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Week 1- Mixing Tee

Aim:- Set up steady-state simulations to compare the mixing effectiveness when the hot inlet temperature is 36C, and the cold inlet is 19C. Try both the k-epsilon and k-omega SST models for the first case to get proper judgment about each method; later, use the most suitable model for further simulations. Simulate each…

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Read more Projects by Syed Saquib (43)

Week - 4 - 2D meshing for Plastic components



14 Feb 2024 04:24 PM IST

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    Week 3 - 2D meshing for Sheet metal




    14 Feb 2024 04:10 PM IST

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      AIM: To carry out a system-level simulation of an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV). OBJECTIVES : To carry out a Simulation of ATV. To prepare a technical report explaining the model properties & comments on the results.   THEORY : All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) An All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), also known as a light utility…


      03 Jan 2024 10:45 AM IST

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      Project 1


        Aim : Develop a double-acting actuator model using Simscape Multibody and Simscape components.   Objective : The mechanical system of the cylinder needs to be built using Simscape Multibody library components/blocks, and the hydraulic system needs to be modeled using Simscape library physical components. Theory : The…


      16 Oct 2023 03:59 PM IST

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      Project 2 Thermal modeling of battery pack


      AIM:- To study Thermal modeling of the battery pack with the help of MATLAB and SIMULINK.   OBJECTIVES:-                      1)For a 10 cell series lithium-ion battery model, simulate the thermal effects and compare life cycle performance at various temperatures, charge & discharge rates using MATLAB. this will be based…


      21 Sep 2023 01:17 PM IST

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      Project 1 Mechanical design of battery pack


      Mechanical design of battery pack   To make the battery pack, we have to first finalize the nominal voltage and capacity of the pack. Either it will be in term of Volt, mAh/ Ah or Wh. Total required Battery pack capacity is 18000 Wh. The individual Cell: ANR26650M1-B has   Nominal voltage = 3.3 V Current Capacity = 2.5…


      21 Sep 2023 01:15 PM IST

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        Week 7 State of charge estimation


        AIM: 1. To Simulate the 3 test cases from the harness dashboard and write a detailed report on the results for the given MATLAB model. 2. What is coulomb counting? Refer to the above model and explain how BMS implements coulomb counting for SOC estimation?   SOLUTION: Battery management system (BMS): It is an electronic…


        21 Sep 2023 01:07 PM IST

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        Week 1 Understanding Different Battery Chemistry


        AIM:- Understanding Different Battery Chemistry   OBJECTIVE:- 1:- Prepare a table which includes materials & chemical reactions occurring at the anode and cathode of LCO, LMO, NCA, NMC, LFP and LTO type of lithium ion cells.Give your detailed explanation on it 2:- Compare the differences between each…


        19 Jul 2023 12:02 PM IST

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          Week 10 - Simulating Combustion of Natural Gas.


          Aim Perform a combustion simulation on the combustor model and plot the variation of the mass fraction of the different species’ in the simulation using line probes at different locations of the combustor as shown in Fig. You need to plot for CO2, H2O, CH4, N2, O2, NOx emissions & Soot formation.  As a second…


          14 Jun 2023 01:20 PM IST

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          Week 9 - Parametric study on Gate valve.


          Aim: Performing a parametric study on the gate valve. Objective: To set up a parametric study of a valve based on the opening as an input parameter and flow rate as the output parameter. Evaluate the flow coefficient and flow factor corresponding to the lift of the valve and estimate the effect of the same. Introduction:…


          14 Jun 2023 01:17 PM IST

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          Week 8 - Simulating Cyclone separator with Discrete Phase Modelling


          AIM: To perform analysis on cyclone separator and calculate the separation efficiency and pressure drop using the discrete phase modeling using ANSYS fluent software.   OBJECTIVES: Write a few words about any four empirical models used to calculate the cyclone separator efficiency.  To perform an analysis on…


          14 Jun 2023 01:16 PM IST

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          Week 6 - CHT Analysis on a Graphics card


          Aim: Perform steady-state conjugate heat transfer analysis of a graphics card. Objective: To understand the setup and requirements of a conjugate heat transfer problem. To understand and evaluate the characteristics of such problems. To evaluate the temperature profiles and heat transfer coefficient at the region…


