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Project 2. Ans - Files and snaps are attached below. Aim - To Model & Design a Proposed PEB Warehouse using STAAD. Pro. Introduction - Here we model and design the PEB warehouse building. As per given description, material data, specification we can design it. PEB - Pre engineered buildings are factory…
updated on 09 Nov 2021
Applications - In industrial applications, mezzanine floor systems are semi-permanent floor systems typically installed within buildings, built between two permanent original stories. These structures are usually free standing and in most cases can be dismantled and relocated. Commercially sold mezzanine structures are generally constructed of three main materials; steel, aluminium, and fibreglass. The decking or flooring of a mezzanine will vary by application but is generally composed of b-deck underlayment and wood product finished floor or a heavy duty steel, aluminium or fibreglass grating.
The mezzanine is often used in shops and similar spaces for storage of tools or materials. The high roof of the shop is ideal for a mezzanine, and offices can be put either below or above it. Mezzanines are frequently used in industrial operations such as warehousing, distribution or manufacturing. These facilities have high ceilings, allowing unused space to be utilized within the vertical cube. Industrial mezzanine structures are typically either structural, roll formed, rack-supported, or shelf supported, allowing high density storage within the mezzanine structure.
Pre Engineered building (Rigid frame structure) as per architectural drawings. |
Length |
630 (inside sheet to C/L of column) + (2 X 8045 + (19 X 8000) of columns) + 630 (C/L of column to inside of sheeting) = 169350 mm inside to inside sheeting. |
Width |
630 (inside sheet to C/L of column) + (8905 + 8000 + ( 5 X 7200) +6585 c/c of columns) + 630 (C/L of column to inside of sheeting) = 59450 mm inside to inside sheeting. |
Height |
Clear height from FFL to Bottom of rafter at eaves shall be 9200 mm |
Bottom level of base plate for all PEB columns shall be 250mm below from FFL |
Roof slope |
1:20 OR as suggested by PEB vendor but not less than 1:20 |
Internal column spacing |
Internal column shall be provided 16.00 m c/c length wise. Jack beam shall be provided to compensate for eliminated column. |
Canopy 1 |
Between grid 4 to 7 and on grid A |
Length |
3 * 8000 = 24000 MM c/c of canopy rafter. |
Width |
Center line of PEB column to outside of canopy shall be 5250 mm. |
Clear Height |
Clear height from bottom of steel of canopy to Finish floor level shall be 3900 mm. |
Roof slope |
1:20 - Slope as shown in architectural drawing - Canopy sloping towards building - Valley gutter to be provided. |
Canopy 2 |
Between grid 16 to 19 and on grid A |
Length |
3 * 8000 = 24000 MM c/c of canopy rafter. |
Width |
Center line of PEB column to outside of canopy shall be 5250 mm. |
Clear Height |
Clear height from bottom of steel of canopy to Finish floor level shall be 3900 mm. |
Roof slope |
1:20 - Slope as shown in architectural drawing - Canopy sloping towards building - Valley gutter to be provided. |
Mezzanine - 1 |
Between grid 1 to 3 and grid A to C |
Columns for mezzanine |
Mezzanine columns shall be provided only on grid lines B2, B3, C2 & C3 |
These extra mezzanine columns on grid B3, C2 & C3 shall extend up to rafter level, however, these columns shall not be treated as support for rafter. |
Mezzanine columns on grid B2 shall not extend above mezzanine floor. |
Clear height below mezzanine |
Clear height from bottom of rafter at knee to top of RCC slab of mezzanine floor shall be 5.000m |
Clear height from top of RCC slab of mezzanine floor to FFL shall be 4.200m |
Clear height from bottom of steel of mezzanine beam to top of RCC grade slab shall be 3.000m minimum. |
Extent of Mezzanine floor |
