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sandeep yadav

Creative Entry-Level Engineer Providing Insightful Support in Design

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • ANSA
  • FEA


Mechanical engineer having 2 years of experience as a quality engineer in structure field, seeking to start my career as a CAD and CAE engineer which will help me deliver my best and upgrade my skills in engineering and meet the demands of the organization with proficiency in designing software like CATIA V5 and SolidWorks.

31 Projects

Car hood meshing in Ansa


  OBJECTIVE check the geometrical errors of the hood,geometry clean up the model,extract the mid surface and mesh the model in ANSA according to the given quality criteria with the target element size 5mm. PROCEDURE : To fullfill the above objective folllowing steps are performed Geometry Clean up the model.…


14 Feb 2021 04:19 PM IST

  • ANSA
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Bottle cap Extraction of midsurface and meshing in Ansa


Objective : clean up the geometry of the model, taken up midsurface and do meshing of the bottle cap according to the quality criteria provided. Procedure :  perform geometry cleanup. extract midsurface of bottle cap. assign new pid to extract midsurface. performing meshing with the given quality criteria and mesh…


14 Feb 2021 04:21 PM IST

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    Rear mirror 3D Tetra meshing in Ansa


    Objective :  For the given component, check for the geometrical errors and mesh with the given element Quality criteria. Use tetra elements to model the component and there should not and kinks and dips on the surface of the component.                    …


    14 Feb 2021 04:22 PM IST

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      Tool Test-2


      time taken - 4 hrs


      05 Jul 2020 07:44 AM IST

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        Connection of rear door in Ansa


        Objective : To perform the connection of rear door of a car with different connection techniques by using the option under NASTRAN deck. Procedure :  1. Open the given rear door FE model in ansa by using the option FILE >> INPUT >> NASTRAN. 2. Assign a separate PIDs of various part of rear door. 3. Bolt…


        14 Feb 2021 04:25 PM IST

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          Week 8


          Objective - To perform morphing techniques to the component and mention industrial use of morphing. what is morphing ? Morphing is a technique of changes the shape and design termonology of the given component withou use of numerical input. the function of morphing can be used to efficently re-shape both…


          30 Jul 2020 05:16 AM IST

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            Performing of meshing in Dashboard (IP)


            Objective - For the given component (dashboard subparts) check for the geometrical errors and mesh with the given element Quality criteria. After meshing the component the thickness has to be assigned. Procedure -   1. Geometry cleanup - first step is to import the cad model into Ansa and then perform…


            14 Feb 2021 04:27 PM IST

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              Performing the meshing and connections of car rear suspension model


              OBJECTIVE - To check geometrical errors,meshing and implementing  the connection to the car rear suspension model with the given mesh and quality parameters. METHODOLOGY -  Import geometry and topological cleanup. parts segregation under different property id. Defeaturing the model. Midsurface extraction if the…


              14 Feb 2021 04:28 PM IST

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                3D modelling of machine part in Catia


                Front view -  Top view -  Cross section view -  Final view - 


                14 Feb 2021 04:29 PM IST

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                  Drafting a given component in Catia



                  14 Feb 2021 04:31 PM IST

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                    Surface Design in Catia



                    14 Feb 2021 04:32 PM IST

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                      Week 4- Challenge


                      Objective - To create a 1D element on the following component with given cross-section and DOF. Specification -  a. Rod element:- with only translational DOF and RBE2 link Cross-Section: BOX- Dimension a= 12 mm                              …


                      10 Oct 2020 12:53 PM IST

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                        Car hood component meshing


                        OBJECTIVE -  To mesh the given hood component after extracting midsurface under given quality criteria. PROCEDURE -  1. Import the geometry and clean up the model. 2. Extract the midsurface of the model. 3. Meshing the component. 4. Rectify quality index error. 5. Reflecting process 1. Import the geometry -…


                        14 Feb 2021 04:16 PM IST

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                          Week 8-Challenge


                          OBJECTIVE -  To perform 3D meshing on the given component with given parameters. PROCEDURE -  1. Tetramesh for housing and hub assembly. a. Geometry cleanup -  Import the "housing.stp" file using the import tool option. now delete the solid parts by using delete >> solid  and Using the geometry…


                          02 Nov 2020 07:11 AM IST

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                            mesh the frame assembly and create a connection at specific parts. 


