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coursePost Graduate Program in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Design and Analysis
coursePost Graduate Program in Computational Fluid Dynamics
coursePost Graduate Program in CAD
coursePost Graduate Program in CAE
coursePost Graduate Program in Manufacturing Design
coursePost Graduate Program in Computational Design and Pre-processing
coursePost Graduate Program in Complete Passenger Car Design & Product Development


Aim To compute flood levels of a river in our area. Tools Used HEC RAS DEM of the river. Google Chrome (or any other Browser) Excel Sheet Autocad Google Earth Pro  Introduction Bridge is a passage of transportation (for people or vehicles) over a large body of water or physical obstruction. A culvert is generally…
AIM-  Our aim is to How hydrology and geotechnical studies (preliminary and detail studies, zone of influence) are used in fixing span  as per IRC standards and type of bridge. Mention the clauses applicable for the same. Determine the scour depth at the pier and abutment location having silt factor =3 Design…
1.ans.:- Objective:- To Develop a Hydraulic Model for a Major River selected from particular area i.e. Entering cross sectional data, creating geometry of river, Calculating catchment area over a River reach of 10 Km and do flow calculations for the river using UH method. Considering Steady flow analysis and…
Aim:  To briefly explain the concepts of foundation of the bridge with appropriate drawings and codal references.  Introduction:  The bridge foundation is a critical element of any bridge since they maintain the stability of structure against all the impending design loads such as Dead load, Live load which…

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Aim To use toposheet for catchment area calculations. To calculate flow for selected river using UH Method To analyse and observe differnt run profiles and steady flow analysis Software Required Microsoft Excel HEC-RAS Autocad Google Chrome (Or any other browser) Google Earth Pro Procedure Select a river. Here I choose…

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PROJECT 1 Download toposheet from SOI Nakshe Convert the pdf to jpg to use in AutoCAD AutoCAD: Launch AutoCAD and go to Insert -> Attach file and attach the image Identify any river in the toposheet and use Polyline command to sketch it Use List / Properties command to check the length of the stream drawn - Ls Draw…

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