Mezzanine floor shall extend up to inside of sheeting on peripheral and on remaining sides Mezzanine floor shall be provided up to outside flange of columns. |
Mezzanine - 2 (Future) |
Between grid 20 to 22 and grid A to C |
Columns for mezzanine |
Mezzanine columns shall be provided only on grid lines B20, B21, C20 & C21 |
These extra mezzanine columns on grid 20B, 21C & 20C shall extend up to rafter level, however, these columns shall not be treated as support for rafter. |
Mezzanine columns on grid 21B shall not extend above mezzanine floor. |
Clear height below mezzanine |
Clear height from bottom of rafter at knee to top of RCC slab of mezzanine floor shall be 5.000m |
Clear height from top of RCC slab of mezzanine floor to FFL shall be 4.200m |
Clear height from bottom of steel of mezzanine beam to top of RCC grade slab shall be 3.000m minimum. |
Extent of Mezzanine floor |
Mezzanine floor shall extend up to inside of sheeting on peripheral and on remaining sides Mezzanine floor shall be provided up to outside flange of columns. |
Construction |
Solid partition shall be constructed using single skin colour coated galvalume sheet same as side cladding sheet duly supported with side runners and structural columns. |
Waffle wall shall be provided in bottom 3.0 M height from FFL, along grid 11 |
Solid partition shall be designed for only internal wind load (cpi - + / 0.2) |
Portal on solid partition grid shall be safe without solid partition also. |
Full height and width on grid. Solid partition cladding shall be provided up to inside edge of roofing sheet and side cladding sheet. |
Dead Load (DL) |
Self weight of structure including all structural members & fasteners + Approx. 10 Kg / M2 for purlins and 15 KG / M2 for portal. |
Self weight of 150 thk. RCC slab + self weight of structural members shall be considered on mezzanine floors. |
Loss of 230 thk. Brick wall - 4m high shall be considered on entire periphery of mezzanine. |
Floor finish / Waterproofing loads of 150 Kg / M2 shall be considered on mezzanine floors. |
Additional Load of 500 Kg/m2 shall be considered on mezzanine floors. |
Live Load (LL) |
On roof and on canopy - 57 Kg. / M2 |
On Mezzanine floor 1 & 2, as defined above - 400 Kg/ M2 |
In sunk slab area (Toilet area - as marked in architectural drawings) -Live Load of 200 Kg. / m2 to be considered. |
Collateral Load (CL) |
Due to electrical fittings |
10 Kg / m2 to be considered for design of purlin and portal. |
Due to sprinklers & fire fighting system |
Sprinkler are provided @ 2.8 m c/c in both directions. Feeder pipes are connected to sprinklers. Sprinklers may be suspended from purlins. Hence following loads to be considered in design. |
All purlin to be designed for points load of 25 Kg. at 2.8m c/c centrally placed. As such purlins should be checked for 2 point load, 3 point load & 4 point load case. |
Portal and other structural members to be designed for 3 Kg / M2 of uniform load. |
Due to Service lines & electrical cable tray support |
This supporting arrangement is to be provided as below. |
All along periphery supporting platform and bracket shall be provided at one level and only bracket shall be provided at second level as shown in architectural drawings. |
All along internal column lines, only bracket shall be provided at one level on either side. |
All along solid partition supporting platform and bracket shall be provided at one levels and only brackets shall be provided at second level. |
All these platforms shall be 600mmwide and shall be provided with secondary members at 1.2m c/c. |
Loads to be considered. |
All these platforms & brackets shall be designed for load of 150 Kg / RM |
Jack beam should also be checked for one side platform condition i.e., UDL of 150 Kg/RM & Torsional moment of 45 KG m / RM. |
Load due to Insulation |
50mm thick rockwool insulation along with liner panel is to be provided on roof Additional load of 10 Kg / m2 to be considered for design or purlin and portal. |
