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RADAR MAST: ASSEMBLY:. FINAL REPORT: MODELLING OF SUNSEEKER PREDATOR YACHT OBJECTIVE: To learn and model individual parts of sun seeker predator yacht with appearances. To assemble the individual parts of the yacht with suitable constrains To render the yacht by applying appearances,…
Arun Raj
updated on 29 Nov 2021
Softwares Used:
Solidworks: Solidworks is a modeling software in computer aided Design Engineering (CAD and CAE) and it is a product of Dassault systems company. It has other additional softwares like Solidworks visualize, solidworks electrical, solidworks composer and more.
In solidworks, there are many command sections available individually for featuring, sketching, evaluating, rendering, visualizing. The commands used are shown in a separate column called Feature tree.
Yacht: Yacht is a fast, stylish and leisure kind of watercraft used for pleasure or sports. There are many types of yacht, according to their use. Usually yacht is a luxurious water body transport. We have designed with hull, a long luxurious yacht.
Design methodology flowchart:
Here, we have taken a blue print as our reference for modeling the yacht. The blueprint is individually kept as a file. For the parts, the blueprints have been taken as reference on a background. The rendering is done after the completion of modeling.
The entire modeling process is divided into six stages,
Blueprint is basically a design plan. Designing a product without blueprint may lead to multiple errors. It is also ensures accuracy and proportion of the product.
-Select the plane and 2D drawing option and go to Tools-Sketch tools-Sketch picture.
-Browse and choose the image change the dimensions as per the requirements and use transparency tab.
-Change the names of planes as front, bottom, side and mid planes and arrange the blue prints in a sequence order.
Hull is the base part of yacht. Hull determines the entire shape of yacht, while other parts are kept rested on that. It is the biggest part of all. The surfaces are covered with the wooden decals, Many features have been used her. Some of them are,
-Blueprint setup- Insert all views by giving proper X,Y&Z dimensions to it.
-Create two new planes back and top plane using Front and bottom planes as reference.
-Bottom plane-Draw a Horizontal line and spline with midpoint, give relations and dimensions to make it fully defined.
-Mid plane-Draw a inclined line in Z direction vertical centerline and spline with two midpoints, drag the arrows to make sure it matches blueprint.
-Create a projected curve using above two sketches.
-Similarly create one more projected curve by drawing sketches on Midplane and bottom plane using lines and splines.
-Back plane- Draw a spline and use pierce relation to connect with projected curve.
-Mid plane- Draw one more spline and use pierce relation again.
-Now create a lofted surface using above two sketches.
-Similarly, create one more surface loft by drawing sketches on Midplane and backplane using splines.
-In order to trim extra surface draw a vertical line in Midplane and trim extra portion.
-Midplane-Draw a spline parallel to surface loft and do surface loft.
-Trim extra surfaces an knit them together.
-Make sure all lines turn out to black colour which indicates proper knitting.
-Inorder to fill the gap use filled surface by drawing a sketch on Midplane.
-Now knit surface and create shell.
-Mid Plane- Offset created surface entities inward and draw a line to make closed.
-Surface trim extra entities using trim entities and extrude it.
- Bottom Plane- Draw a sketch using 2 splines and do cut extrude.
-Apply fillets and chamfers to respective edges.
-For Side windows draw four lines as rectangle on plane 1 and apply fillet to corners, do linear pattern. Remove extra created window and create a cut extrude.
-For Porth holes- Draw a straight slot on plane 1. Copy the slot to another porth hole using copy feature as per blueprint and cut extrude it. Create 2D sketch in new plane by drawing a circle and for profile create a 3D sketches by converting porth holes entities. Now create a solid sweep. Repeat scimilar steps for creating remaining porth holes.
-For lower deck- Create a sketch on top plane as per the blueprint. Create splines and lined and create extrude.
-For Staircase- Create a sketch on Top plane and by drawing line in rectangle shape and do cut extrude. Select the extruded right face and draw few connecting horizontal and vertical lines in the form of stairs extrude it upto next/Upto surface.
-For lower portion of Hull- Create a plane at an offset of 3000 mm from bottom plane. Draw 3 splines and drag their arrows to match as per blueprint. Offset the splines and make it closed by drawing lines, extrude it.
-Anchor house-Draw a sketch on Top face of hull using two circles and connect them with lines and trim the inner half of circle to create a lower surface of anchor house. Draw a vertical line and horizontal line on new plane using previous sketch as reference and revolve it. Create a sketch by drawing lines and circles extrude it. To remove some portion from previous extrude, create a sketch and do cut extrude.
