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Week 6 - CHT Analysis on a Graphics card

AIM: Perform a steady-state conjugate heat transfer analysis on a model of a graphics card.  Objective:  Run the simulation by varying the velocity from 1m/sec to 5m/sec for at least 3 velocities and discuss the results. Find out the maximum temperature and heat transfer coefficient attained by the processor.…

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Week 3.5 - Deriving 4th order approximation of a 2nd order derivative using Taylor Table method


AIM and OBJECTIVE: Derive the following 4th order approximations of the second-order derivative.  1. Central difference 2. Skewed right-sided difference 3. Skewed left-sided difference After deriving these schemes, prove that your skewed schemes are fourth-order accurate. Write a program in Matlab to evaluate the…


12 Aug 2023 08:08 PM IST

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Week 9 - Parametric study on Gate valve.


AIM: To perform a parametric study on the gate valve simulation by setting the opening from 10 % to 80% or from 10 mm to 80 mm. OBJECTIVES: Obtain the mass flow rates at the outlet for each design point. Obtain the mass flow rates at the outlet for each design point. Discuss the results of the mass flow rate and flow coefficient. …


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Week 6 - CHT Analysis on a Graphics card


AIM: Perform a steady-state conjugate heat transfer analysis on a model of a graphics card.  Objective:  Run the simulation by varying the velocity from 1m/sec to 5m/sec for at least 3 velocities and discuss the results. Find out the maximum temperature and heat transfer coefficient attained by the processor.…


22 Apr 2023 02:45 AM IST

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Week 5 - Rayleigh Taylor Instability


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Week 4 - CHT Analysis on Exhaust port


Aim: To perform the steady-state conjugate heat transfer simulation on the exhaust port with the air velocity of 5m/s at four inlet and one outlet. Objective: Give a brief description of why and where a CHT analysis is used. Maintain the y+ value according to the turbulence model and justify the results.  Calculate…


23 Mar 2023 12:43 PM IST

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Week 3 - External flow simulation over an Ahmed body.


AIM: External flow simulation over an Ahmed body by using Air as working fluid with the velocity of 25 m/s OBJECTIVE: Following are the expected Results after sovling and obtain the results of simulation. 1. Velocity and pressure contours.  2. The drag coefficient plot for a refined case. ( For velocity of 25m/sec, the…


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Week 2 - Flow over a Cylinder.


AIM: Simulate the flow over a cylinder and explain the phenomenon of Karman vortex street.    PART-I Simulate the flow with the steady and unsteady case and calculate the Strouhal Number for Re= 100.  PART-II Calculate the coefficient of drag and lift over a cylinder by setting the Reynolds number to 10,100,1000,10000…


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      Showing 1 of 15 projects