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13 Feb 2023

Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation: An Overview



It is important to understand the concepts and principles behind electrical measurements and measuring tools to get the most out of any electrical project. This article will provide an in-depth look into electrical measurements and instrumentation aspects.

Introduction to Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation: 

Electrical measurement and instrumentation include installing, operating, and maintaining equipment that measures various electrical parameters such as voltage, current, power, resistance, inductance, capacitance, and impedance.

Instrumentation also encompasses sophisticated devices to monitor and control electrical systems. Electric current is measured by these devices to provide readings that will determine the health of an electrical system so that corrective measures can be taken if a problem is detected.

There are a wide variety of instruments available on the market today. Some of the most common types include:

  • Ammeters - Used to measure electric current in a circuit.
  • Voltmeters - Used to measure potential difference (voltage) between two points in a circuit.
  • Ohmmeters - Used to measure resistance in a circuit.
  • Multimeters - A combination instrument that can measure multiple electrical parameters such as voltage, current, and resistance.
  • Clamp meters - A type of multimeter that can be placed around an electrical conductor, such as a wire or cable to measure parameters such as current or voltage without disconnecting the conductor from the circuit.

Principles of Electrical Measurement

The principle of electrical measurement is based on the concept of an electric circuit. An electric circuit is a closed loop of conductors through which electric current can flow. The current in a circuit is caused by the flow of electrons from one atom to another. The electrons flow from the negative terminal of a battery or power source through the conducting wires of the circuit to the positive terminal.

The voltage of the power source and the circuit's resistance determines the current's strength in a circuit. The higher the voltage, the more electrons will flow through the circuit. The resistance of a circuit limits the flow of electrons and thus determines how much current will flow through it.

Electrical measurements are measured by measuring a circuit's voltage or current. The most common type of voltmeter is an analog voltmeter, which uses a moving needle to indicate voltage on a scale. A digital voltmeter (DVM) uses electronic displays to show voltage readings. Current can be measured using an ammeter, which measures the current flow through a given point in a circuit.

Types of Electrical Measurements

There are many types of electrical measurements, each with unique benefits and drawbacks. The most common types of electrical measurements are:

  1. Voltage Measurements
  2. Current Measurements
  3. Power Measurements
  4. Energy Measurements
  5. Frequency Measurements
  6. Impedance Measurements
  7. Phase Measurements
  8. Signal Integrity Measurements
  9. Transient Voltage Suppression (TVS) Diodes

Importance of Correct Calibration

As with any measurement, the accuracy of the result obtained from an electrical measurement depends on the proper calibration of the instrument used. Incorrectly calibrated instruments can lead to false readings and incorrect conclusions. In some cases, such as when measuring very small changes in electrical signals, even a slight error in calibration can make a big difference in the results.

For this reason, it is important to use properly calibrated instruments when making electrical measurements. Many manufacturers of electrical measurement devices offer calibration services to ensure that their products are accurate. In addition, many companies that use electrical measurements in their business have their calibration facilities and personnel.

When selecting an instrument for electrical measurement, it is important to consider its accuracy and precision. The degree of accuracy desired will depend on the application for which the measurement is being made. For most applications, an instrument with an accuracy of 0.1% or better should be sufficient. However, a higher degree of accuracy may be required for some applications, such as while measuring very small changes in electrical signals.

The precision of an instrument refers to the reproducibility of its readings. An instrument with high precision will produce the same reading each time it is used to measure the same quantity under identical conditions. On the other hand, an instrument with low precision will produce different readings each time it is used to measure the same quantity under identical conditions.

In general, it is more important for an instrument to have high precision than high accuracy.

Safety Measures When Using Instruments

Safety is always a top priority regarding electrical measurement and instrumentation. A few basic safety measures should be followed when using any type of electrical instrument:

  • Always ensure the instrument's power source is turned off before connecting or disconnecting.
  • Be careful not to touch any exposed metal parts of the instrument while it is powered on.
  • Never attempt to measure voltage or current beyond the safe limits of the instrument.
  • When working with high voltages, always use proper insulation and protective gear.

These simple safety measures can help ensure a safe and successful electrical instrument experience.

Troubleshooting Instruments

If you're having trouble with your instruments, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. First, check the batteries. If they're low, replace them. If that doesn't solve the problem, check the connections. Ensure all wires are securely connected and there are no loose connections. If that doesn't solve the problem, check the calibration. Make sure the instrument is properly calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions. If you're still having trouble, contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Our article has given you the tools to start your journey into understanding this important engineering field. Be sure to stay up-to-date on new technologies to be aware of any breakthroughs or advancements in the field.

Skill-Lync offers various courses: EV design, HEV design, Machine learning algorithm, and battery technology. The platform provides interactive and engaging content that makes learning easier. It also features a variety of quizzes and assessments that help learners test their knowledge and track their progress. The platform also provides access to a community of experts and professionals who can help learners with their queries and doubts. Overall, Skill-Lync is an excellent platform for learners looking to upskill and get job-ready in electrical engineering.



Navin Baskar




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