          08 Jun 2023 01:11 PM IST

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          Week 5 - Rayleigh Taylor Instability


          Objectives: What are some practical CFD models that have been based on the mathematical analysis of Rayleigh Taylor waves? In your own words, explain how these mathematical models have been adapted for CFD calculations. Perform the Rayleigh Taylor instability simulation for 2 different mesh sizes with the base mesh being…


          08 Jun 2023 01:09 PM IST

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          Week 4 - CHT Analysis on Exhaust port


          Aim: To study the Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of Exhaust Port using ANSYS Fluent. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the simulation are Simulation of Conjugate heat transfer on exhaust manifold Calculation of wall heat transfer coefficient on internal solid surface Maintaining appropriate y+ value for the turbulence model…


          08 Jun 2023 01:08 PM IST

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            Week 3 - External flow simulation over an Ahmed body.


            AIM: To study the aerodynamics of the Ahmed's body and Run the simulation for the velocity of 25 m/sec with the default air properties in fluent. OBJECTIVE:  1. To Describe Ahmed's body and its importance.  2. To Explain the reason for the negative pressure in the wake region.   3. To Explain the significance…


            08 Jun 2023 01:06 PM IST

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            Week 2 - Flow over a Cylinder.


            Aim: To Simulate the flow over a cylinder and explain the phenomenon of Karman vortex street.   Objective: 1.To Calculate the coefficient of drag and lift over a cylinder by setting the Reynolds number to 10,100,1000,10000 & 100000. (Run with steady solver) 2.Simulate the flow with the steady and unsteady…


            07 Jun 2023 04:05 PM IST

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              Week 1- Mixing Tee


              Aim:- Set up steady-state simulations to compare the mixing effectiveness when the hot inlet temperature is 36C, and the cold inlet is 19C. Try both the k-epsilon and k-omega SST models for the first case to get proper judgment about each method; later, use the most suitable model for further simulations. Simulate each…


              07 Jun 2023 04:00 PM IST

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              Project 1 : CFD Meshing for Tesla Cyber Truck


              In this project, a Tesla Cybertruck in a wind tunnel will be meshed in ANSA. The geometry has multiple errors, these errors will be fixed. The mesh's element's lengths are same for each component of the geometry, but the mesh will be generated separately. The mesh length specifications are: Body - 5 mm Lights - 5 mm Rims…


              30 May 2023 08:26 AM IST

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              Week 5 Challenge : Surface wrap on Automotive Assembly


              Aim: For the given models, check for the geometrical errors and delete surfaces which are unwanted for Surface wrap as shown in the videos. After clearing geometry, Merge all 3 models and perform surface wrap.   Objective: - Target length for Wrap = 3 mm- Write a detailed report on steps followed to finish this challenge.…


              28 May 2023 11:53 AM IST

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              Week 4 Challenge : CFD Meshing for BMW car


              Aim: CFD meshing in BMW car Procedure: To perform CFD meshing in BMW car by following steps: 1) Clear the geometrical errors/topo clean up 2)Assign PIDs 3)Surface meshing 4) Create Wind tunnel 5) Volumetric meshing Steps - Resolving Geometrical Errors - Import the Geometry. You are in the "Topo Deck" by default.…


              28 May 2023 11:51 AM IST

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              Week 3 Challenge : CFD meshing on Turbocharger


              Aim: To perform Volumetric mesh in the given raw model of turbocharger. Apply different mesh lenth for different PID's Surface with the tria elements to make ensure the elements to 2D to 3D mesh Mesh Length for various components: 1) Blade stage 1 = 1mm2) Blade stage 2 = 1mm3) Impeller = 2mm4) Shaft rotor = 1mm5) Turbo…


              28 May 2023 11:48 AM IST

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              Week 2 Challenge : Surface meshing on a Pressure valve


              AIM: Surface meshing on a Pressure valve Objectives: To check for the geometrical errors. To perform Topology cleanup accordingly. To set three different target lengths as three different cases and mesh the model. To apply any one target length from the above at a time for the entire model as One case. To write a…