                            OBJECTIVE  - To mesh the frame assembly and create a connection at specific parts.  PROCEDURE  -  1. Meshing - First Import the frame assembly model and Mid surface is already given so perform a meshing by using option 2D >>Automesh >> element size 4  and then mesh. 2. Connection -…


                            14 Feb 2021 04:15 PM IST

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                              Project 2 Sheet metal part meshing


                              OBJECTIVE -  To perform the mesh of the given component as per given quality criteria and also assign the thickness to the component. PROCEDURE - In order to accomplish the above objective we need to follow following steps. 1. Import the CAD model into hypermesh. 2. Geometry cleanup of the model. 3. Extraction…


                              14 Feb 2021 04:14 PM IST

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                                Side door midsurface extraction and meshing


                                OBJECTIVE - To extract the midsurface of the given plastic component (Side door) and mesh the model acc. to given quality criteria and assign the thickness. PROCEDURE - In order to accomplish the above objective we need to follow following steps. 1. Import the CAD model into hypermesh. 2. Geometry cleanup of the model.…


                                14 Feb 2021 04:12 PM IST

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                                  Assignment 3


                                  OBJECTIVE - Comparison of results with base simulation and improved shell element properties  by creating various plot graph and run simulation by using hyperwork .  PROCEDURE -   CASE - 1  BASE SIMULATION. 1. First import the starter file 0000.RAD in hypermesh under radioss profile. Now using the crash beam file from…


                                  03 Dec 2020 08:44 AM IST

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                                    Assignment 4


                                    OBJECTIVE -  To analyse different type of material properties and compare the result of 7 cases with the given material properties and conditions. PROCEDURE -  CASE 1 - Law 2 - M2 plas johns zeril - Elasto-plastic (johnson- cook material) : It is an elasto- plastic material model that includes strain rate and…


                                    15 Dec 2020 06:17 AM IST

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                                      Assignment 5


                                      OBJECTIVE -  Create the mesh for bumper assembly with element size 6mm and to analyze or compare the different case of interface 7, interface 11 and with or without notch model. PROCEDURE -  first open the bumper system model by import geometry. It will appear in wireframe mode , then click on shadow mode to appear surface.…


                                      23 Dec 2020 05:30 AM IST

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                                        Front car crash simulation


                                        OBJECTIVE - To perform a Front crash impact analysis of neon car to study how the impact forces are distributed throughout the structure to prevent damage to the occupants and Study of the forces or energy generated and displacement on the various cross-sections of the BIW and study of the various energy plots after…


                                        14 Feb 2021 04:09 PM IST

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                                          Side car crash simulation


                                          OBJECTIVE - To set up the Rigid Pole-side crash simulation of a Neon car model, in the RADIOSS solver deck as per given instructions and analyze the results. ABSTRACT -  Check unit system and either follow [Mg mm s] or [Kg mm ms]. Create appropriate interface ,friction 0.2 and recommended parameters. Make sure of…


                                          14 Feb 2021 04:08 PM IST

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                                          Project 1 - Parsing NASA thermodynamic data


                                          OBJECTIVE -  Write a function that extracts the 14 co-efficients and calculates the enthalpy, entropy and specific heats for all the species in the data file. You will be reading this file NASA thermodynamic data. INTRODUCTION - We have a NASA thermodynamic data file.This is link of file NASA data file…


                                          27 Jan 2021 06:21 AM IST

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                                          Project 2 - Rankine cycle Simulator


                                          AIM - Write a Matlab code to calculate the state points of the Rankine Cycle and Create a Rankine cycle and plot the corresponding T-s and h-s plots . INTRODUCTION -   Vapor power plants generate electrical power by using fuels like coal, oil or natural gas. The schematic of a vapor power plant…


