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Making of seat back In this case we've got provided with dump solid of seat back and head rest so we'll have to create sto then we'll have to create the solid foam so for that i extracted the surfaces of the dump solid and repair some dameges over the surfaces then i've created sto …
Vijay Prasath
updated on 18 May 2023
Making of seat back
In this case we've got provided with dump solid of seat back and head rest so we'll have to create sto then we'll have to create the solid foam so for that i extracted the surfaces of the dump solid and repair some dameges over the surfaces then i've created sto
And now we've got a proper sto with no gaps
Creating H-point:
To create the H-point i've created point over the curve then i've created lines from that point in 40 mm length and 20 mm height
Then i created another point over edge of the line and i created with plane as well so that's our H-point
From that i created line and created planes and points as well
Then i created intersections of back surface while am i sketching i created projection of the intersection then i offsetted down wards 5mm then same thing i did with the all other planes
After that i created multisection surface for the back side
Making of wings:
So in this case i've followed a different type of approach which contrast to other apporach which shown in video, So, what am i done is I've extracted the surfaces of wings
Offseted the top surfaces up ward 2mm and offseted the side surfaces in wards 2mm
Then i untrimmed and extrapolated those surfaces
then I trimmed them together and we've got a proper wings then i've done the same thing for the another wings as well
Then i trimmed them together
Then i begin to create the top and bottom surfaces first i extracted the top surface then took a boundry and extrapolated then i trimmed them together and the same thing I've done for the bottom surface as well.
After that i've extracted the rest (bottom) surface then untrimmed it and extrapolated it then trimmed with together
So, eventually we've got a complete surface body of the foam
Then i created the soild foam
Making of seat lower part:
Then whatever methods i followed for create seat upper part same thing i applied for the seat lower part as well
Surface body:
Solid foam:
Making a solid foam from Unproper sto:
Given data:
Then i've begin with work on those surfaces to make proper sto
Then i created proper seat trim outline
And the same procedure we followed for the seat upper and lower applied on this part as well but i tried another different approach in this case as well
As we seen before i took intersections between sto and planes which i created and then i created the sketch and offseted the line of cushion surface by 5mm
After that i created multisection surface with those lines
And to be specific i approached in a different manner for side surface what that is i've extracted those lines from intersections
then i create surface and untrimmed it then offseted itself inside by 2mm and same thing i've done for the other side as well
Same thing i've done for the upper sides of my polsters but in this case i've offseted those surfaces by 2 mm upwards and same thing i've done for the other side as well
Then i trimmed them together
Then as usuall i trimmed them together with cushion surface
Then i trimmed them with top surface
And bottom surface as well
Then I've extracted the rest surface and untrimmed it and extrapolated it and trimmed with those surfaces and applied some fillets
Now we've got proper surface body
And now we converting into a solid by close surface tool.
And now we've got solid foam
By working on this project i could learn plenty of things about seating design and seating design terminologies as well.
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