              13 May 2023 12:58 PM IST

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              Week 12 - Validation studies of Symmetry BC vs Wedge BC in OpenFOAM vs Analytical H.P equation


              Difference Between wedge and symmetry boundary condition in the last project, we have used the wedge boundary condition, which is used for 2-dimensional axisymmetric cases e.g. a cylinder, the geometry is specified as a wedge of small angle (e.g. < 5o ) and 1 cell thick running along the plane of symmetry, straddling…


              11 May 2023 12:19 PM IST

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              Week 11 - Simulation of Flow through a pipe in OpenFoam


              Aim:- To simulate flow through a pipe using OpenFoam and validate the results.   Objective:- Validate Hydro-dynamic length with the numerical result Validate the fully developed flow velocity profile with its analytical profile Validate maximum velocity and pressured drop for fully developed flow Post-process Shear…


              11 May 2023 12:18 PM IST

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              Week 9 - FVM Literature Review


               Finite volume Method(FVM) Literature Review   Aim:- Define Finite volume Method(FVM) Write down Difference Between FDM and FVM. Describe the need for interpolation schemes and also describe Flux limiters in FVM, use 1D linear heat conduction equation as an example.   Objective:- Define finite volume method…


              10 May 2023 08:51 AM IST

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              Week 8 - Simulation of a backward facing step in OpenFOAM


              To simulate an incompressible-laminar-viscous flow through the backward facing step geometry.  We should perform a transient simulation. The solver can be chosen based on the described physics of the flow.  Here based on the decribed physics of the flow we have chosen icoFoam solver. After that, you will perform…


              10 May 2023 08:45 AM IST

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              Week 7 - Simulation of a 1D Supersonic nozzle flow simulation using Macormack Method


              Aim:  To simulate the isentropic flow through a quasi 1D subsonic-supersonic nozzle and to derive both the conservation and non-conservation forms of the governing equations and solve them using MacCormack's technique. Also, to determine the steady-state temperature distribution for the flow-field variables and investigate…


              10 May 2023 08:43 AM IST

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              Week 5.1 - Mid term project - Solving the steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction problem


              AIM: Solving the steady and unsteady 2D heat conduction problem OBJECTIVE:  Steady-state analysis & Transient State Analysis Solve the 2D heat conduction equation by using the point iterative techniques that were taught in the class. The Boundary conditions for the problem are as follows; Top Boundary = 600…


              15 Apr 2023 11:46 AM IST

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              Week 3.5 - Deriving 4th order approximation of a 2nd order derivative using Taylor Table method


              Taylor Series The Taylor series of a function is an infinite sum of terms that are expressed in terms of the function's derivatives at a single point. f(x)=f(a)+f'(a)1!(x−a)+f''(a)2!(x−a)2+f'''(a)3!(x−a)3+...,�(�)=�(�)+�′(�)1!(�-�)+�′′(�)2!(�-�)2+�′′′(�)3!(�-�)3+...,…


              14 Apr 2023 12:20 PM IST

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              Final Project: Design of an Electric Vehicle


              QUESTION:Create a MATLAB model of electric car which uses a battery and a DC motor. Choose suitable blocks from Powertrain block set. Prepare a report about your model including following: Objectives:         1. System level configurations        2. Model parameters    …


              09 Jan 2023 01:47 PM IST

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              Project-1: Powertrain for aircraft in runways


              1. Manufacturer's Empty Weight(MEW): It is the weight of the aircraft "as-built" and includes the weight of the structure, power plant, furnishings, installations, systems, and other equipment that are considered an integral part of an aircraft. This excludes any baggage, passengers, or usable fuel. Zero-fuel weight(ZFW):…


              03 Jan 2023 02:39 PM IST

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              Week-11 Challenge: Braking


              Aim: Understanding the braking power and motor losses  Objective : For a defined driving cycle, calculate the energy required for braking. Why electric motor can’t develop braking torque at a high speed similar to starting? How electric and mechanical brakes are coordinated?  Make a MATLAB program that…


              02 Jan 2023 02:13 PM IST

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              Week-7 Challenge: DC Motor Control


