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1) Calculate the speed of sound in steel rail Sol: Formula for "Speed of sound" C=√E/ρ from the given 0000.rad file we can get the material properties of steel rail From the above image we can see the value of E=210000 Mpa(N/mm^2) ; ρ=0.0078 g/mm^3, now using the above mentioned formula, we can substitute…
Puneeth J
updated on 20 Apr 2021
1) Calculate the speed of sound in steel rail
Sol: Formula for "Speed of sound" C=√E/ρ
from the given 0000.rad file we can get the material properties of steel rail
From the above image we can see the value of E=210000 Mpa(N/mm^2) ; ρ=0.0078 g/mm^3,
now using the above mentioned formula, we can substitute the values and get the speed of light i.e,
=5188.75 m/s
2) Calculate time taken for shock wave to cross the rail of 1000mm
Formula for time taken t=l/c
=0.1927ms(milli seconds)
3) Time for sound to travel length of rail is = 0.1927ms
4) The engine file edited according to the above calculated values, its shown in below image
5)Set the frequency of animation output to a time that will give 20 animation steps(/ANIM/DT)
SOL: frequency=(l/c)*time
=104 Hz
set the above calculated frequency in 0001.rad file(import the .rad file into the software and edit the cards) like shown below
6) Set the N_print value as -10
To mesh the given file and connect it by any one 1D connector
Steps for 3d tetra mesh model:-
Steps for 3D hexa mesh 0f arm bracket model:
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Week-6 Calculate the Stretch Ratio by comparing the ELFORM (-2,-1,1,2) with Ogden_Material Model.
OBJECTIVE: To run the simulation with different element formulation 1,-1,2,-2 and compare the stretch ratio vs Stress for all the cases Steps carried out: Initially open the LS Dyna keyword file which is containing only the ogden material card, like shown in below…
27 Dec 2021 01:16 PM IST
Week - 5 - Modelling Spotwelds
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16 Dec 2021 01:39 PM IST
Week - 4 - Crash Box Simulation
AIM: To create a complete simulation file for Crash box with required keyword Procedure: Open the keyword file and look for the available keywords Create a SHELL section of 1.2mm and 1.5mm for both cases Go to keyword manager> Section> SHELL Create a linear plasticity Material go to keyword manager>MAT>…
28 Sep 2021 02:25 PM IST
Week - 3 Drop test Challenge
AIM: To Create a complete input deck filr from scratch with all required cards for drop test simulation STEPS: Create Material and Section:- Open the model in LS Prepost which contains only mesh From the above image we can see there are no sufficient cards to carry on the simulation Now we have to create required cards…
07 Sep 2021 02:00 PM IST
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