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AIM: To Design a base unit for the Pin units,Clamp units,Swivel clamp units with all weldments for the given Car panel. SOFTWARE USED: CATIA-V5 INTRODUCTION: Base Unit: A base unit is the…
updated on 18 Dec 2020
To Design a base unit for the Pin units,Clamp units,Swivel clamp units with all weldments for the given Car panel.
Base Unit:
A base unit is the unit designed to mount all the other units of the tool,also other parts necessary for a tool like pneumatic valve box,trunking cable path will also be mounted on to a base unit.
Below are the some parts of a base unit in general.
Typical Parts of a base unit:
The typical Parts of a base unit are:
Base Unit:
Base Plate is a machined plate of 25 to 40mm thickness made of steel and aluminium on to which the holes are drilled to mount the individuals units like clamp units etc of a tool.
There are three key benefits to a Base plate:
A pedestal is a part which connects the base plate to the floor plate.A pedestal is a standard part in general,and in some cases it can be a welded frame integrated with the base plate.
A standard pedestal can be of different heights and different sizes.
Depending on the size of the base plate,the number of pedestal varies for load distribution.
A pedestal are of different types with different inclinations.
Trunking Channel:
Trunking channel is a standard part which will accommodate all the pneumatic and electrical hoses and wires for the units.The trunking channel include all the pressure inlet cables going to the pneumatic parts of the fixture and protects them from damaging while operation is in process.
Valve Box:
Valve Box is a standard part which will contain all the valves for the pneumatic units.The valve box is the box which includes different solenoid valves.The pneumatic fixtures work on air pressure provided to it.So the arrangement of air pressure inlet and outlet is done within this valve box.The trunking channel includes all the pressure inlet cables going to the pneumatic parts of the fixture and protects them from damaging while operation is in process.
Eye Bolt:
An eye bolt is a bolt with a loop at one end. They are used to firmly attach a securing eye to a structure, so that ropes or cables may then be tied to it.
Machinery eye bolts are fully threaded and may have a collar, making them suitable for use with angular loads up to 450. Eye bolts without a shoulder should not be used for angular loads.Heavy forged eye bolts with a continuous eye may be forged with an integral shoulder, allowing their use for heavy off-axis loads.
These are used for the transporting of the tool by inserting hooks into them.Some, hooks or fork lift holes are also provided in some cases for transporting purposes.
Floor Plate:
Floor plate are grouted to the floor with fixed bolt on the ground.These are also called as foundation plates.
There will be a clearance of 10mm maintained between the pedestal base plate and the floor plate.
This clearance will be used by the leveling screws,for leveling the entire tool.
Weld bars are to be used to weld the positions permanently after leveling is done.
A weld bar is a plate along the sides of the base plate of the pedestal.
Fundamentals Of a Base Plate Design:
The fundamentals of a base plate design are:
Points to be considered while designing a base plate:
1)Working height:
It depends on the nature of the manual or robotic welding fixture.For manual fixture we need to consider the working height 850-1100 mm, depending upon the working height of the worker standard of a specific country will apply (in few countries human height is higher or lower e.g. (US, Japan).If base structure is made with base plate having tubular structure welded below it we can reach to height 400 mm to 550 mm. In this case to reach the working welding height we need to provide additional some leg structure which may have top & plate welded to the tube.The total working height of this unit is 1370mm.The Dimensions of the Base Plate are obtained as 1850x1300x2mm.
2)The base unit of fixture must be strong enough so that deflection of the fixture is as minimum as possible.This deflection of fixture is caused because of forces of welding clamping of the work piece.
The base plate is 20mm in thickness,which is machined to maintain the parallelism which can easily sustain the load of units without deflection.
The weldment support and leg assembly part is made up by using 80x80x450mmx3mm thick seamless pipe which can withstand the forces caused by welding and clamping of the workpiece.
3)The Base unit of the fixture should have the mass to prevent vibration and chatter.The designed base unit weights 65 kg which is good enough to prevent vibration and chatter.
4)Base unit may be built from simple sections so that other units may be fastened with screws or welded whenever necessary.Those parts of the fixture that remain permanently with the fixture may be welded.Those parts that require frequent changing may be held with screws.The permanent parts of the base units are welded together and other parts have the facility to be fastened to the base unit.all the rough locators & the units can be fastened by using the threaded bolts.Base plate is designed to assemble these units without being failed to each other.
5)The base units should cover all the units within its outer periphery including opening.
The above figure shows the base unit covers all other units within its outer periphery
6)The base unit should be parallel to the floor,to adjust this there should be provision of height adjusting mechanism.The height adjusting mechanism is provided to maintain the parllellity of the the time of adjustment we can provide spacers in order to maintain the parallelism with the floor.
3-2-1 Principle:
A work-piece free in space can move in an infinite number of direction. For analysis, this motion can be broken down into 12 directional movements or "degrees of freedom". All 12 degrees of freedom must be restricted to ensure proper referencing of a work-piece.
The 12 degrees of freedom all relate to the central axis of the work-piece. Notice the 6 axial degrees and 6 radial degrees of freedom. The axial degrees of freedom permit straight-line movement in both directions along the 3 principle axis shown as X, Y & Z.
The radial degrees of freedom permit rotational movement, in both clockwise & counterclockwise radial directions around the same three axis.
For a rigid body in plane has 6 degrees of freedom (i.e) The motion of a ship at sea has the 6 degrees of freedom .
Now try to understand 3-2-1 principle of fixture. The purpose of Fixture is
In a fixture the work piece should rest in such a way that it dosen’t move or vibrate on the resting blocks.
The fixture should locate the work piece such that all the operations to be performed on it are performed without any problem and all of them are performed effectively.
The fixture should orient the work piece such that all the operations to be performed on it are within the reach of the work piece.
A clamp is a fastening device used to hold or secure objects tightly together to prevent movement or separation through the application of inward pressure.There are many types of clamps available for many different purposes. Some are temporary, as used to position components while fixing them together, others are intended to be permanent.
Achievement of 3-2-1 Principle:
This requires minimum of three locator blocks to establish the part plane.Three locators or supports are placed under the work piece.Three locators are usually positioned at the primary locating surface.
Clamp unit restricts 2 axial movements Upward and downward and other 2 pin units restricts radial movement.
As by 3-2-1 method,by introducing a minimum of 1 clamp and 2 pins will restrict 6 degrees of freedom(DOF).
Clamp Plan:
Structure of Design tree:
Design of the given Car Panel:
Design of the Base Unit:
Design of the Rest Units:
Design of the Power Clamp Units:
Design of the Pin Units:
Design Of Swivel Clamp Units:
Design of Pin Clamp Units:
Design of Retractable Cylinders:
Assembly of the units on the Base unit:
Total Assembly:
Thus a base unit is designed with all the weld ments for a given car panel and all the other remaining units have been designed for the given car panel and fixed its movement using 3-2-1 Principle.
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