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Project 1- Traffic Jam Assistant Feature Introduction to the Feature: Traffic Jam Assistant is one of the most common feature in Advanced Driver Assistance System. Traffic Jam Assistant helps the driver arrive more relaxed at their destination, even in dense traffic or in traffic jams. As a partially automated comfort…
Shubham Solanke
updated on 28 Oct 2021
Project 1- Traffic Jam Assistant Feature
Introduction to the Feature:
Traffic Jam Assistant is one of the most common feature in Advanced Driver Assistance System. Traffic Jam Assistant helps the driver arrive more relaxed at their destination, even in dense traffic or in traffic jams. As a partially automated comfort function, the system takes over the longitudinal & lateral guidance of the vehicle. This means that the car can drive off, accelerate & brake automatically, as well as steer the vehicle within certain constraints. The driver has to permanently supervise the system & be ready to take over the complete control of the vehicle at any time.
Traffic Jam Assistant system helps to avoid rear end collisions in dense traffic conditions & traffic jams. In Traffic jams, the vehicle takes over driving off, acceleration, braking and steering within same lane.
Basic Working Principle:
Traffic Jam Assistant is based on the sensors and the functionality of the Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with stop & go and Lane Keeping Support (LKS). When ACC ‘Stop & Go’ is turned ON, the Traffic Jam Assistant continuously analyses the speed of the surrounding vehicles and compares it with the own driving speed. If the system detects dense traffic or a traffic jam at speeds less than 60 kmph, the driver can activate the functionality by press of a button. The vehicle will now automatically follow the vehicle in front, takes over driving off, acceleration, braking and steering within same lane.
Information regarding the Traffic Jam Assistant will be available to be displayed to the driver in the Instrument Panel Cluster (IPC). The Algorithm which the students need to implement here in this project is predominantly based on IPC units.
Problem Statement:
To develop one specific requirement of Traffic Jam Assistant algorithm which would predominantly feature in the IPC algorithm.Please note that the whole Traffic Jam Assistant is a very huge algorithm & only one small part of the logic is implemented here. Idea is to familiarize with concepts of Model Based Development in MATLAB Environment. The Project must be done keeping in mind the following processes & steps.
Input Signals:
Name of the Signal |
Data Type |
Range |
Input_Voltage |
uint8 |
0 - 255 |
Input_Switch |
boolean |
0 – 1 |
Enable_Display |
uint8 |
0 - 255 |
Output Signal:
Name of the Signal |
Data Type |
Range |
Output_Display |
uint8 |
0 - 255 |
Calibration Signals:
Name of the Signal |
Data Type |
Range |
Initial Value |
uint8 |
0 – 255 |
30 |
uint8 |
0 – 255 |
50 |
uint8 |
0 – 255 |
2 |
uint8 |
0 – 255 |
1 |
uint8 |
0 – 255 |
3 |
boolean |
0 – 1 |
1 |
boolean |
0 - 1 |
1 |
uint8 |
0 – 255 |
0 |
Local Signal:
Name of the Signal |
Data Type |
Range |
Optimum_Voltage |
boolean |
0 - 1 |
Requirement No 1:
Requirement No 2 (DisplayUnit Subsystem):
1. Creating the MATLAB MODEL
This is the main model subsystem that has three inputs Input_Voltage, Input_Switch and Enable_Display entering into Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature the subsystem and one output Output_Display.
There are 2 requirements are designed in two subsystem
Requirement:- 1
Requirement:- 2
2. Requirement Tagging
all the requirements are tagged in order for better understandability, anyone who is reviewing the model or who is trying to update the model can get a clear idea of what logic is used in the system. from the requirement manager, we can see what are all are tagged and the description
Generating Requirements Report
3. Developing SLDD
all the inputs, outputs, calibration parameters are saved in SLDD so while simulation the model takes all the values and its parameters from the Simulink Data Dictionary
4. Signal Resolution for inputs and outputs
the inputs and output signals are resolved so the signals will take the values from sldd and pass them to the logical blocks. Otherwise, it may take some junk values if it is unresolved
5. Model Update.
The model update is done by Ctrl-D. this is done to check for any static errors. If there are no errors coming the model is working fine without any errors.
6. Simulation
The model is simulated too for checking for errors and warnings
7. Configuration Parameter Update
Various configuration parameters are updated as per the code generation the solver type should be fixed for code generation
8. Model Advisory Report
By running the model advisor tool, we can see commonly made modelling errors.
Generating the model advisor Report
9 Code generation
build a model for generating code
* File: Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature.c
* Code generated for Simulink model 'Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature'.
* Model version : 1.15
* Simulink Coder version : 9.5 (R2021a) 14-Nov-2020
* C/C++ source code generated on : Thu Oct 28 10:56:46 2021
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: Intel->x86-64 (Windows64)
* Code generation objectives: Unspecified
* Validation result: Not run
#include "Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature.h"
#include "Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature_private.h"
/* Real-time model */
static RT_MODEL_Traffic_Jam_Assistan_T Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Featur_M_;
RT_MODEL_Traffic_Jam_Assistan_T *const Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Featur_M =
/* Model step function */
void Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature_step(void)
uint8_T tmp;
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant3'
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant4'
* Constant: '<S4>/Constant'
* Constant: '<S5>/Constant'
* Inport: '<Root>/Input_Switch'
* Inport: '<Root>/Input_Voltage'
* Logic: '<S2>/OR'
* Logic: '<S3>/AND'
* Logic: '<S3>/NOT'
* RelationalOperator: '<S3>/Relational Operator'
* RelationalOperator: '<S4>/Compare'
* RelationalOperator: '<S5>/Compare'
if (((Input_Voltage >= VOLTAGE_MAXIMUM_RANGE) || (Input_Voltage <=
VOLTAGE_MINIMUM_RANGE)) && (!Input_Switch) && (INTERRUPT_1 ==
/* Saturate: '<S3>/Saturation' incorporates:
* Inport: '<Root>/Enable_Display'
if (Enable_Display < 7) {
tmp = Enable_Display;
} else {
tmp = 7U;
/* End of Saturate: '<S3>/Saturation' */
/* MultiPortSwitch: '<S3>/Multiport Switch' */
switch (tmp) {
case 1:
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant'
Output_Display = ON_MODE;
case 2:
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant'
Output_Display = ON_MODE;
case 3:
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant1'
Output_Display = OFF_MODE;
case 4:
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant1'
Output_Display = OFF_MODE;
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant2'
Output_Display = STANDBY_MODE;
/* End of MultiPortSwitch: '<S3>/Multiport Switch' */
} else {
/* Switch: '<S3>/Switch' incorporates:
* Constant: '<S3>/Constant5'
Output_Display = NO_DISPLAY;
/* End of Switch: '<S3>/Switch' */
/* Model initialize function */
void Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature_initialize(void)
/* (no initialization code required) */
/* Model terminate function */
void Traffic_Jam_Assistant_Feature_terminate(void)
/* (no terminate code required) */
* File trailer for generated code.
* [EOF]
Thus for the above project, Simulink Data Dictionary has been created, and Model Advisor Report also created and done with verification and Generation of code.
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