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Hood design-Week 2

  Introduction   In the last time, the new materials as composite materials are thoroughly researched for a lot of researchers’ team. They must find solutions to scientific challenges, and practical applications ever greater. These materials are used in high performance began, in areas such…

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Fender Design - Wheel Arch Challenge


Using the Europian Standards Discussed for WHEEL ARC :     TABULATED DATA:   LINE                                            OSERVED CLEARENCE               …


06 Jan 2022 07:53 AM IST

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    Section Modulus calculation and optimization


    AIM: To use the section from the hood design and calculate the section modulus using the formula S=I/Y S = Section Modulus I = Moment of inertia Y = DIstance bteen the neutral axis and the extreme end of the object Come up with a new section that has improved the section modulud of the previous section and mention what…


    05 Jan 2022 07:03 AM IST

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      Hood design-Week 2


        Introduction   In the last time, the new materials as composite materials are thoroughly researched for a lot of researchers’ team. They must find solutions to scientific challenges, and practical applications ever greater. These materials are used in high performance began, in areas such…


      31 Dec 2021 07:15 AM IST

      • CATIA
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      Underbody Coating


      UNDERBODY COATING : The Underbody coating is usually a dense cladding applied uniformly to the undercarriage of the automobile, underbody provides long term protection from corrosion to car’s underbody. It also protects parts like internal body panels, frame rails and other inner cavities that are not physically…


      06 Dec 2021 11:42 AM IST

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        TITLE OF THE PROJECT- What is Benchmark and suggest a car for Mr. D.S. Pughazhyendhi under 8-10 lakhs. 1.What is Benchmark-                Benchmarking involves a structured comparison between similar products, services, or processes on some dimensions…


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          Week 11 - Final project


          AIM:  To design and develop vehicle interior door trim using Catia V5 with given class A surface along with Master section. Also create the Side Attachment features as per design rules. OBJECTIVE:   To create thickened part using master section for reference To create the mounting features as per design guidelines…


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            Week 11- Assembly Workbench


              ASSEMBLY WORKBENCH FOR QUICK RETURN MECHANISM AND CV JOINT   AIM: To create 2 assemblies according to the content covered in the course videos. You will be provided with 2D diagrams of the components and you will have to first create the individual part files and then create a complete assembly of those part…


            03 Nov 2021 11:19 AM IST

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              Week 9 - Project - Master Section Development


              B PILLAR DESIGN THROUGH MASTER SECTION DEVELOPMENT AIM: The objective of this project to develop Closed Surface Model using Master Sections and to develop attachment features for Fixation of Parts by following OEM Design standards and procedures in CATIA SURFACE WORKBENCH and PART DESIGN. ABSTRACT: Pillars are the vertical…


              01 Nov 2021 11:00 AM IST

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              Week 9 - Project 1 - Door Applique Design with Engineering Features


              4 WAY AND 2 WAY LOCATORS  4 Way and 2 Way Locators: Locators are used to locate a job or a component to arrest its degrees of freedom using the 3-2-1 Principle which is arresting of 3 DOF's first, then 2 DOF's and last DOF in a sequence. A 4 way locator will look like a '+'  and a 2 way locator will look like…


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              Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 2


              SCREW BOSS AND DOG HOUSE  Screw Boss: Boss features are commonly found in injection molding designs. They are used to aid in the assembly of molded parts by providing a channel for a screw. Designing plastic screw bosses is fairly straightforward but there are a few considerations to…


              06 Oct 2021 11:43 AM IST

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                Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 1


                  Aim- To create an out featured rib on the centre console coin holder. Procedure- Firstly open the coin holder using the open command Rib- To create a rib first extract the base surface of the coin holder. Create a positioning sketch draw a line , constraint it and define it as an output feature. Extrude the output line…


                30 Sep 2021 04:58 AM IST

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                  Week 8 - Challenge 5 - Core & Cavity Design


                  CORE AND CAVITY design for switch bezel: first of all you have full knowedge about waht is , cavity, parting surface, parting line etc.  core and cavity: a core is the one part of the mould.and it is respponsible for half of the molded part. actually core is the projection of the bodyand cavity is the depression of…


                  29 Sep 2021 06:45 AM IST

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                  Door Arm Rest Week 8 Challenge


                   Draft Analysis for Door Arm Rest Aim:  To Create the Class B and Class C sur                                                                 Fig : given…


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                    Week 8 - Challenge 4 - Coin Holder Design


                    CENTER CONSOLE COIN HOLDER  Objective : To design coin holder as per automotive OEM Standard. Create B Class and C Class and tooling axis. Convert close lose the surface into the solid body and provide the thickness of 2.5mm. Performing draft analysis to verify the creation of the Tooling axis and C Class surface.…


                    16 Sep 2021 09:48 AM IST

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                      Week 8 - Challenge 3 - Switch Bezel Design


                      SWITCH BEZEL DESIGN     OBJECTIVE    The objective of the project is to design the switch bezel and to do a draft analysis for it by creating the required tooling direction with the help of Bisecting method.  INTRODUCTION    The control panel bezel is the frame part of the window…


