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Abdul Rehman Sadiq K

Mechanical Engineer passionate about CFD

Skills Acquired at Skill-Lync :

  • CFD


I am a mechanical engineer passionate about Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) I am pursuing my Masters Certification Program at Skill-Lync. Here, I spend a lot of time developing 1D and 2D codes for Combustion and CFD applications. I am hoping to contribute my best to the engineering industry with my skills. I am looking for full-time opportunities.

20 Projects

CFD analysis of a Port Fuel Injected Petrol Engine


We have been using Internal Combustion (IC) engines for more than a century now. The engines we use today are much better in performance, efficiency and emit a lot lesser pollutants. There is still a lot more to improvise, and industries are working on new technologies to develop the best IC engine possible. In today's…


15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

  • CFD
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Macormack Method: Quasi 1D Subsonic-Supersonic Isentropic Nozzle Flow


The quasi 1D subsonic-supersonic isentropic nozzle flow problem was solved using Macormack method. Both conservative and non-conservative forms of equations were solved using octave. The textbook referred for this problem is Anderson J.D. Jr., Computational Fluid Dynamics. For simplicity, all the initial conditions are…


15 Feb 2020 02:25 AM IST

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    Steady state analysis of flow over a throttle using Converge


    In this project, the flow over a throttle valve inside an elbow was simulated. The throttle was kept fully open and flow was simulated for steady state case. Two simulation runs for different meshes were run and results are compared below. 1. Base Mesh of 2e-3 and no Grid Scaling A case with base mesh of 2e-3 was simulated.…


    15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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      Emission analysis of a Diesel engine


      In the modern world, diesel engines are used more commonly in trucks, heavy-duty equipment, marine vehicles, and also as backup generators for electricity. It is a challenge to design engines which have a fewer environmental impact, and also good torque-power characteristics and efficiency.  In this project, the effect…


      15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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      Solving ODE using Octave: Simple Pendulum


      In this project, an Ordinary Differential equation (ODE) defining the motion of a simple pendulum was solved using 'lsode' command in Octave (similar to ode45 in Matlab) The ODE of a simple pendulum with damping was used. `(d^2theta)/dt^2+b/m(d theta)/dt+g/L(sintheta)=0` In the above equation, g = gravity =9.81`ms^-2`…


      15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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        Matlab: Stoichiometric Combustion Calculator for Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne fuels


        In this project, a matlab code was written to calculate the air-fuel ratio (stochiometric ratio, ar), for alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. The variation of 'ar' with number of Carbon atoms in alkanes, alkenes and alkynes were compared. For Alkanes, the general combustion equation is  `C_nH_(2n+2) + ar(O_2 + 3.76N_2)…


        15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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          Channel Flow simulation using Converge


          In this project, the official channel flow tutorial by Converge was practised using three  different base mesh sizes (2e-4, 1.5e-4 and 1e-4). The results are post processed and found that velocity in all three cases were similar. The velocity color map can for base mesh of 2e-4 can be seen below.   The velocity…


          15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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            Transient analysis of flow over a throttle using Converge


            In this project, the flow over a throttle inside an elbow was analysed for transient condition. The simulation was run for an end time of 10ms. The throttle position was changed with time as given below. 0-2ms : Throttle moves from intial position to 25deg 2-4ms : Throttle stays at 25deg 4-8ms: Throttle comes back to intial…


            15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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              Effects of Air preheating on Combustion




              15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                Prandtl-Meyer Expansion Shock problem using Converge


                In this project the Prandtl-Meyer expansion fan was simulated to study compressible flow. Air flowing with a velocity of 680m/s (M=2) was simulated over a wedge to study the expansion. Shocks are created when an object moves at a speed greater than that of sound in that medium. Shock are sudden change in the physical properties…


                15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                  OpenFOAM Flow over a Backward Facing Step


