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24 Mar 2023 05:21 pm

5G Technology: Evolution, Advantages and Disadvantages



Modern smartphones are an integral part of our day-to-day life. To use them more productively, we need better mobile networks. The fifth generation of wireless technology is here, promising to revolutionize how we connect and interact with the world around us. Let’s now get into the world of 5G technology.

What is 5G Technology?

What is 5G Technology?

The fifth-generation mobile network is known as 5G. After the 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, there is now a new worldwide wireless standard. With the help of 5G, a brand-new network may be created that connects almost everyone and everything, including machines, objects, and devices. With faster speeds and lower latency, 5G technology will enable new applications and services that were impossible with previous generations of cellular networks.  

Evolution of 5G

First Generation Cellular Network (1G)

It was developed in the 1970s and 1980s and only transmitted speech data. They were sent over unencrypted radio frequencies.

Low coverage, poor sound clarity, a lack of system interoperability, and unencrypted voice were all drawbacks of 1G.

Evolution of 5G

Second Generation Cellular Network (2G)

It was developed in the 1990s with digital and encrypted messages being used. The sharing of better-quality data was possible. It was possible to send text, photos, and multimedia messages. Telecommunications underwent a revolution as a consequence of this. Mobile cell towers started to appear, and businesses and consumers rapidly embraced them. The smartphone was created.

Third Generation Cellular Network (3G)

Beginning in the early 2000s, 3G was developed. People could access data anywhere worldwide because internet connectivity was standardised in this era. This was four times quicker than two gigabits per second. 3G enhanced data transfer capabilities, video conferencing, video streaming, and voice quality. The Blackberry launch included features specific to this iteration. Since the release of the iPhone in 2007, 3G technology has transformed smartphones from a luxury good to a requirement.

Fourth Generation Cellular Network (4G)

Facebook, Google, and Apple all played important roles in developing 4G technology. Consumers got access to high-quality video viewing. Today's most popular technology, 4G, offers high-definition videos, conferencing, and gameplay services. It only took a straightforward SIM card swap from 2G to 3G. For 4G, however, a shift in mobile devices is necessary.

Fifth Generation Cellular Network (5G)

With its superior connectivity, 5G aims to provide network access to everyone, independent of their location or social standing. Remote surgeries, telemedicine, self-driving cars, smart cities, smart factories, virtual reality gaming, shopping, and sports watches are just a few of the advances that could be made possible by 5G. It aims to broaden wireless internet services to the telecom and the Internet of Things industries.

Advantages of 5G Technology

Faster Speeds

5G technology can provide download speeds up to 10 times faster than 4G, allowing users to stream high-definition videos and download large files quickly and easily. 5G networks are expected to provide download speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second and latency of 1 millisecond or less. This will enable a new era of technology, including autonomous vehicles, virtual reality, and the Internet of Things. This will allow faster downloads and streaming, improved video conferencing, and more reliable connections. 

Lower Latency

Low latency means the time it takes for a signal to travel from one point to another is reduced, resulting in faster data transfer speeds and improved user experience. Low latency is one of the most important advantages of 5G technology. This can benefit applications such as gaming, where real-time responses are essential. 5G technology should reduce this to less than 5 milliseconds, possibly even to less than 1 millisecond (ms). This huge improvement will enable various applications such as autonomous driving, remote surgery, and other time-sensitive applications. Low latency is achieved through a combination of technologies, such as 

  • Small Cells
    • Small cells are base stations placed closer to the user, reducing the distance the signal needs to travel and thus reducing latency. 
  • Massive MIMO
    • Massive MIMO is a technology that uses multiple antennas to increase the network's capacity.
  • Beamforming 
    • Beamforming technology uses multiple antennas to focus the signal in a specific direction, reducing interference and improving signal strength.
  • Network Slicing
    • Network slicing is a technology that allows multiple virtual networks to be created on the same physical infrastructure, allowing for more efficient use of resources.

More Reliable Connections

5G technology has improved signal strength and reliability, meaning users can stay connected even in areas with poor coverage. With 5G, users can expect better coverage, fewer dropped connections and more consistent speeds. 

Improved Battery Life

5G technology can reduce power consumption, giving devices longer battery life. 5G networks use less power than 4G networks, meaning devices can stay connected longer without recharging.  This can be especially beneficial for those who use their devices for long periods, such as gamers or those who work remotely. 

Disadvantages of 5G Technology

High Cost

5G technology requires a more advanced infrastructure than previous generations of cellular networks, which can be expensive to build and maintain. 5G devices are more expensive than their 4G counterparts, and 5G plans may also be more expensive. 

Early Stages of Development

This means there may be bugs and glitches that must be worked out before 5G can be fully utilised. 5G networks may not be available in all areas, so users may have to wait until 5G is more widely available before taking advantage of it. 5G networks use higher frequencies than 4G networks, making them more susceptible to interference from other devices. 

Vulnerable to Cyberattacks

5G networks are more complex than previous generations of cellular networks, which can make them more vulnerable to malicious actors. Cybercriminals can exploit 5G networks to launch distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, steal data, or take control of connected devices. 5G networks are also vulnerable to man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks, where a malicious actor can intercept and manipulate data as it is being transmitted between two devices. 

  • This attack can steal sensitive information or inject malicious code into a device. 

5G networks are also vulnerable to spoofing attacks, where a malicious actor can impersonate a legitimate user or device. 

  • This attack can gain network access or launch a DDoS attack. 

5G networks are vulnerable to jamming attacks, where a malicious actor can interfere with the signal of a 5G network.

  • This attack can disrupt service or prevent devices from connecting to the network. 


5G technology is worth learning to get a better career. To learn more about telecommunication and more relevant topics, Skill-Lync is here to guide you. Check out the Post Graduate Program in 5G Network Design and Development and Pre-Graduate Program in 5G Design and Development provided by us to move ahead faster in your career.

Book a free demo session to know more!



Anup KumarH S




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