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HYPERELASTIC MATERIAL MODELS INTRODUCTION HYPERELASTIC MATERIALS: The traditional linear-elastic material models do not correctly reflect the observed material behavior for many materials. Rubber is the most typical example of this type of material, with a stress-strain relationship that is non-linearly…
updated on 20 May 2023
The traditional linear-elastic material models do not correctly reflect the observed material behavior for many materials. Rubber is the most typical example of this type of material, with a stress-strain relationship that is non-linearly elastic, isotropic, incompressible, and generally independent of strain rate. Many biological tissues can also be represented as hyperelastic materials.
More advanced models are required for rubbery and biological materials. At small stresses, such materials may display nonlinear stress-strain behavior, whereas, at large strains, they may be elastic. These complicated non-linear stress-strain behaviors must be handled by strain-energy density functions that are properly tuned.
The Neo-Hookean solid is the most basic of these hyperelastic models.
where μ is the shear modulus, which may be measured experimentally. Experiments show that the Neo-Hookean model matches the material behavior with adequate precision for rubbery materials under mild straining up to 30-70%. The one-parametric Neo-Hookean model is substituted by more generic models, such as the Mooney-Rivlin solid, to simulate rubber at high stresses, where the strain energy W is a linear combination of two invariants.
Mooney-Rivlin material was initially designed for rubber, but it is now commonly used to mimic (incompressible) biological tissue.
The more advanced Ogden material model has been created for modeling rubbery and biological materials at even greater stresses. The Ogden material model is a hyperelastic material model that is used to describe the nonlinear stress-strain behavior of complex materials like rubber and biological tissue. The model is based on the idea that the material behavior may be represented by a strain energy density function, from which stress-strain equations can be determined. A strain energy density function is a hyperelastic material model. The function simply connects the energy contained in an elastic material, and hence the stress-strain connection, to the three strain (elongation) components, ignoring deformation history, heat dissipation, stress relaxation, and so on. The Neo-Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin, and Ogden models are examples of strain energy density functions. The Ogden model is frequently used to simulate rubberlike materials like polymers and biological materials. These materials are usually isotropic, incompressible, and strain rate independent.
The strain energy density in the Ogden material model is now stated in terms of the primary stretches.
where N, and
are material constants. Under the assumption of incompressibility, one can rewrite as
In general the shear modulus results from
Rubber material behavior may be very well characterized with N = 3 and by fitting the material characteristics. The Ogden model will reduce to either the Neo-Hookean solid (N = 1, = 2) or the Mooney-Rivlin material (N = 2, 1 = 2, 2 = 2) for certain values of material constants.
Using the Ogden material model, the three principal values of the Cauchy stresses can now be computed as
where use is made of
We now consider an incompressible material under uniaxial tension, with the stretch ratio given as .
The principal stresses are given by
The pressure p is determined from incompressibility and boundary condition σ2 = σ3 = 0, yielding:
Many models exist to describe hyperelastic behavior, each starting with a different strain-energy density function. In practice, however, since it combines accuracy with computational simplicity, the Ogden material model has become the reference material law for understanding the behavior of natural rubbers.
L= 145mm
Poisson's ratio, µ = 0.4997
Mass Density, 'rho' = 1522 Kg/m^3
= 1522E-09 Kg/mm^3
Original length L = 145mm
Final length, Lf = 293mm
Strain, e = e=dL/L = (Lf-L)/L = 151/145 = 1 = 100% strain rate
N Number of hyperelastic constants to solve for from LCID1:
EQ.0: set hyperelastic constants directly.
EQ.1: solve for C10 and C01.
EQ.2: solve for C10, C01, C11, C20, and C02.
EQ.3: solve for C10, C01, C11, C20, C02, and C30.
N = Order of fit to curve LCID1 for the Ogden model, (currently < 9, 2 generally works okay).
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