                  The backward facing step in above image was solved using icoFoam solver. Mesh was generated using blockMesh. Mesh The points used to generate blockMesh were as suggested in the course which can be seen in below image provided by Skill-Lync. The domain was divided into five hexahedrals for simplicity. simpleGrading was…


                  15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                  Solving 2D Heat Conduction using Matlab


                  In this project,  the 2D conduction equation was solved for both steady state and transient cases using Finite Difference Method. For steady state analysis, comparison of Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Successive Over-Relaxation methods was done to study the convergence speed. The transient case was solved using both implicit…


                  15 Feb 2020 02:25 AM IST

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                    Openfoam: Flow through pipe using wedge boundary condition


                    Flow through pipe was solved using 'wedge' boundary condition and icoFoam solver. A matlab program was written to generate blockMeshDict file for the same. The entrance length was calculated and velocity profiles were compared with that obtained from 'Hagen-Poisueilli eqn' Matlab Program for automatic mesh generation Based…


                    15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                      Openfoam: Flow through pipe using symmetry boundary condition


                      Flow through pipe was solved using 'symmetry' boundary condition and icoFoam solver. A matlab program was written to generate blockMeshDict file for the same. The entrance length was calculated and velocity profiles were compared with those obtained from 'Hagen-Poisueilli eqn' and 'wedge' boundary condition. A matlab program…


                      15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                        Shock tube simulation using CONVERGE


                        In this project, a 2d shock tube of rectangular section was solved using CONVERGE. One half was filled with nitrogen (N2) at 600kPa and the other half with oxygen (O2) at 101.325kPa. A transient case solved for 3ms. The high pressure and low pressure regions were initially closed and were opned after 1ms till the end of…


                        15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                          a new title


                          Interpolation schemes in FVM:The flux terms in FVM are calculated using the values at the cell centres. For example, heat flux is calculated using temperature values at cell centres (E,P and W). But the flux is obtained when we multiply this by thermal diffusivity. Thermal diffusivity depends on temperature and the value…


                          15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                            Adiabatic Flame Temperature calculator using Python


                            1. Introduction Adiabatic Flame Temperature is the final temperature of products when one mole of a particular fuel is burnt using the exact stoichiometric amount of air in an insulated box. This is the temperature obtained when the heat of combustion is used to heat up the products, and no heat is lost to the environment.…


                            15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                              Flow over a backward step using Converge


                              In this project, flow of air over a backward facing step was simulated. The case was simulated for 2D condition. The inlet was given a boundary condition of 110325Pa and for outlet 101325Pa. The region was initialised with a pressure of 101325Pa. The k-epsilon turbelence model was used to capture turbulence. Three cases…


                              15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                                Let us consider the Navier Stokes equation for a 2D, incompressible flow. The continuity equation for this can be written as below. `(delu)/(delx)+(delv)/(dely)=0rightarrowEqn(1)`Applying Reynold's decomposition by substituting `u=(baru+u')and v=(barv+v')`, Eqn(1) becomes `(delbaru)/(delx)+(delu')/(delx)+(delbarv)/(dely)+(delv')/(dely)=0rightarrowEqn(2)`…


                                15 Feb 2020 02:26 AM IST

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                                  Solving 1D Convection equation using Matlab


                                  In this project, the 1d convection equation was solved and data was plotted comparing the velocities at different number of grid points. The 1D convection equation is given below. `(delu)/(delt)+c(delu)/(delx)=0` Discretizing by forward difference for time derivative and backward difference for space derivative, we get…


                                  15 Feb 2020 02:25 AM IST

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                                    Showing 1 of 20 projects

                                    2 Course Certificates


                                    Advanced CFD for IC Engine Applications using CONVERGE

                                    Certificate UID: wLQ6RIynROI3lUlU
                                    View Certificate

                                    Introduction to CFD using MATLAB and OpenFOAM

                                    Certificate UID: 98ti53e61s2cpnwj
                                    View Certificate
                                    Showing 1 of 2 certificates

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