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CFD- FEA- Mechanical design
Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :
Shock tube simulation project
JORGE LOZANO Advanced Turbomachinery Simulations Shock tube simulation project Objective Simulate a shock tube system, by having a 2D geometry, that by introducing region conditions in a transient simulation pressure, temperature and velocity will be able to obtain considering a good mesh refinement. Fig.1 Shock tube after…
29 Jan 2020 01:31 AM IST
Channel flow simulation using CONVERGE Studio
JORGE LOZANO Advanced Turbomachinery Simulations Channel flow simulation using CONVERGE Studio Objective Perform a laminar simulation of a channel flow in a 2D geometry, by selecting a pressure difference and obtaining the velocity, pressure mass flow rate, and total cells for each element mesh size, making a conclusion…
29 Jan 2020 01:31 AM IST
Project Transient simulation of flow over a throttle body
JORGE LOZANO Advanced Turbomachinery Simulations Project: Transient simulation of flow over a throttle body Objective Perform a transient simulation of and elbow geometry with a throttle body inside it, write a detailed report, showing the mesh generated, plots for pressure, velocity mass flow rate and contours for…
29 Jan 2020 01:31 AM IST
JORGE LOZANO Advanced CFD Meshing using ANSA Challenge - 4 BMW M6 MESH Objective Perform a pre-processing applying PID’s and performing a mesh for a BMW m6 model vehicle, by cleaning up the geometry and perform afterwards the meshing the CAD model. By using the Pre-processing software: ANSA, we’ll…
29 Jan 2020 01:29 AM IST
8 Course Certificates
2 Workshop Certificates
How to build a world-class amusement park as a Mechanical Engineer
Academic Qualification
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
01 Jan 2020 - 25 Aug 2022
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
01 Aug 2014 - 01 Dec 2019
Here are the courses that I have enrolled
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