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Title: Base Bracket Design Aim: To create a Base Bracket Plastic Component through a given Class A Surface and perform Draft Analysis on the final plastic component Objectives: Creation of Tooling Axis. Creation of Class B and Class…
Nagalingam B
updated on 07 Nov 2022
Title: Base Bracket Design
Aim: To create a Base Bracket Plastic Component through a given Class A Surface and perform Draft Analysis on the final plastic component
Tool Used: CATIA V5
Introduction: In this project we are designing a base bracket using given class A surface. The approach includes creation of Class B surface keeping 3 mm thickness in mind for the complete component. The design also included Class C creation from the given parent surface.
The Draft Analysis allows the user to easily analyze a part for proper draft angle. A Draft Angle describes the amount of taper for molded or cast parts perpendicular to the parting line. Find the Draft Analysis in Tools tab. Draft Analysis is applicable for 3D part models.
CLASS A: Following surface is given as the input for the component creation.
To continue with the design process first we need to find out the tooling axis for the surface and check for all the drafts using Draft Analysis tool of CATIA.
Draft Analysis for Surface A:
The analysis is done for 3degree draft. So as can be seen all the surfaces are more than 3deg.
Creating of Tooling Axis:
I follow in normal to surface Refer to circle and after create in point in mid cicrle and line devolped in z axis an they analysis in class a surface.
Here, Line shown in dotted pink is our tooling axis.
Creation of Class B:
Creation of Class C:
Final Trims:
Class A Class C and Class B Join:
To make sure that there is not any open boundry between class A and class C, we have used join option to created the single body. This is done to make sure that the parting line doesn't lie between the these two surfaces.
For this we have trimmed the above shown surface with the Class B surface using trim feature.
All the main features are published as can be seen in the image shown above.
Draft Analysis on the Final Component:
For this analysis, main tooling axis is taken draft reference.
Following results were obtained:
Duroplast is a composite thermosetting plastic, a close relative of Formica and Bakelite. It is a resin plastic reinforced with fibers (either cotton or wool) making it a fiber-reinforced plastic similar to fiberglass
It was also used to make suitcases. Duroplast is light and strong. It is made of recycled material, cotton waste and phenol resins. Because it can be made in a press similar to shaping steel, it is more suitable for volume car production than fiberglass.
Finally the Class – A, B&C surfaces with the Tooling Direction have been Published and the BACE BRACKET is moved on to the designing of the next operation – the creation of B-side features.
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