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Static-Structural Analysis of Spur Gear

Static-Structural Analysis Of Spur Gear ABSTRACT This report presents the Static-Structural analysis of Spur gear using Ansys-Workbench for three different materials. Spur gear is an essential component in machine design used for transferring motion and energy among the machine parts (i.e. from source to sink) in a precise…

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                    Week 4 -Wire Bending Challenge


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                        Static-Structural Analysis of Weld Joint


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                                SIMPLE IDEAL RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR


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                                  a new title


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                                  25 Mar 2020 01:05 PM IST

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                                    Otto Cycle Simulation


                                    *********** Comments by Grader ************ GOOD JOB !!!! But please attach the code using insert code option. The other thing that you can do is to attach the code and images in  and paste the link over here.…


                                    25 Mar 2020 01:05 PM IST

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                                      PARSING NASA THERMODYNAMIC DATA


                                      *********** Remarks of the Evaluator ************ Good Job Your report is good, but, If the input is case insensitive your code will not work (i.e) your code is case sensitive (It has been asked to calculate for o2 not O2) You have used global mid temperature to split the data instead of local mid temperature which is…


                                      25 Mar 2020 01:03 PM IST

                                      • MATLAB
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                                      a new title


                                      Minimization of a objective function using Lagrange multipliersObjective function 5 – (x-2)^2 – 2(y-1)^2 (we have to minimize the function) Subject to : Constraint x + 4y = 3Solution:f(x,y) = 5 – (x-2)^2 – 2(y-1)^2g(x,y) = x + 4y = 3 = cUsing Lagrange multipliers,F(x,y,k) = f(x,y) – k[(g(x,y)…


                                      25 Mar 2020 01:03 PM IST

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                                        PARSING NASA THERMODYNAMIC DATA


                                        *********** Remarks of the Evaluator ************ Good Job Your report is good, but, If the input is case insensitive your code will not work (i.e) your code is case sensitive (It has been asked to calculate for o2 not O2) You have used global mid temperature to split the data instead of local mid temperature which is…


                                        25 Mar 2020 01:02 PM IST

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                                        SIMPLE IDEAL RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR


                                        Comments By Grader 1.Try to have the sf,sg curve in the plot and infer cycle characteristics from the same.                       PROJECT-2 TITLE :- SIMPLE IDEAL RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR RANKINE CYCLE - It is an idealized thermodynamic cycle of a heat engine that converts…


                                        25 Mar 2020 01:01 PM IST

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                                          Genetic Algorithm With MATLAB


                                          *********** Comments by Grader ************ GOOD JOB !!!! Final Plot for stalagmite should also depict the same thing which you wrote i.e MAXIMUM VALUE of the STALAGMITE FUNCTION = 1 . Your final plot should be inverted of what you have posted and also it should show the maximum value = +1 in the plot and not the -1. Marks…


                                          25 Mar 2020 01:00 PM IST

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                                            2nd Order Differentiation Solving With Octave


                                            *********** Comments by Grader ************ GOOD JOB !!!! Thank you. Graded by : Mehul Shah     In the first part of the program we have to solve the 2nd order diffrential equation which describe position w.r.t time for damped simple pendulum motion. Since octave\matlab only understand equations of first…


                                            25 Mar 2020 12:59 PM IST

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                                              Curve Fitting


                                              *********** Remarks of the Evaluator ************ Good Job! Your report is perfectly succint and clear! Your error estimation plot vs temoertature is appreciated but is wrong the error is extimated in curve fits as mentioned below, The sum of squares due to error (SSE) Root mean squared error (RMSE) For this reason some…


                                              25 Mar 2020 12:57 PM IST

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                                                SIMPLE IDEAL RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR


                                                Comments By Grader 1.Try to have the sf,sg curve in the plot and infer cycle characteristics from the same.                       PROJECT-2 TITLE :- SIMPLE IDEAL RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR RANKINE CYCLE - It is an idealized thermodynamic cycle of a heat engine that converts…


                                                25 Mar 2020 12:56 PM IST

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                                                  Robotic Arm Simulator


