1. Aim: To Create the Kitchen Layout and to Also, use proper dimension techniques to dimension the kitchen layout. Also, insert text wherever required.
All dimensions are in mm.
Step 1:
- units are set to mm
- limits and limax are also set
- zoom comand is also used
Steps for drawing Below Counter Plan
- Open Auto Cad and enter UN (units command) in command box and make the type as decimal.
- Select line command and draw a line of 4300 in X direction and a line of 3200 in Y direction and complete the rectangle.
- Offset 230 towards all sides of the rectangle outside the figure.
- Fillet all the offset edges.
- Offset of 600 from top of the room to draw the kitchen platform and otta.
- Give the offset as follows from left side 90 as first offset- 90mm as first offset, 1000mm for fridge, 600 for micro-oven, 450 for A1 part, 300 for A2/A3/A4, 900 for A5/A6/A7, and 300, 945 and 35 offsets.
- Offset 12 mm to both sides in each corner of the room.
- Offset 600mm from bottom in middle oF kitchen to draw platform.
- Now enter offset as follows- 900, 450, 900, 450, 450, 450, 560, 35.
Steps for drawing Above Counter Plan
- Open Auto Cad and enter UN (units command) in command box and make the type as decimal.
- Select line command and draw a line of 4300 in X direction and a line of 3200 in Y direction and complete the rectangle.
- Offset 230 towards all sides of the rectangle outside the figure.
- Fillet all the offset edges.
- Offset of 600 from top of the room to draw the kitchen platform ink and otta.
- Give the offset as follows from left side 35 as first offset and again the offset as 965, 600, 2595.
- Offset 12 mm to both sides in each corner of the room.
- Offset 350 mm from bottom in middle of kitchen to draw platform.
- Now enter offset as follows-35, 450, 900, 900, 900, 1010, 35.
Hatching of objects for both the above drawings:
- Click Home tab-Draw panel-Hatch.
- On the Properties panel Hatch Type list, select the type of hatch that you want to use.
- On the Pattern panel, click a hatch pattern or fill.
- On the Boundaries panel, specify the how the pattern boundary is selected:
- Pick Points. Inserts the hatch or fill within a closed area that is bounded by one or more objects.
- Select Boundary Objects. Inserts the hatch or fill within a closed object.
- The selection method is retained until you change it.
- Click an area or object to be hatched.
- On the ribbon, make any adjustments as needed:
- On the Properties panel, you can change the hatch type and colors or modify the transparency level, angle, or scale for the hatch.
- On the expanded Options panel, you can change the draw order to specify whether the hatch and its boundary are displayed in front of or behind other objects.
- Press Enter to apply the hatch and exit the command.
- Hatch the brick wall with hatch type as ANS132 and hatch other part as solid and grey colour.
2. AIM: To create elevation and hatching the structural and non-structural elements of the building like walls, columns etc.
- Select line command and extend the lines from the plan in the downward manner to create projections.
- Offset 150mm from the ground level..
- Offset 2450 for ground floor.
- Offset 2850 for second floor.
- Offset 2850 for second floor.
- Offset 2850 for third floor.
- Offset 1000 for parapet wall.
- Offset 2500 from terrace level for mumty.
- Offset 450 from mumty for parapet wall
- Offset 600 and offset 1200 for O.T.H.
- For drawing of staircase offset 1250 for tread and offset 143.75 for rise of staircase.
- Offset 125 below floor level for slab.
- Draw the chajjas and windows as per the sizes considered and standards.
- Draw the railing of staircase in dash manner from the layers and change the layer to ACADIS003W100.
- Give the dimensions by dim linear or dim continue command.
- Select the multiline text for naming of the section.
Hatching of objects
- Click Home tab-Draw panel-Hatch.
- On the Properties panel Hatch Type list, select the type of hatch that you want to use.
- On the Pattern panel, click a hatch pattern or fill.
- On the Boundaries panel, specify the how the pattern boundary is selected:
- Pick Points. Inserts the hatch or fill within a closed area that is bounded by one or more objects.
- Select Boundary Objects. Inserts the hatch or fill within a closed object.
- The selection method is retained until you change it.
- Click an area or object to be hatched.
- On the ribbon, make any adjustments as needed:
- On the Properties panel. you can change the hatch type and colors or modify the transparency level, angle, or scale for the hatch.
- On the expanded Options panel. you can change the draw order to specify whether the hatch and its boundary are displayed in front behind other objects.
- Press Enter to apply the hatch and exit the command.
- Hatch the brick wall with hatch type as brick and hatch other part of concrete as air conc.
3. AIM: To create the section view of an industrial building. And need to provide appropriate hatches and dimensions where ever required.
- In reference to architectural drawing, the term section typically describes a cut through the body of a building, perpendicular to the horizon line, A section drawing is one that shows a vertical cut transecting, typically along a primary axis, an object or building.
- A section diagram is a view of the building that slices through the building to better see the specific aspects of the building better.
- This drawing is particularly interesting because it cuts through and goes underground (to the new parking area) as well
- Line command
- Line command
- Offset command
- Hatch command
- Dimlinear command
- Dimstyle command
- Units command
- Fillet command
- Trim command
- Join command
- Rectangle command
- First we have to draw the line at a point on the screen.
- Next offset the line to top to a distance of 5850mm and we have to do offset of last offset line to the distance of 300mm to the top.
- Next we have to draw the vertical line on any point on the horizontal line.
- Next do offset of line to right to a distance of 10635mm
- Next offset the last line with a distance of 3900mm to the right.
- Next offset the Ist line with the distance of 5740mm to the right side.
- Next we do the offset for last line with the distance of 5025 to the right side.
- Offset the left and right edges with the distance of 500mm.
- Next we have to trim the outer edges using the trim command
- Next offset the bottom edge of the top floor to a distance of 30mm
- Next offset the last line with a distance of 70mm to the bottorn.
- Next offset the last line with the distance of 100mm to the bottom.
- Next we draw the splinkler pipe along with the duct pipe.
- The duct pipe thickness is 300mm and the thickness of splinkler pipe is 100mm.
- Next we draw the manhole cover with the thickness of 750mm at the right top edge of filter feed walls as shown in the figure.
- Next we draw the thickness of pump room slab with the different layers using the line command.
- Next we need to draw the circle, and enter the text in the circle as given in the figure.
- Next we need to use the single text command to enter the text where ever required in the section view of industrial drawing, Finally we use the hatch command to hatch the walls and floor slabs as drawn in the below figure.
- Finally we have use the dimlinear command to put the dimensions whereever required in the drawing.
The sectional view of the industrial building is drawn successfully in the autocad in detail.