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Date: 23-03-2021
Challenge2: Flow over a Cylinder
Aim: -
Our main aim to do simulation of flow over a cylinder with different Reynolds numbers and know the von-Karman-vertex street pattern and Strouhal number and validation of drag coefficient with analytical results.
Introduction: -
Here we start with flow over a cylinder simulation. Our main aim to get von Karman vertex street pattern, which is happened after the convergence of governing equations. Because of unsteady flow and pressure variations I will happen. This shedding pattern is repeating so, we end up with one non dimensional number called Strouhal number. So here computing Strouhal number and validation of drag coefficient is our main focus from outputs.
Pre-processing: -
Diameter =2m
Velocity for part1 = 1 m/sec
Solving: -
Postprocessing: -
Strouhal number:-
St = fL/U
f – frequency of vertex shedding
L- characteristic length
U- flow velocity
Steady state analysis:- Re = 100 and velocity =1m/sec and user defined material has beem used here
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Strouhal Number
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Velocity contour streamline view
Unsteady-state analysis: -
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Strouhal Number
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Velocity contour streamline view
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Strouhal Number
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Velocity contour streamline view
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Velocity contour streamline view
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Velocity contour streamline view
Converged residuals
Fluctuating vertex averaging sign of vertex shedding
Lift coefficient
Drag coefficient
Velocity contour
Velocity contour streamline view
Validation of drag coefficient and Strouhal number:-
f = number of cycles /time
f = 4/(200-150)
St = fL/V =0.08*2/1= 0.16
In order to prevent the unwanted vibration of cylindrical bodies, a longitudinal fin can be fitted on the downstream side which provided it is longer than the diameter of the cylinder will prevent eddied.
Link for all animations:-
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