-For Rope- Draw a helix and create a plane using helix as a reference, draw a circle at the end point of helix. Using the helix path and circle as profile do sweep. Create one more sweep to connect the rope from house to created helix.
-Create some extra porth holes at front and rear end with the help of sketches and extrude them, use linear pattern accordingly to pattern them.
-For hand railings- Create a new plane offset from left face of stair connected portion. Draw a sketch by 3 point center rectangle and apply fillet to two op corners. Create one more plane using lower left end point of rectangle and draw a circle. Now sweep using circle and rectangle as profile and path respectively.
-For Side railings- Draw a sketch on Midplane by offsetting inner edge of Hull inward and outwards respectively. Draw few vertical lines as per blueprint and trim the unwanted portion, so it will from a chain. Apply fillets to end portion and draw one more sketch in respective plane where offset the inner edges of hull. Now create a projected curve using above two sketches. Create a new plane t the end of created sketch for railing reference and draw a circle. Create sweep by referring the circle and projected curve.
-For Caliper-Draw a sketch on Backplane using few lines and extrude it to develop caliper surface. Select the surface of Caliper draw a sketch as per blueprint and revolve it.
-For Propeller shaft-Create a sketch on Back face of Hull by drawing lines as per blueprint and revolve it. Pattern it accordingly with the help of Pattern direction sketch.
-For Connecting rod- Draw a 3D sketch using line to connect both Propeller shaft holes and extrude it.
-For anchor-Draw a sketch on midplane at front portion of Hull using lines and splines as per bluepint and extrude it and mirror it across respective surface.
-For Garage door-Draw a sketch on midplane by drawing a corner rectangle and do cut extrude. Extrude left face and sketch on it by covering previous sketch as entities create cut extrude. Use split and remove the required portion and save part as garage door.
-Create a pin by drawing circle on previous extruded face, extrude it.
-Create a new sketch on midplane by drawing splines and offset in upward and downward direction. Use split line and select all faces to split.
-Apply appearances to hull body, windows, railings, caliper and anchor.
-Mirror the whole body using midplane as reference.
Superstructure is the upper portion of the yacht that consists of swimming pool, radar and transmission mast. It also consists of front seat near the swimming pool. It gives the leisure look for the yacht. Some features used here are,
-Blue print setup- insert all the views by giving proper X, Y & Z dimensions.
-Create two new planes back and top planes using front and bottom as reference.
- Insert the hull part by selecting surface bodies.
-Create a sketch on deck surface by drawing a two splines and a line as per blueprint and extrude the surface.
-Create a plane at the end of create surface extrude.
-Create surface sweep by drawing sketch on the new plane using line and pierce relation with extrude surface. Create a 3D sketch by converting outer surface as entities.
-Extend the outer edge of surface using ruled surface at angle and trim the extra surface. Knit all the surfaces.
-Create one more projected curve by drawing two sketches on respective planes using splines and lines which is further used in creating lofted surface.
-Create one more surface sweep by drawing sketches on created plane using line and apply pierce relation with extruded surface. Create 3D sketch by converting outer surface as entities.
-Trim the surfaces which are not required by drawing sketche on respective faces/Planes.
-Create a swept surface by drawing a sketch on midplane using splines and a 3D sketch by converting respective edges.
-Trim the extra surfaces.
-To surfaces on top, draw two sketches on respective planes to get projected curve as per blueprint which is further used to create lofted surface.
-For windows- Select the outer surface of superstructure use ruled surface for extension. Trim the extra surfaces.
-Select the Deck face and create a sketch by drawing a line at rear portion and do surface extrude. Trim extra surfaces and knit all together.
-For front portion- Draw a sketch on Midplane by converting respective edges and do surface extrude. Trim extra surfaces and knit all together. Create one or more sketch on Midplane by drawing line and spline and so surface extrude.
-Select the deck surface and create a sketch by drawing a circle at a distance from above surface extrude. Extrude it and draw a circle at on extruded face to perform cut extrude. Draw two more circles on extruded face which is again to be extruded. Apply fillets to respective edges. Inorder to remove extra portion draw a rectangle on deck surface do cut extrude. Use delete face option to remove respective faces.
-For steps- Draw few lines horizontal and vertical lines accordingly and extrude them. Trim extra surfaces.
-Inorder to make it solid, sketch on deck surface by drawing a horizontal line and do surface extrude. Trim the extra surfaces and create solid by knitting the surfaces.
-For mattress- Create a surface offset at front end and trim unwanted surface and thicken the surface by selecting respective faces. Create a cut extrude and apply domes and fillets to them.
-For railing (Side and front)- Create a Sweep by drawing sketches on respective planes using circle and splines.