                                                    *********** Comments by Grader ************ GOOD JOB !!!! But please attach the code using insert code option Code is correct but you have not followed the format as mentioned above. Marks here are deducted for the above mentioned reasons. SUGGESTION : The other thing that you can do is to attach the code and images in  and paste the link over here.…


                                                  25 Mar 2020 12:56 PM IST

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                                                    Analysis Of Stress Concentration On Plate With Hole


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                                                    25 Mar 2020 12:29 PM IST

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                                                      Data Analysis With Python


                                                                                          DATA ANALYSIS USING PYTHON In this task, we have to write a script in python which act as a data visualizer tool to read file and generate required outputs. There is a engine_data.out file on which…


                                                      26 Aug 2019 01:36 PM IST

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                                                      Newton-Raphson Method


                                                      NEWTON RAPHSON METHOD  The Newton-Raphson method (also known as Newton\'s method) is a way to quickly find a good approximation for the root of a real-valued function f(x) = 0f(x)=0. It uses the idea that a continuous and differentiable function can be approximated by a straight line tangent to it.…


                                                      25 Aug 2019 02:39 PM IST

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                                                        Curve Fitting using python


                                                        Ans 1. -  popt & pcov are the return() of a curve_fit function which is a built in function under scipy.optimize module. (popt)--- array which contains the best fit parameters for the provided function which is to be fitted using non-linear least square method,while (pcov)--- contains the covariance matrix which…


                                                        24 Aug 2019 04:13 AM IST

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                                                          OTTO CYCLE


                                                          Assignment : Simulating Otto Cycle and calculating thermal efficiency     Introduction (Theory and concepts) there are total four processes in an Ideal otto cycle: 1) Isentropic compression (state 1 -->  state 2) during this process , chamber volume does not change  in a linear way , this change…


                                                          09 Oct 2018 05:16 PM IST

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                                                            ROBOTIC ARM SIMULATOR WITH PYTHON


                                                                  2R ROBOTIC ARM SIMULATOR This is a program written in python language , which simulate the robot arm dynamics or workspace(region which robot arm can cover ) moreover it helps to simulate position of manipulator where it can go.In this program a 2 arm robot is considered and we are provided with length…


                                                            12 Sep 2018 10:49 AM IST

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                                                              Rankine Cycle Simulator


                                                                                    PROJECT-2 TITLE :- SIMPLE IDEAL RANKINE CYCLE SIMULATOR RANKINE CYCLE - It is an idealized thermodynamic cycle of a heat engine that converts heat into mechanical work while undergoing phase change. It closely describes the process by which steam…


                                                              24 Aug 2018 09:10 AM IST

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                                                                PARSING NASA THERMODYNAMIC DATA




                                                                17 Aug 2018 09:46 AM IST

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                                                                OPTIMIZATION OF STALAGMITE FUNCTION USING GENETIC ALGORITHM


                                                                WHAT IS GENETIC ALGORITHM? WHAT IS OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM? HOW GENETIC ALGORITHM WORKS? Genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained & unconstrained optimization problems based on natural slection process that mimics or simulates biological evolution. Optimization Problem :- In this problem, we have to…


                                                                06 Aug 2018 11:50 AM IST

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                                                                  Curve fitting with octave


                                                                  PART-1 Code to fit linear and cubic polynomial for Cp data %Fitting a linear and a cubic polynomial for the Cp data %loading our data file in our program cp_data = load(\'data\'); temperature = cp_data(:,1); sps_heat_const_p = cp_data(:,2); i=[1,3]; % making varible i which holds two values 1 & 3 which denote order…


                                                                  27 Jul 2018 03:27 PM IST

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                                                                    Damped simple pendulum motion


                                                                    In the first part of the program we have to solve the 2nd order diffrential equation which describe position w.r.t time for damped simple pendulum motion. Since octave\\matlab only understand equations of first order therefore ,first we have to convert our second order diffrential equation into two first order equations…


                                                                    23 Jul 2018 01:27 PM IST

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                                                                      Showing 1 of 37 projects