 Aug 2020 04:41 AM IST
Meshing and connection implementation for CCB using ANSA
AIM: Meshing and connection implementation for CCB using ANSA METHODOLOGY: Import CAD model and geometry cleanup. Mid-surface generation and set different PID with Thickness value. Quality and Mesh parameter setup. Meshing and Mesh correction. Deploying weld and RB connections as per requirement. INTRODUCTION:…
02 Aug 2020 11:10 AM IST
AIM: Meshing and implementing connections to the car rear suspension model. ABSTRACT: In this project, I have taken a half section of a car rear suspension system where I will perform meshing on different components with 3D, 2D & 1D elements. Also, I will implement the connections to the areas required. The…
31 Jul 2020 07:33 AM IST
AIM: Pre-processing of the car instrument panel using ANSA KEYWORDS: Mid-surface Extraction, Shell Meshing. OBJECTIVE: Introduction to shell meshing i.e. 2D meshing Geometry check & Topological error clean up Mid surface generation Meshing the geometry The quality criterion…
20 Jul 2020 01:23 PM IST
Aim: To implement connections for a Rear Door FE model. Objective: Understand car rear door assembly Understand different types of connections and 1D elements. Perform connections for a FE model. Methodology for giving connections Import the FE model Understand the geometry and mechanism Give connection to all the…
08 Jul 2020 03:01 PM IST
PRE-PROCESSING OF CAR REAR MIRROR Objective: Understand 3D meshing and different element shapes used in solid meshing. 3D meshing on a solid object. Assign and check for the quality parameter in 3D meshing. Quality Criterion to be followed: Abstract: In this challenge, we are going to mesh the car rear mirror…
23 Jun 2020 02:26 PM IST
PRE-PROCESSING OF A BOTTLE CAP USING CAE ANSA Objective: Mid surface Extraction of the intricate plastic components. Meshing the geometry with the target length of 1 mm. Fulfill the quality criteria as per requirements. The quality criterion to be followed: ABSTRACT: In this challenge, we are going to…
30 May 2020 09:33 AM IST
PRE-PROCESSING OF CAR HOOD ASSEMBLY USING ANSA OBJECTIVE: Introduction to shell meshing i.e. 2D meshing Geometry clean up with no topological error Mid surface generation Meshing the geometry with the target length of 5mm The quality criterion to be followed: ABSTRACT: A car hood or a car bonnet…
23 May 2020 01:50 PM IST
Genetic Algorithm A Stochastic Approach for Optimization of a stalagmite fitness function
Genetic Algorithm A Stochastic Approach for Optimization Objectives: Develop the matlab codes to optimise the stalagmite function and find the global maxima of the function Expalining the concept of genetic algorithm. Plot the graph for different cases to improve the optimization process.…
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
File Parsing and Data analysis in MATLAB
File Parsing NASA Thermodynamic data form THERMO.dat file objective: To write a Matlab code to extract the data from the file(Thermo.dat). To calculate and plot the Cp,h,s for the all the gas species for a entire range of there local temperature(TminL- TmaxL ) Calculate the molecular weight of the species and display on…
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
Curve Fitting and Curve Fitness characteristics
CURVE FITTING AND FITNESS CHARACTERISTICS Objective: To fit a linear & cubic polynomial curve for Cp (specific heat) with the range of temperature. Explain the parameters to measure the fitness characteristic of a curve.…
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
Simulating Forward Kinematic For 2R Robotic Arm on MATLAB
Program in Matlab to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm This program will help us in figure the workspace of the robotic arm. The workspace refers the possible location where a robotic arm can reach . the applicatio of such porgam is robotic welding arm. …
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
Second Order ODE Simulation of a Damped Simple Pendulum Transient Behaviour on MATLAB
TRANSIENT BEHAVIOUR OF A DAMPED SIMPLE PENDULUM OBJECTIVE: Simulation of the transient behaviour of a simple pendulum which is described by ordinary differntial equation(ODE) and to create an animation of it\'s motion. THEORY: This an approach to solve…
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
ADVISOR TOOL demonstration using MATLAB environment
Objective: To get aware of the ADVISOR GUI . Learn & analyze vehicle range and fuel/battery prediction learn gradeablity test for the vehicle Using ADVISOR for analysis and simulation of HEV It stands for ADvanced Vehicle SimulatOR used for simulation of conventional, electric or hybrid vehicles(series,…
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
Plotting P-V curve and computing the thermal efficiency for Otto cycle using Matlab coding
AIR STANDARD CYCLES OR IDEAL I.C ENGINE CYCLES Assumptions made in air standard cycles: The working substance is air and it behaves as an ideal gas. The working substance is of fixed mass( closed system analysis) The specific heats of working fluid remains…
31 Mar 2020 08:59 AM IST
Power Electronics and Electric Drive Behavior
Objective: Power converter switches and its application 4-quadrant characteristic of DC motor Speed control of a DC motor using BJT H-bridge The Four-Quadrant Chopper DC Drive (DC7) block and its comparison with H-bridge Modeling an EV using DC7 block. POWER ELECTRONICS To process and control the flow of electric…
31 Mar 2020 08:56 AM IST
Modelling a HEV & EV for a WOT driving cycle using Powertrain & vehicle dynamics blockset.
Objective: To understand mapped and dynamic models in powertrain blockset. To understand switching of models from mapped to dynamic. understand how the model calculate miles per gallon and which factor are considered. Run the HEV ReferenceApplication with WOT drive cycle & compare by Changing…
31 Mar 2020 08:56 AM IST