-For Door(at rear end)- Create a cut extrude by offsetting rear face inwards. Draw a L-shape and extrude it for handle creation.
- For Front glass- Create a sketch on Top plane by offsetting entities and do cut extrude.
-For frames- Sketch on respective face by drawing two vertical lines and converting top and bottom edges of glass. Trim unwanted entities and do extrude.
-For top glass- Create a sketch on Top plane by drawing a line and spline and do cut extrude.
-For Top frames- Create a sketch by offsetting respective edges and remove unwanted entities using trim entities and extrude it.
- For rear portion- Draw a sketch on Midplane offsetting respective face and do split line.
-For wipers Holders- Create a sketch on top face of superstructure by drawing one circle and half circle. Extrude them.
-Mirror the bodies across Midplane.
- For Radar Mast Reference- Create a offset surface by selecting rear portion of Top face of Super structure and rename it.
-For wipers- Create a Rectangle on respective plane and do Boss extrude. Repeat two more times at respective places. Apply Chamfer and offset the side faces and do cut extrude. Similarly do it for remaining wipers. Draw a 3D sketch by drawing a line connecting holder and wiper, extrude it which acts as a connecting rod. Repeat for remaining ones.
-Give appearance to windows, Doors, Frames, Mattress, Wipers, Railings and superstructure.
Radars are electronic navigation instruments that are used with rotating antenna to sweep a narrow beam of microwave around the water surface surroundings the ship to horizon, detecting targets by mirowaves reflected from them, generating a picture surroundings on a display screen. Some features used here are,
-In Right plane draw a Trapezium using lines and extrude it.
-Sketch on Face of previous extrude by converting sketch1 entities and extrude it.
-Sketch on Face of Sketch1 extrude by drawing a circle at a distance of 60mm from lower edge converted entities and extrude it.
-Draw a circle on previous extrude face and do cut extrude.
-Use sketch point to locate the previous extrude at required place and do sketch pattern.
- Now mirror across Right plane
-Draw a circle at lower edge of Radar face and do cut extrude.
-Sketch on outer face of Radar using line, insert text as of choice and split across line.
-Apply final appearances.
Front seat is located in the front of superstructure. It is placed on the hull. It is designed using surface features and also extrude features. Domes are applied to the surfaces to imitate the cusions of the seat. Some of the features used here are,
-Blueprint setup – Insert all views like Top, Side, bottom and front views by providing proper X,Y,Z dimensions to it.
-Create two new planes Back and Top plane using front and bottom planes as reference.
-Insert the hull part by selecting the surface bodies.
-Create swept surface by creating a sketch on deck surface by drawing a spline and another sketch on new created plane by drawing a line.
-Draw two lines and connect with previously created swept surface and extrude it.
-Trim the extra surfaces and fill the gap portion with Filled surface.
-Draw few sketches accordingly to trim extra surfaces.
-Create surface loft using above two sketches.
-Trim the extra surfaces & Knit it together.
-Draw lines accordingly to create seat and revolve it about 10 degree.
-Apply fillets and mirror the bodies.
-Finally apply Dome to seats & give appearances.
It is located in the backside of superstructure, placed on the hull. It is comparatively simple in modeling. The shape of this seat gives comfort and be spacious. The part design done without involving surface design. The features used here are,
-Blueprint setup – Insert all views like Top, Side, bottom and front views by providing proper X,Y,Z dimensions to it.
-Create two new planes Back and Top planes using Front and bottom planes as reference.
-Insert the Hull part by selecting the surface bodies..
-Draw L Shape using lines on face of deck and extrude for lower portion of seat.
-Create a sketch on above extrude face offset the face and extrude.
-Create a plane on above extrude face by offsetting at a distance of 5mm. Sketch on it by drawing lines as per blueprint and extrude.
-Mirror the bodies across Midplane by selecting Knit Surfaces and merging solids.
-Mirror seats across Midplane by deselecting Knit surfaces and merging solids.
-Create a table by selecting deck face using lines and offset entities.
Create a cut extrude at the top surface of the table and apply fillets.
-Give final appearances to the table and the seats.
It is located on the back side of yacht and hull. It is provided with a flag and protective handle. The features used here are,
-Blueprint setup – Insert all views like Top, Side, bottom and front views by providing proper X,Y,Z dimensions to it.
-Create two new planes Back and Top plane using Front and bottom planes as reference.
-Insert the Hull Part by selecting the surface bodies.
-Midplane- Draw two splines as per blueprint dimension it to get fully dimensioned sketch
-Create a Plane using deck face & vertex of spline as references.
-Create one more sketch on new plane by drawing a spline.
-Now using above two sketches do surface sweep.
-Create a offset surface of previous sketches by selecting respective faces.
