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Srinivasa Raju omkaram

Body achieves what mind believes!

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • CFD


Organized Mechanical Graduate in B. Tech seeking the role of Mechanical Engineer Fresher where I would be given an opportunity to utilize my Designing and Simulating skills.

33 Projects

comparing the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first derivative against the analytical or exact derivative.


Aim: To write a code that compares the first, second and fourth order approximations of the first derivative against the analytical or exact derivative. Method used: Discritization using Taylors series which converts PDE to Algebraic form Description:  The function that I'm computing is f(x) = sin(x)/x^3 by taking…


25 Jan 2020 10:56 PM IST

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    Rayleigh–Taylor instability simulation


    Aim: To study and perform R-T instability simulation between two different fluid medium with different grid size and to validate the results by Atwood numer. Rayleigh–Taylor (R–T) instability: The Rayleigh–Taylor instability occurs when a high-density (ρ1) fluid is placed over a lower-density (ρ2)…


    24 Apr 2020 02:58 AM IST

    • CFD
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    CHT simulation on exhaust port


    Objective: To Perform a CHT analysis on exhaust port manifold.                   To Perform the analysis with different turbulence models and choosing the best.                    To verify the HTC predictions Description on…


    16 Apr 2020 09:40 AM IST

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      CHT analysis on Graphics Card


      Aim: To find maximum temp attained by processor after simulation, to find out the heat transfer coefficient at appropriate areas of the model and to Identify potential hotspots on the model. Case Description:  In this project, A steady state conjugate heat transfer analysis on a Graphic card model is done. Graphic…


      22 Apr 2020 08:01 AM IST

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        Parametric study on Gate valve


        Objective: To perform a parametric study on the gate valve simulation by setting the opening from 10 % to 80%.  Description:  When flow goes through a valve or any other restricting device it loses some energy. The flow coefficient is a designing factor which relates head drop (Δh) or pressure drop (ΔP)…


        28 Apr 2020 12:48 PM IST

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          Mixing efficiency in a Tee joint using Ansys Fluent


          COMMENTS: For Grid independence test you need to take 3 different mesh sizes, compare them and give a conclusion on it. ===========================================================  Title: Steady state simulations on the mixing tee geometry with the help of Ansys Fluent Objective: The main objective is to find out…


          06 Apr 2020 08:46 AM IST

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          Simulation of fluid flow over a cylinder


          Objective: To Simulate the two-dimensional flow past a circular cylinder in different laminar flow regimes with the steady and unsteady case. Software used: Ansys 2019 R3. Description:  Consider a stream of fluid flow past a circular cylinder. As fluid passes the topmost point of the cylinder, it finds itself unable…


          23 Apr 2020 09:23 AM IST

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            comparing the approximation error of first, second and fourth order approximations of first derivative against range of dx


            Aim: To write a code that compares the approximation error of first, second and fourth order approximations of first derivative against range of dx Description: The function that I'm using is `f(x) = sin(x)/x^3` by taking the first derivative at `x = pi/3`. In this i will show how the output of 1st, 2nd and 4th order derivatives…


            25 Jan 2020 10:52 PM IST

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              External flow simulation over Ahmed body


              Objective: To perform external flow simulation over an Ahmed body. Ahmed Body: The Ahmed Body was first created by S.R. Ahmed in his research “Some Salient Features of the Time-Averaged Ground Vehicle Wake” in 1984. Since then, it has become a benchmark for aerodynamic simulation tools. Ahmed body is a bluff…


              12 Apr 2020 01:16 AM IST

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                Simulating Cyclone separator with Discrete Phase Modelling


                  Objective:  1. To know any four empirical models used for cyclone separator efficiency. 2. To Perform an analysis and to calculate pressure drop & separation efficiency of the cyclone separator model by varying the particle diameter and particle velocity individually. Cyclone separator: Cyclonic separation…


                16 Feb 2021 03:42 AM IST

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                  Simulating Combustion of Natural Gas.


