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PROJECT 1 - WIRING HARNESS USING CATIA V5 AIM: To Route the Wiring harness on Given Engine and Prepare flatten view drawing in CATIA V5 and also Apply Protection coverings as required. DESIGN METHODOLOGY: DESIGN OF WIRING HARNESS: GIVEN CONNECTORS AND SUPPORT PARTS:…
Nagendran B
updated on 04 Feb 2023
To Route the Wiring harness on Given Engine and Prepare flatten view drawing in CATIA V5 and also Apply Protection coverings as required.
For Wiring harness assembly in the given engine Electrically defined of Connected and support parts are shown below.
After Electrically defined the required parts by using reference of Engine all the given connectors are assembled in their respective places by using parts assembly section. Then the support parts are placed in wherever required between the connectors for guiding the wiring harness Smoothly through it without any hurdles.
Guiding channel is also placed in the both side of the engine to guide the wiring harness to the connectors which are placed nearby also there is Top channel is placed to cover the wires.
Below images represents the connectors and support parts are where assembled with engine and without engine.
After all the assembles are done connecting the connector by wire through Support parts and guiding channel which the bundle diameter are 15mm for main branch, 10mm for Engine side branch and 5mm for the individual connectors having one ways.
In the branch definition the bend radius should be minimum 1.4 and slack % is given wherever required for smooth wiring maintain the gap between wire and engine. Wiring harness in the engine with connectors by wires is shown below which is with engine and without engine.
After all the connection made, there is step to check the designed wiring harness is fully connected or not. Below images show the checking connection of bundle segment is fully connected or not.
From the above images it shows that for TRUE condition it shows ALL CONNECTION and for FALSE condition it shows NONE connection. So, the designed wiring harness is FULLY CONNECTED.
All the wires are Covered by the protective cover depends upon the bundle radius. Here the protective cover diameter should always higher than the bundle diameter. There is a gap provided between the covers and connector by giving value of minimum 50mm in Start or End Extremity.
Below image shows that the protective covers in the wiring harness with engine and without engine.
It is done by open the flattening section in CATIA by given following parameters as shown below.
Then extract the bundle connection file into this file then done the flatten work. There is some intersection between them. By using Rotate, Scale and some other commands wiring branches are set in the proper place which to fit in the Flatten Drawing. The final flattening is shown below.
Flattening drawing is made by open the drawing file in CATIA then made the borders and headings in the sheet. Then the flattening file is extract in the drawing sheet then fit into it. The resultant Flattening drawing is shown below.
The resultant wiring harness in the engine is shown below.
Thus, the wiring harness assembly is done in the engine by given connector with protective cover and also Flattening is made in it.
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