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Q.1. What is Design Methodology? ANS. Design Methodology is sequence of steps which we have to follow while doing design. Above image is of design methodology and steps involve in it. Purchase Order: We start designing after customer gives us purchase order. So, basically it is indication to start…
Sriram Kumar
updated on 28 May 2023
Q.1. What is Design Methodology?
ANS. Design Methodology is sequence of steps which we have to follow while doing design.
Above image is of design methodology and steps involve in it.
Q.2. What are the inputs required from customers to start design a fixture?
ANS. Following are the inputs from customers to start design work:
Q.3. What is the input we get from the "Car Products"?
ANS. The inputs we get from the Car Products are as follow:
Q.4. What is Clamp Plan?
Clamps are nothing but a mechanism or component used to hold or clamp job in fixture sucurely. Clamps are manual type, hydraulic type or pneumatic type depending on customer requirement. Clamp plan mentions or gives the location of clamps in which component is going to clamp. We can't change clamp location without customers approval, first of all we have to take permission from customers side to change clamp location. Clamp plan also provide information regarding location of pins, rest, clamps and dumps.
Q.5. What is the purpose of layout ?
ANS. Layout is nothing but management of space which helps to understand process or flow of work of entire assembly line. Below image is one of the example of layout.
Layout is used to achieve more efficiency or coordination of 4 M's (mens, material, machines and methods). Plant layout is simply floor plan for arranging machinery and equipements present in plant and these things are arranged according to its usage, easy for everyone to use particular equipements or machinery, should not disturb flow of material. Acutually, layout is very helpful to save time and money in plant.
Q.6. What is Ergo Data ?
ANS. Every company have standard ergo data and they provide it to fixture designer to design fixture considering that points Ex. height of fixture is decided according to ease while working on fixture. So, we have to design a fixture by considering safety, easy and fool proof design. Ergo Data is used to reduce human errors, increase productivity, human comfert and safety.
Lets take examples to understand what is ergo data. Height of base unit is desided according to workers posture, height and his comfert. This data related to height is one of the ergo data and there are several data like this example which are decided by considering human comfert, safety.
Q.7. What do you understand by weld study ?
ANS. Weld Study is nothing but a study of welding gun that we are going to use in welding fixture and where we are going to weld. It consist study of welding gun details, weld matrix, weld point, geo weld points and re-spot weld points, etc. Weld study consist of study following points:
Q.8. What are the criteria in percentage completion in designing stage? Explain it in detail.
ANS: To complete design in time we have to create schedule or time plan called Percentage Completion Criteria. In this we mention all activities related to design and time required to complete that task like concept design, final finished design and 2D of all units in fixture etc. The persentage completion criteria is as below:
Q.9. Brief about Output in design:
ANS. Design Output consist of lots of data like 3D and 2D documents, VMC IGS files, STEP files, gas-cut or laser-cut files in dwg format and BOM, etc. We have to give these data to our customer as design output. The basic output are 3D models and 2D drawing of fixture. Output are classified as below:
1. Unitised Tool: This tool consist of two type of sheets, they are as follow:
2. Non-unitised Tools: This type of tools don't require key sheet. Ex. stands and tool changer. Tools that can stand alone and details in layout sheet.
Q.10. What do you understand by structuring design tree? How does it reduce errors during design process?
ANS. Structuring a design tree is very necessary while designing fixture because it help to identify all manufactured part in whole fixture. Every customer company have there own standard. This will help us during design study, manufacturing and inspection to avoid errors.
If we ignore structuring a design tree it will crete confusion to understand design and may errors will appers in fixture.
Q.11. What are Units ? Mention 5 types of units.
ANS. Unit is nothing but a assembly having specific function like clamping, location or resting. In fixture there are number of units. According to 3-2-1 principle of location fixture is designed having two major purpose of clamp and locate the component for which fixture is designed. Image shows fixture consist of different units:
Types of unit are as below:
Q.12. Describe Fixed Pin Unit and their purpose?
Fixed Pin Unit is non movable locating unit which arrest movement of component in fixture. Fig. shows an example of fixed pin unit. It consist of pin, pin retainer, blade, two way shims or spacer which control X, Y direction adjustment, block and riser.
Purpose of Fixed Pin Unit are as below:
Q.13. What are the different parts of fixed pin unit ?
ANS. Differnt parts of fixed pin unit are as below:
Fixed Pin Unit is non movable locating unit which arrest movement of component in fixture. Fig. shows an example of fixed pin unit. It consist of pin, pin retainer, blade, two way shims or spacer which control X, Y direction adjustment, block and riser.
Purpose of Fixed Pin Unit are as below:
Q.14. What is the purpose of making a rest unit & describe its parts ?
ANS. Rest Unit is one of the simplest unit in fixture used with myler. As rest unit is simple to manufacture and require low cost, hence rest unit is combine with clamp unit and location unit. Rest unit consist of following parts:
4.MYLARS: Mylars are the parts in the rest unit which are in contact with car panel or component used to give support or rest to the component.
Q.15. What are the basic fundamentals to design asensor unit ?
ANS. Sensor is a device which detect or measure a physical property. The unit which is built to sense the component or car panel using electrical sensors called Unit Sensor. The output signal of sensor is then send to PLC (Programmable Logic Control) for further process. There of different types of sensors such as proximity sensors, laser sensors.
Each components which are welded in fixture should be sensed. So, we manufactured or assemble component free from errors. Consider an example of car panel having multiple components to assemble using welding. These multiple components are going to sensed by sensor to assure correct component is placed at correct position.
Q.16. What is Rough Locator Unit and what are the basic fundamentals to consider while designing it?
ANS. Rough Locator are the parts used to locate component correctly in fixture, basically it guide the operator while loading component in fixture. Figure shows an example of Rough locator and different locators we can used. It may be standard part or we can designed it according to our component.
Q.17. What is a Base Unit and describe its parts ?
ANS. As name suggest, Base unit is used to provide base for other units such as location unit, rest unit or sliding unit in fixture. These all units are mounted on this base unit.
Parts involve in base unit are as below:
Q.18. What is a Dump Unit and what are its function ?
ANS. Dump unit is used due to lack of space on fixture to built an unit. So, this is a complex unit consist of dump cylinder used for clamping or unclamping of car panel or component.
Due to space constrain dump unit used in fixture. It has dump cylinder having open and close position for better understanding of design. It also has clamp cylinder used for clamping purpose.
hence this is too complex unit to built.
Q.19. What is slide Unit and mention where slide unit are commonly used ?
ANS. Slide Units are positioning units used to posiotion fixture, units, weldgun and robots. This unit consist of sliding rail on which entire unit is slide in direction of rails for further operation. Sliding unit consist of open and close position. These sliding unit is commonly used in automotive industry for different similar components. Following is an example of slide unit provided for welding purpose.
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