-Trim the extra surface by drawing sketches accordingly.
-Use Ruled surface to extend the surface and knit everything.
-Draw a sketch on Plane1 using splines which is used to trim surface.
-Create few Planes and draw sketches by causing convert entities and splines. Do surface sweep using these sketches.
-Extend the surface and trim the unwanted surfaces using surface trim and knit them.
-Create few 3D sketches and do surface loft.
-Create a sketch on deck surface by convert entities and spline with midpoint, Extrude it.
-For Doors/Drawers- Create a cut extrude by drawing a lines on Front plane.
-Offset the appropriate faces for creation of seats. Trim the surfaces by keeping the selection to split the surface.
-For upper seats- Create a Boss extrude by drawing sketch on offset surface using convert entities and line. Apply chamfer and fillets accordingly.
-For lights- Create a sketch on Plane 4 by drawing and line extrude.
-For Locking gates- Create few planes as per requirement and draw sketches accordingly using circle and line. Using these sketches sweep and mirror it.
-Mirror the Bodies across Midplane by selecting knit surfaces and merge solids.
-Mirror seats and gates across Midplane separately by deselecting knit surfaces and merge solids.
-For flag stand-Create a sketch on Midplane by drawing lines at an angle and revolve it.
-For flag- Create four 3D sketches by drawing spline with Midpoints in each sketch and loft the surface.
-Finally give appearance to seats, Lower surface, Flag, Hand resing, Lights, Drawers and gates.
Propeller is located below at below portion of yacht. It is converts the engine thrust in to motion of yacht. The features used here are,
-In Right plane draw two horizontal lines and one vertical line and a spline connecting left end points of horizontal line and revolve it.
-Create a plane, Top plane as reference at an offset of 360mm.
-Top plane- Draw a 3 point rectangle at an angle of 74° from bottom edge of revolve.
-New plane- Draw one more 3 point rectangle at an angle of 14° from same edge.
-Using above two sketches create a loft surface and apply fillet.
-Draw a circle on bottom face of revolve and do cut extrude, apply fillet.
-Draw circular pattern of above features in feature scope with 6 no. of instances.
-Give appearance to the part of light red colour changing RGB values to 71/45/0.
Radar mast used in transmitting the signals to shore and to receive any sort alerts regarded with the position of yacht. The features used here are,
-Blueprint setup – Insert all views like Top, Side, bottom and front views by providing proper X,Y,Z dimensions to it.
-Create two new planes Back and Top using Front And bottom as reference.
-Insert the superstructure part by selecting the surface bodies.
-Craete sketch on surface of radarmast by drawing a horizontal line at a distance of 160mm from surface and apply fillets to outer and inner edges.
-Draw splines and lines as per blueprint and extrude it.
-To Draw Radar indicators- Draw a sketch on top face of last extrude using line and three point arc and revolve it. Draw a circle on extrudede face and extrude it and apply fillets.
-To create antenna- Draw circle on extrude1 face and extrude it. Draw extra two circles on extruded face..
-Create a sweep by drawing a sketch on created plane using spline and circle by 3D sketch.
-Mirror above sweep across plane2 and connectthem by drawing three circle on sweep and extrude them.
-Create a projected curveas per requirement by drawing sketches on respective planes.
-Create sweep by drawing a circle at the edge of the projected curve.
-To create horn- Draw few lines and splines as per blueprint do revolve. Apply dome to one end and shell to other end.
-Mirror all except the horns.
-To create horn support- Draw a straight slot on extrude1 face and extrude upto horn face.
-Create a plane using above extruded right face and offset it. Mirror the horn and its support across the craeted plane.
-Apply final appearances to Radar mast, Antenna, Horns and indicators.
A Garage door is a large door on a garage that opens either manually or automatically. Garage doors are frequently large enough to accommodate vehicles inside the Yacht. It is provided with two holes to adjust the pins in order to open and close the garage door. The Features used here are,
-Open Garage door part which was saved while designing Hull part.
-Create a sketch on Right face of Stock by drawing lines and do cut extrude.
-Apply shell by selecting faces of the stock
-Draw a circle at the top by selecting side face of stock and do cut extrude to create a hole.
-Apply fillets and mirror across Right plane.
-Create a plane using front plane as a reference by offsetting.
- Draw a sketch on new plane by drawing horizontal center line and insert Text in text box, do cut extrude.
-Apply final appearances.
Here we assemble all created parts respectively. We use many relations and mates to assemble the parts properly in their best place. The rendering is done with all the parts assembled together.
Mates Used:
The design and assembly of Sunseeker Predator Yacht is done using Solidworks with proper dimensions and relations.
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