                  Objective: To perform a combustion simulation on the combustor model To plot the variation of the mass fraction of the different species in the simulation To check the effect of adding the water in the fuel by adding the water content in the fuel from 5% to 30% by mole Description:            …


                  16 Feb 2021 03:43 AM IST

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                    Discretization basics for range of dx using function


                    Aim: To write a code that compares the approximation error of first, second and fourth order approximations of first derivative against range of dx Description: The function that I'm using is f(x)=sin(x)x3">f(x)=sin(x)x3f(x)=sin(x)x3 by taking the first derivative at x=π3">x=pi/3. In this…


                    21 Jun 2020 11:55 AM IST

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                      4th order approximations of the second order derivative using Central difference, Skewed right sided difference, Skewed left sided difference


                      Aim:To derive 4th order approximations of the second order derivative using 1. Central difference 2. Skewed right sided difference 3. Skewed left sided difference Method used: Taylor table of finite difference method. Theory:   The first step in obtaining a numerical solution is to discretize the geometric domain…


                      23 Jun 2020 09:37 AM IST

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                        1D - Linear convection varying over number of grid points (dx)


                        Objective: Numerical solution to the one-dimensional Linear Convection equation. 1. Assume that the domain length is L = 1m 2. The initial velocity profile is a step function. It is equal to 2m/s between x= 0.1 and 0.3 and 1m/s everywhere else 3. Use first-order forward differencing for the time derivative 4. Use first-order…


                        25 Jun 2020 03:32 PM IST

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                          1D - Linear convection varying over time step (dt)


                          Objective: Numerical solution to the one-dimensional Linear Convection equation. 1. Assume that the domain length is L = 1m 2. The initial velocity profile is a step function. It is equal to 2m/s between x= 0.1 and 0.3 and 1m/s everywhere else 3. Use first-order forward differencing for the time derivative 4. Use first-order…


                          25 Jun 2020 03:35 PM IST

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                            Solving the steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction problem


                            Objective:  Solve the 2D heat conduction equation by using the point iterative techniques       1. Jacobi      2. Gauss-seidel      3. Successive over-relaxation Your absolute error criteria is 1e-4 1.Steady state analysis  2.Transient state analysis using explicit…


                            30 Jul 2020 12:37 PM IST

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                              Motion of pendulum using matlab


                              Objective: 1. To write a programme to solve the ODE which is of second order using matlab. 2. To create a video showing the motion of pendulum.   Description:  The way the pendulum moves depends on the Newtons second law. When this law is written down, we get a second order Ordinary Differential Equation…


                              25 Jul 2020 06:19 AM IST

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                                Comparison of steady state and transient state results


                                Objective: To compare the Steady state analysis vs Transient state analysis. Description:  Basically, every system has a transient and a steady state. The steady state is the state that is established after a certain time in your system. The transient state is basically between the beginning of the event and…


                                30 Jul 2020 12:38 PM IST

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                                Stability analysis in the unsteady problem


                                Objective: To observe the effect of time step on transient state methods. Description: `CFL=α(Δt)/(Δx^2)` i.e.. `CFL∝Δt` If Δt increases then CFL increases Case1 - Explicit Method: close all clear all clc nx = 20; %nx & ny will be nodes along the length…


                                30 Jul 2020 12:46 PM IST

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                                  Solving of linear systems using iterative methods


                                  Objective: To solve eigen values and spectral radius for a matrix Ax=B using iterative solvers                  To find the effect of spectral radius on solution Basics of matrices:               A vector which satisfies Ax = λx…


                                  21 Aug 2020 01:17 PM IST

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                                    Simulation of a 1D Super-sonic nozzle flow simulation using Macormack Method


                                    Objective: To simulate the isentropic flow through a quasi 1D subsonic-supersonic nozzle using both the conservation and non-conservation forms of the governing equations and sovle them using the MacCormack's technique and comparing their solutions. Description: We consider the study, isentropic flow…


                                    20 Aug 2020 11:27 AM IST

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                                      BlockMesh Drill down challenge


                                      Objective: To find the change in Velocity magnitude profile with respect to simple grading for a choosen geometry. Geometry: Mesh specification Number of cells along the x direction (longer dimension) = 200 Number of cells along the y direction = 10 Use a graded mesh. Grading factor near all walls should be 0.2, 0.5,…


                                      31 Aug 2020 08:46 AM IST

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                                      FVM Literature Review - FDM vs FVM


                                      Objective: To study and understand                      1. The difference between FDM and FVM.                     2. Interpolation schemes in FVM                   …


                                      07 Oct 2020 11:32 AM IST

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                                      Simulation of Flow through a Axi-symmetry pipe in Open Foam and verifying Hagen Poiseuille law


