challenge5-solid meshing: objectives:To mesh the given mirror with 2D mesh with the given quality criteria and converted into 3d tetramesh. procedure: img:original geometry of thr side mirror first…
M Dilip Kumar
updated on 07 Jul 2021
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Assignment 1-2D Meshing Challenge
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19 Aug 2021 03:53 PM IST
Week - 4 - Crash Box Simulation
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Week - 2 - Explicit and Implicit Analysis
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Week - 1 - Consistency of Units
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Tool Test-2
i take 1 hour to mesh this model
07 Jul 2021 09:15 AM IST
Tool Test 1
tool test
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Week - 4 - 2D meshing for Plastic components
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Week 3 - 2D meshing for sheet metal
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Week 12:Project 2-Meshing of Rear Wheel Holder challenge
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Week 12:Project-1-Meshing of Door Inner Panel Challenge
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Week 9-Creation of 1D Connectors Challenge
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Adams Assignments – Problem 5 – Compliance
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Vehicle Ride 2
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Vehicle Ride 1
1)recommended rear frequency =1.3004HZfront sprung mass frequency=1.15HZfront spring rate=28.079N/mmrear spring rate=39.22N/mmfront sprung mass natural frequency at curb and GVW=1.221HZ,1.127HZ.rear sprung mass natural frequency at curb and GVW=1.543HZ,1.195Hzfront unsprung mass natural frequency at all condition=12.36Hzrear…
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Vehicle Ride
1)wheel rate is the force per unit displacement relative to the chassis,whereas the spring rate is the force per unit displacement of the suspension alone. 2)Ride rate is the vertical displacement of tire contact patch relative to the chassis,whereas the wheel center rate is displacement of the wheel center relative to…
10 Feb 2021 11:15 AM IST
Steering Geometry 1
8)1) castor =5.361`degree` (it is measured from the side view of the car ; castor=`arctan`(dx/dz) mechanical trail=-1.79253mm(it is measured from the side view …
08 Feb 2021 03:43 PM IST
Front View Geometry and Roll Center Height 1
HENCE THE ROLL CENTRE HEIGHT IS =-225MM(below the ground level) IC COORDINATE=(-850,239)which is (y,z) from the above image 'y' is takes a 'x' and 'z' is takes a 'y'
30 Jan 2021 09:02 AM IST