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Aim:-To model the hyperelastic material model from experimental data and compare the results at the end . Theory:- Hyperelastic materials are the special class of materials that respond elastically even when they are subjected to large deformations. They show both a nonlinear material behavior as well as large shape changes.…
updated on 17 Mar 2021
Aim:-To model the hyperelastic material model from experimental data and compare the results at the end .
Hyperelastic materials are the special class of materials that respond elastically even when they are subjected to large deformations. They show both a nonlinear material behavior as well as large shape changes. They are characterized by:
Many polymers show hyperelastic behavior, such as elastomers, rubbers, and other similar soft flexible materials.
Hyperelastic materials are mostly used in applications where high flexibility, in the long run, is required, under the presence of high loads. Some typical examples of their use are elastomeric pads in bridges, rail pads, car door seals, car tires, and fluid seals.
For the case of uniaxial tension loading of an incompressible material, the specimen is loaded along one axis. The stretches are given by:
An elastic material is a linear material. This means that stress varies linearly with respect to strain. This material model is accurate for many material models, such as paper, metal, and wood, as long as the deformation is very small.
STRETCH RATIO The stretch ratio or extension ratio is a measure of the extensional or normal strain of a differential line element, which can be defined at either the undeformed configuration or the deformed configuration. It is defined as the ratio between the final length â„“ and the initial length L of the material line
Hyperelastic materials are designed for modeling rubber or rubber-like materials in which the elastic deformation can be extremely large.
Strain energy density functions (W) establish the relationship between the amount of energy employed to deform a volume unit of a solid and imposed strain.
Usually, stress-strain curve data from experimental tests are used to fit the constants of theoretical models, thus approximating the material response.
The choices of hyperelasticity models :
0.00E+00 | 0.00E+00 |
2.50E-02 | 4.46E-02 |
5.00E-02 | 8.67E-02 |
7.50E-02 | 1.27E-01 |
1.00E-01 | 1.64E-01 |
1.25E-01 | 2.00E-01 |
1.50E-01 | 2.34E-01 |
1.75E-01 | 2.67E-01 |
2.00E-01 | 2.98E-01 |
2.25E-01 | 3.28E-01 |
2.50E-01 | 3.56E-01 |
2.75E-01 | 3.83E-01 |
3.00E-01 | 4.09E-01 |
3.25E-01 | 4.34E-01 |
3.50E-01 | 4.58E-01 |
3.75E-01 | 4.81E-01 |
4.00E-01 | 5.03E-01 |
4.25E-01 | 5.24E-01 |
4.50E-01 | 5.45E-01 |
4.75E-01 | 5.65E-01 |
5.00E-01 | 5.84E-01 |
5.25E-01 | 6.03E-01 |
5.50E-01 | 6.20E-01 |
5.75E-01 | 6.38E-01 |
6.00E-01 | 6.55E-01 |
6.25E-01 | 6.71E-01 |
6.50E-01 | 6.87E-01 |
6.75E-01 | 7.02E-01 |
7.00E-01 | 7.17E-01 |
7.25E-01 | 7.32E-01 |
7.50E-01 | 7.46E-01 |
7.75E-01 | 7.60E-01 |
8.00E-01 | 7.73E-01 |
8.25E-01 | 7.86E-01 |
8.50E-01 | 7.99E-01 |
8.75E-01 | 8.11E-01 |
9.00E-01 | 8.23E-01 |
9.25E-01 | 8.35E-01 |
9.50E-01 | 8.47E-01 |
9.75E-01 | 8.58E-01 |
1.00E+00 | 8.69E-01 |
λ=1+ε (strain=100%,ε=1)
λ=2, L=145
ITEOPT: Optimum equilibrium iteration count per time step.
ITEWIN: Allowable iteration window. If iteration count is within ITEWIN
iterations of ITEOPT, the step size will not be adjusted for the next
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