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Week 9-Creation of 1D Connectors Challenge

Objective:-   For this Challenge, you will have to mesh the given geometry, Provided below are the Quality Parameters that you have to follow and apply connections as per requirement. Procedure:- Import:- The given Model is in .HM format Hence to import we used Import tool Import~Model. The below image shows…

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                                        Week 9-Creation of 1D Connectors Challenge


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                                              Week 4-1D Element Creation Challenge


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                                                Project - 2 - Meshing on the suspension Assembly


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                                                11 Mar 2021 06:19 AM IST

                                                • ANSA
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                                                Project 1 - 2D meshing on the instrumental Panel


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                                                Week - 8 - Morphing


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                                                DEPLOYING CONNECTIONS TO AN AUTOMOBILE REARDOOR USING ANSA


                                                DEPLOYING CONNECTIONS TO AN AUTOMOBILE REAR DOOR USING ANSA AIM:- 1) To provide connections for the rear door model. 2) Explain about the Different connections given for the model. PROCEDURE:- 1)IMPORTING THE FILE:- We  First import the model using the NASTRAN option present in Input option of the File Menu, Since…


                                                10 Jan 2021 07:04 AM IST

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                                                SOLID MESHING OF REAR VIEW MIRROR USING ANSA


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                                                20 Nov 2020 07:19 AM IST

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                                                2D MESHING OF BOTTLE CAP USING ANSA


                                                2D MESHING OF BOTTLE CAP USING ANSA AIM:- To Successfully extract the mid surface and mesh the given Bottle cap model with the given Quality Criteria and to get good mesh flow in the model. Procedure:- 1.IMPORT THE CAD MODEL AND GEOMETRY CLEAN UP First, we open ANSA software and then we import the CAD model using FILE…


                                                22 Oct 2020 02:44 PM IST

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                                                2 D Meshing Of an Automobile Hood using ANSA


                                                2 D MESHING OF AN AUTOMOBILE HOOD USING ANSA   AIM:- To check for Geometry errors in the given model and do geometry cleanup. To Extract all the Mid surfaces of the given component. To Mesh all the Components of the given Model as per the given quality criteria and to get Better Mesh flow in all the Components and…


                                                20 Oct 2020 07:47 AM IST

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                                                Showing 1 of 29 projects