                                          29 Jan 2021 05:18 AM IST

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                                          Door Arm Rest Week 8 Challenge


                                          OBJECTIVE - To create the Door Arm Rest  Class-A surface to final solid model and at the end performing the draft analysis on the model. THEORY - Draft analysis helps to detect if your drafted part is easily removable from the mold (in case of plastic component) or die (in case of sheet metal). All plastic…


                                          26 Mar 2021 12:53 PM IST

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                                          Week 9 - Attachment Feature Creation - Challenge 2


                                          OBJECTIVE - To create the attachment features screw boss and dog house on the coin holder using the given design rules. PROCEDURE -  TOOLING AXIS : The tool axis is the parameter which decides whether the tool enters into mould or not as as it denotes the draft clearance angle where a moulded part is easily removed…


                                          26 Mar 2021 12:54 PM IST

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                                          Week 9 - Project 1 - Door Applique Design with Engineering Features


                                          OBJECTIVE - To create engineering features to fit the component on the Class B surface from the given Class-A surface. THEORY -  Heat Staking In Manufacturing Of thermoplastic components,it is often necessary to join the thermoplastic to a part of a similar or dissimilar material. Thermal staking is an assembly…


                                          26 Mar 2021 12:55 PM IST

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                                            Week 9 - Project - Master Section Development


                                            Master Section  - Master sections are the guides for design requirements which decide the component packaging after technical (Styling, Concept or Class-A) surfaces. Following is the general workflow that is followed for the design and development of interior and exterior automotive trims in OEMs. The styling and…


                                            15 Apr 2021 09:54 AM IST

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                                              Week 11 - Final project


                                              AIM:- To create a solid body of Side Door plastic trim including the engineering features using CATIA V5 tool using the  given Class A surface and master section and adding thickness to the component INTRODUCTION:- Side Door Plastic Trim An interior plastic component attached to the inner side of the door. This product…


                                              16 Apr 2021 01:09 PM IST

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                                              Underbody Coating


                                              UNDERBODY COATING : The underbody of a car during its lifetime is exposed to different external elements which will affect the unprotected body when it comes in contact. This will lead to corrosion, wear, tear and damage. This will affect the performance and life of a car. The Underbody coating provides…


                                              21 Apr 2021 01:09 PM IST

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                                                What is Benchmarking? Benchmarking is a way of discovering what is the best performance being achieved – whether in a particular company, by a competitor or by entirely different industry. This information can then be used to identify gaps in an organization’s processes to achieve a competitive advantage. Understand…


                                                21 Apr 2021 01:24 PM IST

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                                                  Showing 1 of 31 projects

                                                  5 Course Certificates


                                                  Preprocessor for Structural Analysis using ANSA

                                                  Certificate UID: jatr8nvc74fs6oy3
                                                  View Certificate

                                                  HyperMesh for FEA Plastic and Sheet Metal Applications

                                                  Certificate UID: 17dnv2yjktciahxz
                                                  View Certificate

                                                  Crashworthiness Analysis using HyperMesh and Radioss

                                                  Certificate UID: t25319sihmqgey4n
                                                  View Certificate

                                                  MATLAB for Mechanical Engineers

                                                  Certificate UID: 380rlqwydsoehpb5
                                                  View Certificate

                                                  Automotive Plastic Design using CATIA V5

                                                  Certificate UID: gz3ntj46wcm19oqx
                                                  View Certificate
                                                  Showing 1 of 5 certificates

                                                  1 Workshop Certificates


                                                  Battery thermal Management for EV

                                                  Certificate UID: xucgv6i4ws
                                                  View Certificate
                                                  Showing 1 of 1 certificates

                                                  Academic Qualification


                                                  Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University

                                                  21 Jul 2014 - 30 May 2017


                                                  CSHP Public School

                                                  06 Apr 2009 - 30 Mar 2010

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