                                      Objective:  To write a program in Matlab that can generate the computational mesh automatically for any wedge angle and grading schemes validating with the Hagen poiseuille's equation to check the fedility of the solution. Showing the fully developed velocity profile and Post processing the velocity and shear…


                                      01 Nov 2020 03:42 PM IST

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                                      Week 12 - Symmetry vs Wedge vs HP equation


                                      Objective: To compare the results of Symmetry vs Wedge Vs HP equation. Description: The subject of boundaries is quite complex because their role in modelling is not simply that of a geometric entity but an integral part of the solution and numerics through boundary conditions or inter-boundary ‘connections’.…


                                      01 Nov 2020 05:35 PM IST

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                                        Flow over a bicycle


                                        Objective: To write a Matlab program to calculate drag force against a cyclist Description: Drag Coefficient: The drag coefficient quantifies the resistance of an object in a fluid environment. It is not an absolute constant for a body’s shape because it varies with the speed and direction of flow, object shape…


                                        31 Dec 2020 01:54 AM IST

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                                        Simulation of the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm.


                                        Objective: To write a program in MATLAB to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic Arm. Description: Let us say the length of links of 2R robotic arm be l1 & l2 respectively. Angle1 and Angle2 are the angles made by the links w.r.t horizontal. let us say the hinged position of robotic arm is origin. Therefore,…


                                        31 Dec 2020 01:57 AM IST

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                                        Plotting a PV diagram & finding efficiency of an Otto cycle


                                        Objective: To write a code that can solve an otto cycle To plot PV diagram & To find thermal efficiency of the engine. Description: The four-stroke air standard Otto cycle is made up of the following four internally reversible processes: The piston moves within the cylinder between TDC and BDC. In order to complete…


                                        17 Jan 2021 09:58 AM IST

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                                        Motion of a Pendulum - Solving second order ODEs using MATLAB


                                          Objective: 1. To write a programme to solve the ODE which is of second order using matlab. 2. To create a video showing the motion of pendulum.   Description:  The way the pendulum moves depends on the Newtons second law. When this law is written down, we get a second order Ordinary Differential…


                                        17 Jan 2021 07:16 AM IST

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                                          Curve fitting and checking the goodness of fit using MATLAB


                                          Objective:                   To write a code to perform curve fitting for the given Temperature vs Cp data and to check the goodness of the obtained curve.   Description:                   Curve fitting is one of the…


                                          17 Jan 2021 07:18 AM IST

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                                          Simulating Fluid Sloshing effect inside a Gear-box


                                          Objective:            To perform the four simulations to analyse the slosh and flow pattern of lubricant in the gear box and then to compare the results among all the four cases. Part 1: 20% Immersion, Fluid - Engine oil. 30% Immersion, Fluid- Engine oil. 20% Immersion,…


                                          16 Feb 2021 03:38 AM IST

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                                          Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                                          Objective: Parsing a Thermodynamic data file to calculate Molecular weight of the individual elements present in the data file and its thermal properties w.r.t temperature. Description about the data file: NASA came up with polynomials that can be used to evaluate thermodynamic properties such as Cp, H and S. They…


                                          01 May 2021 02:07 AM IST

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                                            Rankine cycle Simulator


                                            Objective: To Create a Rankine Cycle Simulator and to calculate the state points of the Rankine Cycle To plot the corresponding T-s and h-s plots for the chosen set of inputs To calculate some of its output parameters Description: The Rankine cycle is the basis of all large steam power plants. Steam based Rankine…


                                            01 May 2021 02:06 AM IST

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                                              Showing 1 of 33 projects

                                              3 Course Certificates


                                              Introduction to GUI based CFD using ANSYS Fluent

                                              Certificate UID: 39dn5bt7ohg0jzvf
                                              View Certificate

                                              Introduction to CFD using MATLAB and OpenFOAM

                                              Certificate UID: o9k6cf5sbax2ei0t
                                              View Certificate

                                              MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers

                                              Certificate UID: go4fdt7hzemwpa8n
                                              View Certificate
                                              Showing 1 of 3 certificates

                                              Academic Qualification


                                              vardhaman college of engineering

                                              02 Aug 2016 - 15 Oct 2020


                                              SR junior college

                                              13 Jun 2015 - 22 Apr 2016


                                              challenger high school

                                              12 Apr 1998 - 15 May 2014

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