              1. A. Explain a MATLAB demo model named ‘Speed control of a DC motor using BJT H-bridge’. Answer: 'Speed control of a DC motor using BJT H-bridge. H-bridge:In general an H-bridge is a rather simple circuit,containing four switching element,with the load at the center, in an H-like configuration. …


              29 Nov 2022 01:21 PM IST

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              Week-6 Challenge: EV Drivetrain


               1.  Which types of power converter circuits are employed in electric and hybrid electric vehicle?    ANS: The task of a power converter is to process and control the flow of electrical energy by supplying current and voltages that are optimally suited for the user load. The block diagram of a…


              28 Nov 2022 02:39 PM IST

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              Week-4 Challenge WOT Condition Part-2


              1.The difference between mapped and dynamic model of engine, motor and generator and to  change model type.   Mapped model:   Model uses a set of steady-state lookup tables to characterize engine performance.     The Mapped Motor block implements a mapped motor and drive electronics…


              25 Nov 2022 02:18 PM IST

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              Week-3 Challenge: ADVISOR Tool


              AIM:- To use Advisor tool and simulate the following objectives   OBJECTIVES:-                       1) concluding observations For EV_defaults_in file, can the vehicle travel for 45 km with FTP drive cycle if the vehicle carrying a payload…


              12 Nov 2022 02:18 PM IST

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              Week - 4


              AIM: To implement the control logic of the Washing machine and Gear shift mechanism using Stateflow.   OBJECTIVE: 1. To implement control logic of a washing machine using Stateflow as per given sequence:  - If the power supply is available, the system gets activated  - If the water supply is not available,…


              28 Sep 2022 11:45 AM IST

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              Week -2


              Aim:-1.To Make a Simulink Model Of Doorbell Using Solenoid Block Where The Switch Is Closed For 2 Second And Then Released.& Observed The Movement Of Plunger. Use a Thermistor To Sense The Temperature Of a Heater & Turn On Or Turn Off The Fan As Per The Following Conditions: Temperature Source:20C From 0to 10 Seconds,…


              26 Sep 2022 02:09 PM IST

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                Project 2 - Rankine cycle Simulator


                AIM: TO CREATE A RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR USING OCTAVE/MATLAB Theory: The Rankine cycle is the fundamental operating cycle of all power plants where an operating fluid is continuously evaporated and condensed. The selection of operating fluid depends mainly on the available temperature range. The Rankine cycle operates…


                04 May 2022 07:30 AM IST

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                Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                Objective 1) To Read ,Extract and operate Data Present in 2) To extract the 14 co-efficients for a given species. 3)To calculate the enthalpy, entropy and specific heats using the NASA polynomials. 4)To calculate the molecular weight of each species. 5) To Plot the Cp, Enthalpy and Entropy of all species…


                01 May 2022 07:19 AM IST

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                  Week 4.1 - Genetic Algorithm


                  Introduction to optimization:   Optimization with MATLAB Optimization deals with selecting the best option among a number of possible choices that are feasible or don't violate constraints. Genetic algorithm- Genetic Algorithms(GAs) are adaptive heuristic search algorithms that belong to the larger…


                  27 Apr 2022 06:29 AM IST

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                  Week 3 - Solving second order ODEs


                  Aim-To solve second order ordinary differential equation using matlab Objectives- To solve the second order ODE with graph of velocity v/s displacement Data- L= 1 meter t=0 M=1 kg b=0.05 g=9.81 m/s^2   Program- 1. code function of ODE45 for main program-   function[dtheta_dt]=ode_func(t,theta,b,g,l,m)…


                  23 Apr 2022 05:56 AM IST

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                    Week 2- 2R Robotic Arm Challenge


                                                                             2R robotic arm Aim- To write a programin matlab to simulate the forward kinematics of a 2R Robotic arm. Code- clear all close all clc %inputs l1= 1; l2= 0.5; theta1= linspace(0,90,10); theta2= linspace(0,90,10); ct= 1; for i= 1:length(theta1) THETA1= theta1(i); for…


                    19 Apr 2022 06:25 AM IST

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                      Showing 1 of 43 projects