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Aim: Create the Base Bracket Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. To begin with, the tooling axis for the given Class A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model. STEP 1: Check the connectivity of the Class A Surface Class…
Adviteeya Gupta
updated on 28 Oct 2023
Aim: Create the Base Bracket Plastic component through the given Class-A surface. To begin with, the tooling axis for the given Class A Surface should be created meeting the requirements of the draft angle and at the end perform the Draft analysis on the model.
STEP 1: Check the connectivity of the Class A Surface
Class A Surface Join
Ensure that there is no gap between the component, using join command. We can visually check it or by clicking boundary command. It has 3 boundaries one outer and two inner circle boundaries. Therefore, first check completed.
STEP 2: Find the tooling axis of the component. The tooling axis is nothing but the mould opens or cavity opens. Check visually which is the best possible tooling axis. Check all three axis.
Along x it possible but expensive and y is not possible. z is the best possible tooling axis.
Creating a Tooling axis along z:
Bisecting method is basically use to find the proper tooling axis using the dummy tooling axis. In Bisecting method, bisecting line is used which either bisect the two line or it will show error which means the two lines are parallel to each other. In order to know whether the particular surface is workable or not we intersect the surface with the respective plane and get a sketch which consist of two lines and with the help of bisecting line option we bisect the line which creates a line at the mid-point of the two lines. Similarly, we create tooling clearing axis for x and y which will be used to create the main tooling axis using the bisecting line option in in the line command.
Tooling Axis
Therefore, the main tooling axis is along z axis. Now perform the Draft analysis using the Featured Draft Analysis tool in the tools.
Then after opening the draft analysis tool box go for the compass and place the compass aligned to tooling axis and click on the lock symbol after aligning and further click on the surface.
Draft Analysis
Now creating Class B Surface:
Initially extracting the right-side rib using extract option from Class A surface. Then perform Extrapolate in order to increase the length. Now trim the surfaces to required surfaces. Then Offset the surface in order to get the required thickness. Similarly create the left side rib. Now similarly get the slanted as well as the flat surface and offset it to desired value and now trim in order to get the required surface. Now fillet the surface to required amount.
Class B Surface
Now Creating Class C Surface:
First we have to create the boundary using Class A Surface. Than by using Sweep command we will create Class C surface. Boundary has to be created separately for outer surface as well as both the holes. Than we have to join all of them. Last step will be to trim this join with Class B Surface.
Class C Surface
Final Step will be to use close surface to solidify the component.
Final Component
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