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HTML Projects

Aim- Use the given material data to build a hyper elastic material cards using Ls-Dyna. Build Mooney Rivlin and Ogden material card by finding their constants using d3hsp file. Perform uniaxial tensile test on Dogbone specimen with 100% strain (i.e. strain = 1) and compare the stress strain data in above cases. Theory-…
In this project, I will be simulating an incompressible-laminar-viscous flow through a backward facing step. This will be solved using the software OpenFOAM running on Debian. The solver for this simulation was chosen to be icoFoam, I decided what solver to use from this guide on OpenFOAM's website This is from their guide,…
LS DYNA – Material_Modelling_Hyperelastic By Enos Leslie Mechanical Engineer 8th April 2023   AIM   Model a hyperelastic material by comparing data to stress/strain experimental curve data. The rubber models from Ls Dyna Deck considered are: Mooney Rivlin Constant (MAT_077, N = 1) Ogden Rubber Constants…
Dog house design for the Door Trim:Aim: Create the Dog House for the Door Trim considering the design rules and performthe draft analysis for class A and create the final close body component and performthe draft analysis.Objective:Create the Tooling axis Design the class-B and class-C surfaces and join them.Use the Close…
Aim- Given is a Ogden material card which is hyperelastic (rubber). Create a 10x10x10mm solid mesh and run a pure tensile run on it with stretch ratio of 5. Compare different element formulations of solids 1,-1,2,-2 and plot engineering stress vs stretch values.   Explanation- Since this simulation is happening…
Question 1: What is BIW & define its parts? BIW (Body in White) refers to the welded sheet metal components which form the vehicle structure to which the other components will be married, i.e., chassis, exterior trim, interior trim, & engine. Here the structure is unpainted. The BIW is still called white even though…