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Week 4:- Pin Unit Design Challenge

AIM:- To design 2 different types of fixed pin units with different pins, riser, blade & block, and 2 different types of retractable pin units with different pins, riser, blade, cylinder & block. To fix the pin retainer & the shim block using standard screws we need to find the length of the screw using the…

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Week 12:- Documentation Challenge


Bill of Materials (BOM):A bill of materials (also known as a BOM or bill of material) is a comprehensive list of parts, items, assemblies and other materials required to create a product, as well as instructions required for gathering and using the required materials. The bill of materials can be understood as the recipe…


10 Nov 2021 05:49 AM IST

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    Week 11:- 2D Detailing Challenge 2



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      Week 9:- 2D Detailing Challenge


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        Week 8:- 3D Finishing Challenge 2


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        Week 7- Base Unit Design Challenges 2


        AIM: To Design a base unit for the Pin units, Clamp units, Swivel clamp units with all weldments for the given Car panel. SOFTWARE USED: CATIA-V5 INTRODUCTION: Base Unit: A base unit is designed to mount all other units(Clamp unit, pin unit, rest unit, etc) of the tool, also other parts necessary for a tool like Pneumatic…


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        Week 8:- 3D Finishing - Challenges 1


        1) What do you understand by the 3D finish process? A) 3D finish: 3d Finish is a process where the design is being completely finished and to be ready for final simulation and 2d detailing. While finishing the design the nominality is checked which ensures the easy assembly of all the units. The hole concentricity and…


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          Week 7:- Base Unit Design Challenges 1


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          08 Oct 2021 10:52 AM IST

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            Week 6:- Clamp Unit & Pin-Clamp Unit Design Challenge


             CLAMP UNIT & PIN CLAMP UNIT Aim: The aim of this project is to design 3 Swivel clamp units and a Pin-clamp unit for the given car panel along with different risers, blades and mylars. Objective: In this project, 3 different swivel clamp units are designed with different risers, blades,mylars along with a pin-clamp…


            08 Oct 2021 10:07 AM IST

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            Week 5:- Rest Unit & Clamp Unit Design Challenge


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            Week 4:- Pin Unit Design Challenge


            AIM:- To design 2 different types of fixed pin units with different pins, riser, blade & block, and 2 different types of retractable pin units with different pins, riser, blade, cylinder & block. To fix the pin retainer & the shim block using standard screws we need to find the length of the screw using the…


            29 Sep 2021 10:47 AM IST

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            Week 3:- BiW Fixture Design Methodologies Challenges


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            Week 2:- BiW Fixture Basics Challenge


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              Photo Realistic Rendering


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              Design of backdoor


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                Roof challenge


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                  Section Modulus calculation and optimization


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                  10 Apr 2021 11:38 AM IST

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                    Fender Design Challenge


                    Aim: - To Develop the mountings of the Fender from the given surface. Here we are going to understand What Is the Fender, its types, and its importance? What are the Materials Used to Manufacture the Fender? What are the mounting points of the Fender? About FenderFender is the American English term for the part…


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                      Hood design-Week 2


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                      Development of Door Trim Panel


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                      01 Apr 2021 06:19 PM IST

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                        Underbody Coating


                        UNDERBODY COATINGS:    Underbody coating is which are used to prevent the car bodies from rust &  corrosion. This underbody coating helps in the protection of dust and moisture also some other factors such as poor road conditions, rocks getting thrown from tires, and denting the metal and salts from…


                        01 Apr 2021 07:17 AM IST

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                          What is benchmarking?Benchmarking is a structural comparison between similar products, services, or some dimensions of performance.For example comparison of benchmarking in cars is like comparing the performance of cars, product quality, number of defects per car.Let's compare 4 different cars for suggesting a suitable…


                          31 Mar 2021 07:21 AM IST

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                            DOOR ARM REST


                            TAKE A GIVEN CLASS A SURFACE Create a tooling axis for given class a surface B SURFACE CREATION  Extract the surfaces untrim the surface Extrapol the surface offset the extrapol trim the offsets make a fillet and take is as FIRST HALF NOW CREATE SECOND HALF   extract the surface extrapol the surfaces offset…


                            31 Mar 2021 07:09 AM IST

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                              Week 9 - Project - Master Section Development


                              CLASS A SURFACE tooling axis Draft analysis of class a surface offset class a surface to create class b surface fill the open parts in offset class a surface Extract the boundaries of class b surafce and extrapol the boundaries   Extract the boundaries of class a surface to create flanges trim the flanges with class…


                              22 Mar 2021 07:45 AM IST

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                                Week 9 - Project 1 - Door Applique Design with Engineering Features


                                                                                                          DOOR APPLIQUE WITH DESIGN FEATURES CLASS A SURFACE  Create…


                                18 Mar 2021 06:45 AM IST

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                                Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 2


                                                                                                                SCREW BOSE Take a solid body to create screw…


                                16 Mar 2021 06:58 AM IST

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                                Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 1


                                                                                                                       RIB DESIGN Extract…


                                13 Mar 2021 08:25 AM IST

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                                Week 8 - Challenge 5 - Core & Cavity Design


                                                                                               CORE AND CAVITY CLASS A SURFACE Createa boundary for class a surface extrapol the boundaries trim…


                                11 Mar 2021 09:56 AM IST

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                                  Week 8 - Challenge 4 - Coin Holder Design


                                                                                                 COIN HOLDER TAKE A GIVEN CLASS A SURFACE CREATE A TOOLING AXIS FOR CLASS A SURFACE                                              STEPS TO CREATE B SURFACE SIDE WALLS Extract the side walls of class a surface untrim the walls Extrapol the untrim walls trim extra…


                                  10 Mar 2021 10:47 AM IST

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                                    Week 8 - Challenge 3 - Switch Bezel Design


                                     SWITCH BEZEL Take a given CLASS A SURFACE create  a tooling axis for a given CLASS A SURFACE Then extract bezel rest surface Then untrim the bezel rest surface offset the untrim surface CREATE WALLS Then extract the walls of the CLASS A SURFACE Then untrim the extracts extrapol the untrims Then trim the extrapols…


                                    06 Mar 2021 05:29 AM IST

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                                    Week 8 - Challenge 2 - Base Bracket Design


                                    Take a given CLASS A SURAFCE Then create a dummy tooling axis for a given class a surface Then create an interset for given CLASS A SURAFCE Then create two lines using point to point direction By using two lines create bisecting line Extract three surfaces from CLASS A SURFACE to create  RIB 1 Untrim the extracts …


                                    04 Mar 2021 10:06 AM IST

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                                      Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover


                                       Take a CLASS A SURFACE Then create a boundary for given a class surface using the boundary tool interset clearing along in X direction Then create a dummy tooling axis Then create a two lines using point to point directin Then using the two lines create a bisecting line  Intreset clearing along in Y direction…


                                      01 Mar 2021 11:53 AM IST

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