                      14 Sep 2021 07:32 AM IST

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                      Week 8 - Challenge 2 - Base Bracket Design


                          Aim: Draw To create the Base Bracket plastic component through the given Class-A surface and also performing draft analysis on it at the end.   Objective: i. To ensure proper tree structure is followed. ii. Geometrical sets should have a proper name based on the sketches present inside of it. iii. All…


                      29 Mar 2021 10:37 AM IST

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                      Week 8 - Challenge 1 - Draft Analysis on a Fan Cover


                      AIM :             Creating the draft analysis and the tooling axis creation the way of creating the tooling axis particularly the Bisecting method.   Objective: 1. To ensure proper tree structure is followed. 2. Geometrical sets should have a proper name based on the sketches…


                      01 Mar 2021 06:13 AM IST

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                      Week-11 Challenge: Braking


                      1.For a defined driving cycle, calculate the energy required for braking. A driving cycle is a series of data points representing the speed of a vehicle versus time. Driving cycles are produced by different countries and organizations to assess the performance of vehicles in various ways, as for instance…


                      05 Dec 2020 09:25 AM IST

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                        Week-7 Challenge: DC Motor Control


                        1. Run MATLAB demo ‘Speed control of a DC motor using BJT H-bridge’. Modify the model such that armature current doesn’t shoot up when motor changes direction from forward to reverse.   one can change the direction and speed of mini DC motor using very simple circuit built using readily and easily…


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                          Week-6 Challenge: EV Drivetrain


                          1.   Which types of power converter circuits are employed in electric and hybrid electric vehicle   CIRCUIT TYPE:                        1. Rectifier                        2. Inverter…


                          09 Nov 2020 11:33 AM IST

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                            Week-4 Challenge WOT Condition Part-2


                            1. What is the difference between mapped and dynamic model of engine, motor and generator? How can you change model type? MAPPED:                IMPLEMENTATION:                                  …


                            03 Nov 2020 10:11 AM IST

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                              Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool


                              1)What is the ratio of hill climbing power required by fully loaded tata ultra truck to the half loaded one? take a spreed sheet as A and B input 50 values A as time and B as speed then enter values in time and the speed value will get. 2) A flyover is planned to be constructed on a national highway. Keeping in mind…


                              27 Oct 2020 12:26 PM IST

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                                Week - 4


                                Aim-to implement the control logic for washing machine and gear shift of automobile using stateflow in matlab&simulink part1: Implementation of control logic chart for Washing Machine using Stateflow process: 1.Start simulink and create a blank model. 2.Search for chart block in the stateflow category of library browser.…


                                21 Oct 2020 11:14 AM IST

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                                  BASIC SIMULINK




                                  27 Feb 2020 04:28 AM IST

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                                    24 Feb 2020 08:40 AM IST

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                                          clear all close all clc x=linspace(0,0.6,150); y=linspace(0,0.6,150); num_cases=50; [xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y); for i=1:length(xx) for j=1:length(yy) input_vector(1)=xx(i,j); input_vector(2)=yy(i,j); f(i,j)=stafunc(input_vector); end end %study 1 Unbounded Inputs tic for i=1:num_cases [input,fopt(i)]=ga(@stafunc,2);…


                                      24 Feb 2020 08:38 AM IST

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                                        PERFORMING CURVE FITTING


                                        %Curve Fitting clear all close all clc cp_data=load('data'); temp=cp_data(:,1); cp=cp_data(:,2); plot(temp, cp, 'color','g','linewidth',3) hold on grid on xlabel('Temperature(K)') title('Cubic fit') [coeff,s,mu] = polyfit(temp,cp,1); pred_cp = polyval(coeff,temp,s,mu); plot(temp,pred_cp,'color','r','linewidth',3) sum_cp=0;…


                                        20 Feb 2020 12:58 AM IST

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                                          forword kinematics of a 2R robotics Arm


                                          %forword kinematics of a 2R robotic arm manipulator. clear all close all clc %formula for kinematics % x2 = x1+l2 (theta2); % y2 = y1+l2 (theta2); ct = 1 %inputs l1 = 1; l2 = 0.5; theta1 = linspace(0,90,10); theta2 = linspace (0,90,10); for i = 1:length(theta1) THETA1 = theta1(i); for j = 1:length(theta2) THETA2= theta2(j);…


                                          13 Feb 2020 03:27 AM IST

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                                            OTTO CYCLE USING PISTON KINEMATICS


                                            clear all close all clc %inputs gamma = 1.4 t3 = 2300 %status variables p1 = 101325 t1 = 500 %engine geometric parameters bore = 0.1; stroke = 0.1; con_rod = 0.15; cr = 12; %calculating the swept volume and the clearence volume v_swept = (pi/4)*bore^2*stroke; v_clearance = v_swept/(cr-1); v1 = v_swept + v_clearance v2…


                                            13 Feb 2020 03:20 AM IST

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                                              Showing 1 of 29 projects