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MODELING SUNSEEKER PREDATOR YATCH This project is focused on surface Modeling and assembling some major parts of Sunseeker Predator Yatch to design it, using FEA method, SolidWork programe. Objective: Produce detailed Model of some major parts of Sunseeker Predator Yatchh and Assembl them, create…
Aadil Husamuddin Shaikh
updated on 18 Dec 2023
This project is focused on surface Modeling and assembling some major parts of Sunseeker Predator Yatch to design it, using FEA method, SolidWork programe.
Objective: Produce detailed Model of some major parts of Sunseeker Predator Yatchh and Assembl them, create photo realistice 360 view and render them with the help of blue print some defined dimensions in the SolidWork 2022 programe.
SolidWorks is a CAD software especially design for Mechanical desing. Sunseeker is the brand of luxorious motor Yatch.
SolidWorks is a very popular and handy software used in Mechanical industry because it helps designer to show idea of a part and model in a realistic view in to represent it without actually producing a real object. Thats why it is so helpfull to correct mistakes and rectify these before acually creating model.
In our this project of Modeling Sunseeker Predator Yatch we design or model different parts and initially in 2D and then transform them to 3D object by the use of tools like surface modeling, surface extrusion, cut extrusion, trim, shell, surface fill etc.
Assembly is the most After that creating parts then we Assemble this into one object to achive final body and view in photo realistic 360 add-ins.
After all of this redenre it in the realstic environment using SolidWork Visualise 2022.
Design Methodology:-
In the design method we processed by three easy steps:
Lets discuss in detail about these steps
In part modeling means modeling parts individually.
In the modeling parts in out project Sunseeker Predator Yatch we communicate with SolidWork software by giving some command those are as follows:
Sketch Command:
It is use to instruction of dimensions and locations and relations.
some of the sketch commands are:
Feature Command:-
There are many feature in SolidWork but some of these we used in this are unique.
Some features are sketch-based such as
3) Surface Modeling:-
The geometry which has zero thickness known as a surface. Surface Modeling is a method of creating complex geometry. we convert surface model in solid models or extract surface from a solid model.
some of the surface commands are as follows:
Blueprint is a ligh sensitive sheet used in production of details drawing of a design using contact print process.
In design methodology first we setup blue prints as a refence how should be our assembly or parts looks like while we are modeling.
It is also used as a guide and easy to read and understand.
Propeller is the rotory object which is responsible of forward movement of Yatch by producing thrust on water. there can be one, two or three proller depending upon the desing. propeller works on the newtons third law and benaulis theorem.
Command used to Model Propeller
In sketch
In Features
Radar is device used for detecting objects like other ships or provide bearing and distance for collission avoidance and navigation at sea. They are navigating instrument that rotate to sweep a beam of microwaves around water surface and detect target by reflected beams from them and generate locating picture of that body.
Commands used to model Radar
In Sketch
In Feature
The Hull of a ship is it actual part whose surface meet with water. It is watertight body it can eiter be open at the top or it may be fully or partially covered with a deck.
The Hull is the one of the actual body parts which holds cargo, machinery, and accomodation spaces of the ship from weather, flooding and structural damage.
Commands Used to Model Hull
In Sketch
In Surface
In Features
A garage door is a large door on a garage side of yatch that. it is the large opening in hull to accomodate goods or things. It generally insulated to prevent heat loss.
Commands used in Modeling Garage Door
In Sketch
In Features
A Superstructure is Open view or controlling Decked surface. It is located on the Hull. As name it is serves as a structure of Yatch.
Commands used in Modeling of Superstructure
In Sketch
In Surfaces
In Features
As name deescribe it is seat placed at front meaning before superstructure. It is two conncted seats. They have built-in storage unit underneath them. It also has sun pads to rest on it.
Commands used in modeling Front Seat
In Sketch
In Surfaces
In Features
Naming Middle Seat is because it is placed just behind the superstructure and in line of seats it is in middle. It is 'U' shaped seat and in center provide luxury table to dine out. As a 'U' shape it can be used for meetings with co-passengers.
Commands used in Modeling Middle Seat:
In Sketch
In Features
The Rear seat name because it is place at the end of the deck surface. It has also locker racks which have steel doors. Also there is flag place behind it. Because it is placed at behind we can relaxing and having nice view from the yatch.
Commands used in modeling Reare Seat:
In Sketch
In Surfaces
In Feature
Radarmast is a vertical ship structure mounted on top of th of the superstructure of yatch towards ships bow. It holds necessary equipments such as radar, navigation light and ships horn. The material used to made them is tensile stel.
Commands used in Modeling Radarmast:
In Sketch
In Feature
Assembly is the process of joing parts to form one composite item. In SolidWorks Assembly is a document in which Parts, feature are mated together.
Commands and procedure for Assembling parts:
Front View
Rear View
Side View
In rendering means after final modeling or assembling place model into real environment and observer its appearance or ergonimics view.
Rendering is very important because we designing to work in real world and in SolidWorks Visualize very helpfull to render an model into real environment.
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