12mm thick bubble wrap insulation is to be provided on roof area. Additional load of 5 Kg / m2 to be considered for design of purlin and portal. |
Load due to Solar Panels |
Additional load of 15 Kg / m2 to be considered for design of purlin and portal for provision of fixing solar panel. |
Due to False ceiling support arrangement in |
False ceiling supporting members (Purlin / Columns / Rafters / jack beam) in mezzanine area should be designed for additional load of 10 kg / m2 apart from loads specified above. |
Wind Load (WL) |
As per IS : 875 - Part 3 - 2015 |
Basic Wind speed - 39 m / sec. |
K1 - 1.00 |
K2 - 1.05 (Terrani Catogory-1. Building height at eaves = 10.50 m) |
K3 - 1.00 |
K4 - 1.00 (For other structures) |
Coefficient of cyclonic wind may be taken as 1, since site is located more than 60 Km away from Coast) |
Kd -0.9 |
Ka(Rafter) - 0.8 or as per tributary area. |
Ka(Column) - 0.8245 or as per tributary area. |
Ka(Purlin) - 0.9721 or as per tributary area. |
Ka(Side Runner) - 0.978 or as per tributary area |
Kc -0.9 |
Cpe - As per table 5 & 6 of IS: 875 (Part 3) - 2015 |
Cpi - 0.2 |
Consider load cases with internal pressure (Cpi +ve) and internal suction (Cpi -ve) |
Purlins / Side runners must be designed for local co-efficient as given in IS: 875 (Part 3) 2015, Table 5 & 6 |
Solid partition shall be designed for only internal wind pressure i.e., only cpi. |
Seismic Load (SL) |
As per IS: 1893 - 2016 |
Seismic zone - III - Z = 0.16 |
Rf - 4.0 |
I - 1.0 |
SS - 3.0 |
25% of Live Load on roof shall be considered for calculation of seismic forces. |
100% of collateral load on roof shall be considered for calculation of seismic forces. |
50% of (Live load + Collateral load) on mezzanine floor shall be considered for calculation of seismic forces. |
100% of Dead load shall be considered for calculation of seismic forces. |
For seismic in longitudinal direction, diaphragm action due to purlin and sheeting can be considered. Diaphragm actions should not be used while designing bracing system for wind load. |
Provisions of Chapter 12 of IS: 800 - 2007 need not be considered while designing structure. |
For Strength (Limit State design) |
1.5 DL + 1.5 LL + 1.5 CL |
1.5 DL + 1.5 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
0.9 DL + 1.5 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.2 DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 CL + 1.2 WL (Loads reduced. No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.5 DL + 1.5 SL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
0.9 DL + 1.5 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.2 DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 CL + 1.2 SL (Loads reduced. No increase in permissible stresses) |
Any other load combination that may be found necessary for design. |
For Strength (Working stress design) |
1.0 DL + 1.0 LL + 1.0 CL |
1.0 DL + 1.0 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
0.6 DL + 1.0 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.0 DL + 0.8 LL + 0.8 CL + 0.8 WL |
1.0 DL + 1.0 SL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
0.6 DL + 1.0 SL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.0 DL + 0.8 LL + 0.8 CL + 0.8 SL |
Any other load combination that may be found necessary for design. |
For Serviceability |
1.0 DL + 1.0 LL + 1.0 CL |
1.0 DL + 1.0 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
0.6 DL + 1.0 WL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.0 DL + 0.8 LL + 0.8 CL + 0.8 WL |
1.0 DL + 1.0 SL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
0.6 DL + 1.0 SL (No increase in permissible stresses) |
1.0 DL + 0.8 LL + 0.8 CL + 0.8 SL |
0 degree | 0 degree | 90 degree | 90 degree |
EF | GH | EG | FH |
-0.9 | -0.4 | -0.8 | -0.4 |
Degree | A | B | C | D |
0 | 0.7 | -0.25 | -0.6 | -0.6 |
90 | -0.5 | -0.5 | 0.7 | -0.2 |
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