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PCB: A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electroic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate. Components are generally…
updated on 14 Jul 2021
A printed circuit board (PCB) mechanically supports and electrically connects electroic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched from one or more sheet layers of copper laminated onto and/or between sheet layers of a non-conductive substrate. Components are generally solderedonto the PCB to both electrically connect and mechanically fasten them to it. Printed circuit boards are used in nearly all electronic products and in some electrical products, such as passive switch boxes
Conduction only model:
Steps to be follwed:
1.Image shows geometry of model.
2. cabinet dimensions
3. properties of cabinet
4. Min Z Properties
5.Max z parameters
1.Total No of elements= 149234 and Total No of Nodes= 158592
2.Cut plane through X-axis
3.Cut plane through Y-axis
4. .Cut plane through Z-axis
1.problem setup
1.solve for temperature
2.Radiation : off
3.Time variation : Steady
4.choose Turbulent and Zero equation for the flow regime
2.Solution settings
1.Contours of temperature
2.Contours of thermal conductivity
Force convection model:
Steps to be follwed:
2.Board layer thickness
3.Max z conditions
4.Min Z Conditions
5. Assign an X Velocity of -1.5 m/s for Max x side of the cabinet
1.Total no of nodes=296388 and Total no of elements=225373
2. Plane cut Point and normal. Make sure that PX, PY, PZ are 0, 0, and 0.78232, respectively and the NX, NY, and NZ are 0, 0, and 1, respectively.
3.Cut plane through x-axis
4. Cutplane through y-axis
5. Cutplane through z-axis
1. facealignment
2. Volume
1. Trace by single colour
2. Trace by layer
3.Trace by colour net
1.solve for velocity,Pressure and temperature
2. Flow has inlet/outlet (Forced convection)
3.Set flow regime as turbulent
4. Turbulent model (Zero equation)
5.ignore heat transfer due to radiation
6.Apply steady state
7.Run 500 iterations
2.Solution settings
Temperature contour:
1.Min temperature=20o C and max temp=141 oC
2.Thermal conductivity is min=8.3W/mk and max=217
Joule/Trace Heating:
Steps to be performed:
a. Build the Model – Edit the Board outline of the previous model to open the model trace heating
panelselect INT1_3 layer -> filter the trace to view by setting Min Area in the Display traces
filter group box use a Min Area of 4124 mm2
b. Before you create a solid trace of trace A3V3_2261 set the Max angle filter to 135 and the Min
length filter to 1.0 m to ignore the fine details in the trace geometry and reduce the mesh count.
c. Create a solid polygonal solid block for trace A3V3_2261
d. Select the polygonal trace just created from the Model manager window Under Thermal
specification next to Joule heating, click Edit to open the Joule heating power panel. Set
Resistivity, temperature coefficient (C), and reference temperature (Tref)
e. One source is for the current source (source.1) and the other for the voltage source (source.2).
Both sources are created at the same layer as the layer of the wire in. The area of each
source is the area to apply the voltage or the current. • The recommendation of the source
objects pair for joule heating is the current-voltage pair or voltage- voltage pair.
1.Import geometry into ansys icepak
1. In pcb boards first import anf files and next and next resize object with trace thickess
Board layer thickness:
2.Give thickness vakues as given in question
3. In model trace heatingpanelselect INT1_3 layer filter group box use a Min Area of 4124 mm2 Before you create a solid trace of trace A3V3_2261 set the Max angle filter to 135 and the Minlength filter to 1.0 m
4. Select the polygonal trace just created from the Model manager window Under Thermalspecification next to Joule heating, click Edit to open the Joule heating power panel. SetResistivity, temperature coefficient (C), and reference temperature (Tref) Edit to open the Joule heating power panel. SetResistivity, temperature coefficient (C), and reference temperature (Tref)
6. One source is for the current source (source.1) and the other for the voltage source (source.2).
1.Source 1 geometry
2.Current value for source 1
1.geometry of source2
2.Source 2 having zero voltage
1.Color by net
1.Before doing meshing create assembly for 1)board outline 2)Source1 3)Source2 and mesh separately
2.Total number of nodes=405644 and total number of elements=316012
Cutplane through Z-axis:
Cutplane through Y-axis:
Cutplane through X-axis:
1.solve for velocity,Pressure and temperature
2. Flow has inlet/outlet (Forced convection)
3.Set flow regime as turbulent
4. Turbulent model (Zero equation)
5.ignore heat transfer due to radiation
6.Apply steady state
7.Run 500 iterations
2.Solution settings
1. Min temp of model=20oC and max temp=82.7695oC
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