three chalanges complete
Satheesh kumar
updated on 13 Apr 2022
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Project 2
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Wiring harness design in CATIA V5 - 3D modeling Week 7 Challenge
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Wiring harness design in CATIA V5 - 3D modeling Week 4 Challenge
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three chalanges complete
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first we create perametric structure after one by one and the take the changllage to create class A to publications class A to copy and paste it and create publicatons to create the tooling axis the class A take the point move the coordinates to fornt and take the axis system after…
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Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 2
first we create the dog house frist we creat the sketch extrude the height after we go to part work bench and use thickness comand after we create edge fillet bothe sides to spilt it some portion to dog house after split the below the dog house 1.2 in side the dog huse after we…
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Door Arm Rest Week 8 Challenge
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Week 8 - Challenge 4 - Coin Holder Design
to create first extract forn side to create extract both sides and use union trim after trim it both sides offset it 2.5 to trim extra portion after to join both finally we get this create class c finally class a and class b and classc trimed after we get solid body
14 Sep 2021 05:04 PM IST
Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 1
first extract the bottom take line give the correct dimensions and extrude 12.5 mm above ,1mm below and goto part design use draft select both sides and give the 0.5 degree give the intes ection part body after goto the tools and options set this settings same another rib will be genarate the…
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Week 8 - Challenge 5 - Core & Cavity Design
take class a and take base edge fillet take rectangle comand give this value 100x400 extrude the ractangular area trim the below side weget this core part take y direction use extrude comand give up ward direction we get this extrude shape after again take base ede fillet in to this part trim up side…
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Week 8 - Challenge 3 - Switch Bezel Design
first we create center tooling axis next extract this side and untrim this extract the both sides we get this shape untrim the both sides we get this model trim is both sides we get this perfect shape offset 3mm extract this shape select the boundaries use sweep…
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Week 8 - Challenge 2 - Base Bracket Design
first we go to click the analyasis and click the feature draft analyasis and click the componenet and take the compass and click the center line and click the runing point extract this shapes we get this new component extract this shape also we get this new component total extract this and extrapolate…
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Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover
take geometrical set crate point at the center and the create the axis system at the point and the click the zx plane and intersect tool ,select the fan and ,we get result the two lines take line tool select the point and click the z direction to crate point to point line and hide the tooling…
21 May 2021 10:17 AM IST